CSI: Cyber
CSI: Cyber
TV-14 | 04 March 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
    Matt Garner I am a LONG time CSI fan & it's on the list of some of the most legendary shows on TV. With that, I am trying my best not to sit in all of this negativity, but here is my two cents after watching the Season 2 finale. Is this show in any way comparable to the original CSI? No. Is adding CYBER to the title taking advantage of a good name? Yes. Is this an overall good show? It's border-line. Do I want the show to go away? NO!When this new show CSI:CYBER came along I was excited. We get a new CSI based show based on tech and DB was coming with it! I was ready! As much as it doesn't compare to the original, if this is what I can get I will always record it and watch it because some CSI is better than none. Nothing will flow like CSI did and if this series continues I will be just fine with it. CBS put some more $$ into this guy and if it really flops just let it go in peace.
    Daniyal Waseem DB Russel: I love the character but dude the term Diebenkorn is comprised of two word Dieben and Korn so in short it should be DK not DB sure German is not your language, but a mainstream show like this should have someone there especially if they wanna use foreign names without being an ass.By the way FBI officials do not introduce themselves to civilians by saying their ranks... I am Deputy Director Avary.. Or i am Assistant Deputy Director Avery.. guys those ranks matter in your office, its common sense.I cannot understand that how come network spend so much money on cast, locations, tech, and shooting but pays no attention on the details.And please don't even get me started on the subject of Internet, the show is full of flaws.
    mjonlobrovich While this show had been good to me for many years, and would make a good show to marathon on Netflix, this show is simply trash police propaganda, as with all other shows such as this. I will never watch this show, or any show like this, again. While at one time it was good to me and good for me, it's plainly propaganda for the police and other hands of government that I want no part of. That negates anything else this show has to offer. This belongs in the trash and in the past, as do the rest of the shows like this. The amount of flat out wrong and fear mongering things in this show when it comes to the internet and modern technology is staggering.
    Stjepan Harkanovac Well, i'm bad at reviewing shows such as this, but ill try. First of all, don't judge episodes by first 2 episodes. Let's be honest they are most awful episodes ever, bad acting, bad directing, etc... But after 2nd episode it starts to be interesting, even tho it's stupid how they are using technology, they should be more like Mr.Robot.. Not like this, i like the fact that they add some dictionary at every episode starts, like what is spoofing... So show need a lot of work, at begging using Linux for hacking instead of that unrealistic crap can be a good start, let's hope they fix their bad acting in future. And please use Linux :D