Cousin Skeeter
Cousin Skeeter
TV-Y | 01 September 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    julianohj-20299 I love most of the guest stars on the show they bring in so much talent and it is just so funny Robert Rashard is a brilliant young man, Bill Bellamy is great as Skeeter are used to laugh so hard watching the show that was an episode where the guy Doc from Lampo in the chop shop worke Bill Bellamy is great as Skeeter are used to laugh so hard watching the show that was an episode where the guy Doc from Love Boat and his cohort the chop shop worker, stole Bobby and Nina's bikes and Skeeter caught them I've probably seen that episode at least 10 times it's hilarious and the guest actors are just awesome !! I don't know why this show did not run for like three more years at least ????
    dootuss What an atrocious piece of garbage this show is! Why would Nickelodeon put this trash on the air? Mainly to make kids dumber perhaps? The show stars this annoying puppet named Skeeter, who ends up living at his cousin Bobby's house in the big apple. Of course when Skeeter's around, there's always trouble, and Bobby gets in trouble for Skeeter's mishaps. So in the end Skeeter pulls off something bogus (and sometimes stupid) that saves Bobby from even more trouble. But the worst things about this show is how Bobby and his parents treat Skeeter like he's a human being, and Nina the boys annoying, fast talking friend (and whom Bobby has a crush on).Thank god this show's dead. This show is a pure example of how Nickelodeon has gone downhill. These stupid shows they make keep getting worse, and worse as they come. Please when will it end?!
    Nannan216 I absolutely love Cousin Skeeter. I am only 13 so my review won't be as professional as others. This show is funny. But I would like to disagree with something in the other reviews. Skeeter is completely appropriate for kids. He does not wear pimp clothes as I have seen said. I love this show and I would recomend for parents to allow their kids to watch this show. It is a classic.
    Nupe I agree with the commentary that this is an excellant show for kids 6-12. Forget about the kids I like the show myself especially the themesong by 702 and I'm 30, but as a parent I'd like to see a mixture of shows. For example instead of Cuz'n Skeeter always getting into or causing trouble let him be positive thoroughout. Lastly, I was disappointed while our family went to Universal Studios (California) in the Nickelodeon store there was no Cousin Skeeter souvenirs or memorabilia. What up with that?