TV-Y7 | 02 November 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    brian-30039 As Cartoon Network was at its worst, there was hope in the channel featuring clever 4th wall breaks,and clever dialogue, that my friends is Chowder. I watched all the episodes, and i found myself laughing at the visual gags and the jokes and dialogue, so unlike Animaniacs or any 90's trash, they braked the 4 wall a lot and hard that I fell down the floor and laughed at the jokes for how much fun the writers and actors had together. The voice acting is pretty good to listen to, Dwight Schultz and Tara Strong really have fun with their voices that they even remember the fun times they have, the animation is fluid, and can be appreciated to aspiring animators like me. My favorite character is, Everyone, you can all get a kick out of their stupidity,comedy,and stories as well as their designs. Nicky Jones's perfect performance shows that you can make kids voicing kids, instead of just a grown woman voicing the role. With its well done stories,Punchlines, and acting,I recommend you see it.
    TheLittleSongbird I like a lot of Cartoon Network cartoons, and when I heard of Chowder, I was somewhat skeptical. It looked good, but I had heard it was rubbish. Actually, Chowder isn't rubbish at all. It is the sort of show you love or hate, but I love it. It is different I agree, but what's wrong with being different? Nothing.The animation is colourful and vibrant, and while the character designs may be unusual at first I kept reminding myself it's all part of being different. The music is also great, and the writing is witty and hilarious. The story lines are good as well, as are the characters. Again, they are not for everyone but like the show they are the sort of characters you love or hate. Personally, while they can have their corny and annoying moments I find them endearing. And the voice work is fine.All in all, different and fun to watch. 9/10 Bethany Cox
    chowderhat About a year ago Chowder started playing on Cartoon Network and I have been a fan since day one! This show is about Chowder, a cat, bear bunny thing that is an apprentice of Mung Daal, a very old blue man. Mung is the greatest cook in the world and makes funny dishes such as Beveled eggs and Crabige cobbler. All of the food names are puns. Ex:Blutter (butter)I am 16 and not a lot of people I know watch it because they say cartoons are for kids. I really don't care because I am enjoying Chowder too much. Most of the T.V I watch are cartoons. But if you like The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack I can guarantee that you will like Chowder twice as much.This show is great for kids and also for adults. I watch it with my 6 year old sister and my 35 year old father and we all laugh until it hurts! The reason most older people watch this show is because it has a lot of adult humor but is still very appropriate for all ages. You are making a very big mistake if you are saying, "I don't watch cartoons" Because you are missing out on one of the funniest shows on T.V. Give it a chance.
    Andrew Vaughn I remember missing this show when the first episode came on. I thought "No big deal, It's probably not that good." Don't make that assumption! I got a call from my friend telling me that it was pretty good, so I watched it. It is now one of the only things I watch on television, and I never grow tired on the jokes and over-all absurdities of the show. I also am a big fan of the voices, including the kids, and, of course, Dana Snyder of Aqua teen and Venture Brothers and John Dimaggio of Futurama and Gears of war! All I can say is, I'm a fifteen year old (I act older) who watches many adult shows, and this beats them all out! Watch it. You'll love it if you know what your getting into. The only thing I would have done differently is more references, and I'd probably screw it up or make it no longer for kids! ~Ciao~ Andrew V.