| 14 September 1987 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    TheLittleSongbird BraveStarr is not quite one of my favourites now, but as a kid it was my personal favourite of Filmmation's efforts. However, I do like it a lot For its time with the aforementioned episode with the boy dying of an overdose BraveStarr was quite bold, especially seeing as it was an animated show. The animation is more than reasonable, it isn't the animation that you go wow over as there is the odd flat character design, but I did love the ethereal-looking backgrounds, colours and visual effects. The incidental music is good, likewise with the theme tune, which is easy to remember and intriguing. The story lines are well paced and fun, complete with pretty strong writing and good characters(both good and evil), while the voice acting is top notch. In conclusion, a great childhood memory. 9/10 Bethany Cox
    Azlan Lewis I remember this cartoon by name only, I thought it was odd in 1987 and I still think so now. What a travesty of the Aboriginal/Native Americans this takes their many wonderful traditions and beliefs and tried badly to make it into something barely entertaining. I would not show this to any child without a full explanation of Aboriginal/Native Amercian culture.This futuristic sheriff must reign in a band of robot cowboys. He relies on his sidekick a robotic horse which on occasion giggles like Scooby-Doo for some inexplicable reason and tries to be humorous with sarcasm.Also his deputy can barely speak English is neither cute nor funny ( not deputy). He is also difficult to understand. I am used to people with heavy non-American accents and this character was worse then many I have heard.Do not let your children watch this.
    insomniac_rod Man! I remember this show with nostalgic... I really dug Bravestarr because he wasn't the conventional hero. He was more than a futuristic Texas cowboy. The man had the strenght of a bear, the vision of a walk, and the agility of a ... I can't remember that one.The action sequences were great! I remember that Bravestarr would always use his bazooka named SARAJUANA (translated to Spanish) anytime he was in big troubles.This was a quality action cartoon. I loved the characters, the dialogs, the music, and of course, the opening credits sequence! Bravestarr! long live to him. A cult classic in my opinion and a must see.
    Mekish I remember this one.. It was about a guy, who had the strength of a bear, the speed of a panther and the eyes of an eagle. Please if anyone has some pictures or movie clips from this series email them to me!Thanks