| 08 September 1986 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    TheLittleSongbird I remembered loving Silverhawks when I was a child. At 20, I still love the show. True, the heroes are not always well drawn and there is some cheesy writing, but aside from that it is a great underrated show that doesn't deserve the flack it's gotten. Thundercats to me is the superior show, but Silverhawks I do not consider a rip-off at all, there is a difference between being a rip-off and having something that is conceptually similar and from the same company of which Silverhawks falls into the latter category. The animation is detailed and vividly atmospheric. What's more it does still hold up. The scoring matches the mood of each scene and episode with no problem at all, and the theme song is one of the coolest of any animated show from the 80s. The writing has some cheesy moments, but there is a campy charm and fun and thoughtful moments that is difficult to resist. The story lines are engrossing and well-thought out with some exciting action and heartfelt emotion. Say what you will about Silverhawks having bad science, but people are always going to say that Silverhawks has never tried to be a science-fiction documentary but a piece of escapism and should be seen as that, and actually I do have to agree. I know I have often complained of bad science in the Sci-Fi/SyFy channel movies, but unlike with Silverhawks these were stupid scientific errors that didn't hold water for a second and the movies on their own terms were not entertaining and had no excuse to not be. The characters are good, Tallyhawk is the best characters of the heroes, who are likable at least but not as well-sketched, but the heroes are outshone by the villains, who are interesting and wholly original. The voice acting is great, especially from Earl Hammond and Peter Newman. Summing up, a great show and very underrated and misjudged in my personal opinion. 9/10 Bethany Cox
    koohii There have been better, there have been worse.Yes, this is the same people responsible for Thundercats. Yes, the "writing" is incredibly formulaic. Yes, there are gaping plot holes, inconsistencies, and an utter lack of realism.THIS IS A CARTOON!!! It is something that we watched because it was on, and at the time it was kinda cool. Besides, Thundercats was kinda played out. THe intended age range is 4-8, not 30+. Some of the space fantasy was softened for midwestern tastes. I find it amusing that the goodguy musician is a CW/R&B player, where the bad gall musician is Cindy Lauper on steroids--very 80s pop rock girl band style. We all know how evil Rock music is, right? For some reason, the cowboy has more dialog than the "leader" for the first 6 episodes.Hmmm, a lieutenant outranks a colonel, but not a commander. ???Also, if you're going to rip the cartoon by citing the similarity in chants between Mumm-Ra from Thundercats and Mon*Star, get the chant right. It's "Moon Star of Limbo {animated sequence/pause} Give me the Might! The Muscle! The MENACE of MON*STARRRRRRR!" As for falling in space, and people not needing life support: well, Limbo Galaxy has an artificial sun (which, technically should be artificial star, but that's a mistake that StarTrek makes on a regular basis without getting yelled at), maybe they also have an artificial gravity plane, or a black hole or two. That would explain why everyone was afraid of falling, now wouldn't it. Maybe the ships have atmospheric shields that hold in air, but don't stop lasers. Some of the races are aliens, maybe they can survive in space for a short time.OK, as to why in some episodes Hardware has to have a ship with him, and in others he has a collapsible Pteridactyl in his backpack is a little less explainable (maybe he just doesn't always carry it with him?).It's cheesy, dated, fun. Not the height of 80's animation, but not as bad as He-Man or {shudder}She-Ra.
    Nic_hse I feel like I'm repeating myself with these comments. Silverhawks has every flaw that Thundercats had and more. This show was bad enough to insult a child's intelligence. I'll try to make this quick. SILVER HAWKS USED THE SAME VOICE ACTORS AS THE THUNDERCATS:SilverHawks has almost all the same voice actors from the Thundercats. That's not a good thing. The Silverhawks main villain "Monstar the Planet Master" is voiced by the same actor who voiced Thundercat's main villain "Mumm-ra the Ever Living". The two names look very similar don't they? This is made even worse by the fact that Monstar and Mummra both say a similar chant to transform from their weaker forms to a more powerful one. Mummra's chant was "Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-ra the Ever Living!". Monstar's chant was "Moon star of Limbo Transform this ********** into Monstar the Planet Master!". No attempt was made to make Monstar sound any different from Mumm-ra. This is a big deal when you consider that both Silverhawks and Thundercats were shown back to back in 1986 on weekday afternoons. Talk about a lack of creativity. THE PLOT WAS WEAK AND THE CHARACTERS WERE SILLY JUST LIKE THUNDERCATS:The strongest plot this series ever managed to come up with was when the Silverhawk Hotwing came from the future. After the storyline finished however they didn't put him to any good use. The series didn't seem to know whether it was trying to be serious or funny. The characters were equally as silly as the plots. They had silly names like Zeak the Beak, Seymour the space cabbie, Mumbo Jumbo, and Poker Face. Their gimmicks were just as dumb as their names. Bottomline the characters were terrible.INCONSISTENT ANIMATION QUALITY:Just like Thundercats, Silverhawks animation varied greatly with each episode, The animation in the intro is an example of when the animation is good. The animation quality can be really rough with some episodes and the Silverhawks almost look fat sometimes. Really bad.BOTTOMLINE:Bottomline is the Silverhawks is a shameless, cheap ripoff of the Thundercats and little effort was made to avoid it. Thundercats wasn't a good series either. An inferior copy of an inferior show. You can't get much lower than that.
    formula44xxx This Thundercats-ish cartoon takes that show's style to space. Although it has decent heroes, the villains are the draw in this one. This would be great for a big budget live action film, considering it has more style than substance going for it. Still, the villains are original enough and the clashes between them and the bird-theme-armored heroes exciting enough to make this a better-than-average entry.
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