TV-14 | 24 November 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Micitype Pretty Good
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    cmcnaul I didn't even know this movie or series even existed and didn't see it until it aired on syfy Dec 23, 2015. Nothing else on TV but reruns! And I was quite satisfied with Labyrinth. Had a little trouble identifying some of the actors/actresses, but that was still a pleasant surprise. I thought Tom Felton did very well in his character, and that's saying a lot for me! I did have a little trouble following the plot. Not sure if it was my lack of historical knowledge, or the directing was lacking? Being an 'armchair' genealogist, I have come to really appreciate history so much more, so it could be just me. I do like period movies like these that are historically based. Meaning I recognize the d'vereux's, etc, beings I am a descendant. (Kg Edw I was my 21st GGF, and Mary Boleyn my 12th GGM). I also thought the clothing (not the exaggerated fluff and stuff), sets, and props were well done. I don't believe the fabrics of the day were so refined as most other movies portray. I would recommend this movie/series to others who enjoy such types. I didn't think the violence part was so bad, I've seen far worse on TWD! The woman who played Oriane.....I really don't get her..the actress? She seems to always play the same mean, spiteful creature ever since her first debut on Merlin (that I'm aware of, or was that even her debut?) She does appear to be improving on her acting skills, but I think she should really get a day job. After a quick read on the Cathars, I can see where the Catholic Church rose up against them. Being a person of faith, I wouldn't have agreed with the Cathar beliefs either. Yet, based on the Word, the Catholic Church is in direct conflict as well, and was and still is nothing more than a very well organized cult that uses death, hell, and the grave to control its members. But this would be a whole other
    Guy LABYRINTH is a two-part miniseries in which a modern woman finds her destiny linked with that of a 13th century ancestor and the Holy Grail. It's spectacularly bad, a sort of chick-lit Dan Brown which raids history for bad conspiracy theories and thinks drama consists of soap opera plots between pouting women and brooding bad boys. It's almost hilariously inaccurate, depicting Cathars as modern liberals (they weren't), female healers being hunted as witches (the Church at the time actually said witches didn't exist), Crusaders motivated entirely by greed and every other cliché you can imagine, right down to the heroine's evil sister turning out to be...her half sister! The final message is laugh out loud juvenile (essentially: be nice) and after hours of twisting Catholic theology and attacking the Church on spurious grounds, it ends with the revelation that magic is real! The dialogue is awful, the acting variable at best, the nudity unnecessary, and the battle scenes only exist as trailer fodder; to give you some idea, at one point the hero and three men all hide from arrows behind the same thin tree. The nicest I can say is that the production values are good, there's a lovely title shot and John Hurt is always good even when he's slumming.
    badajoz-1 From a novel by Kate Mosse with a plot derived directly from Indiana Jones on the Last Crusade and that awful da Vinci code (we even have a self harming RC fanatic!) with a lot more medieval gore and some nudity - yes, it is the Holy Grail plot (hunt for over the ages) with mysterious secret societies working outside the law with police connivance pitted against a young woman with Grail DNA all looking for the key which are three ancient books! Lost! Not surprisingly, it's hokum and poor. The story wafts and intersects between now and 1209 as the Albigensian Crusade sweeps through southern France to crush the heretical sect called the Cathars, portrayed as martyrs and liberal Christians with obvious references to religious intolerance over the years. The writing is shoddy, one paced, with useless editing and direction. the locations are excellent and some of the acting especially Jessica Findlay Brown, who suffers her usual fate!, is more than this piece deserved. There is plenty of violence - cue Middle Ages has nothing to learn from Modern Day conflicts - and some nudity (very gratuitous and disappears completely in the second part!!! We learn not much about the Cathars, and the ending owes a more to 'She' - another straight lift. You can even boo the authoress as she appears as tour guide near the end - clothes on, of course!
    hedgewitchu Flicking through the channels and found this. At first thought that the TV info was wrong, or that the Jim Henson movie had been on previously! I loved the costumes and sets. The flicking back and forth between current day and the past was done really well. Really hardcore violence for the type of movie. It was relevant to the plot and definitely spoke true of the times. I love that the lead female character of the medieval times has a husband that cares for her, most husbands portrayed in that era are dirt bags! I've only watched it once, I think because of the complex story I need to watch it again. Not that happy with the ending, but it definitely is open to personal interpretation. I'm hunting for the book now!