Jane and the Dragon
Jane and the Dragon
TV-G | 08 January 2006 (USA)

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    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    fergusna This is a FABULOUS program! The animation style is unusual, but is faithful to the illustrations from the beloved original books. "Jane and the Dragon" is not attempting to look like "Finding Nemo" or "Cinderella"--it is a creative work with its own unique voice and unique look.I absolutely love this series (and am 39 years old). So does my mom (who is 65 and usually has no use for animation). Little girls also love spunky, brave, imperfect, funny, and loyal Jane, who has developed a really close and loving friendship with Dragon. (Of course, little boys can also relate to the knights backdrop of all the stories and the idea of befriending a dragon, and the program teaches boys a valuable lesson about treating girls as equals and building friendships with girls, too.) This is not the program for someone who likes shoot-em-'up, superhero style animation. (It is also not a program for sexist adults or "no girls allowed"-type boys.) Instead, it is a thoughtful, well-written, character-driven program. Jane is a great role model for girls and boys. The plots are interesting and empowering, and generally revolve around the problems Jane and Dragon face in the kingdom. The episodes explore the relationships between the characters and the characters are challenged to grow and change, just as real children are.I love "Jane and the Dragon", and I can't recommend it more highly to parents and lovers of good storytelling.
    dbringen I'm not a big fan of CGI, but for me the real attraction in this show is the writing. The writers do not write down to their audience. The characters are well defined, and the stories well done and with good humor. There is also a hint of mysteries to unfold, with the dragon runes and Jane's sword. "Jane and the Dragon" is more mature than "Arthur" or "Clifford", closer maybe to "Wild Thornberrys" or "Avatar". Definitely not "Invader Zim" :-). But certainly above the average of most "cartoon" programming. The style and flavor may not be to everybody's taste, but it is worth your time investigating. I just wish the Qubo schedule made the show more accessible in my area.
    BERGDORF I happened to watch this one morning while my 6 year old was watching Qubo and I absolutely fell in love with Jane and the Dragon. So far I have only seen two episodes and but I am hooked. The computer graphics are fantastic. The characters eyes are so life-like, that it appears they are really making eye to eye contact when talking to another character. The accents are authentic, the movements are realistic, the stories are sweet, genuine and simplistic. I never want it to end. I wish they would not only put it out on disc, but make a full length feature length movie. It's just a real treat. I am glad to know that there is a quality "cartoon" out there on network television, like it used to be when I was a child. No gimmicks or nonsense like Sponge Bob, but a throwback to the legitimate fairy tale. Long live Jane and the Dragon.
    tyger_lilee I discovered this show a few months ago and have been addicted to it ever since. I showed it to my husband, and even he was blown away. We've seen every single episode, and can't wait for more."Jane and the Dragon" showcases Weta's incredible animation techniques (also seen in such movies as "Lord of the Rings" and "The Chronicles of Narnia"), which in this case combine lifelike movements--created through sophisticated motion capture technology--with artistic effects that give the show a delightfully unique visual style.The characters are engaging and diverse, and all of them display both strengths and weaknesses--particularly Jane herself. It is refreshing to see a strong and charismatic heroine that also has clear weak points, and messes up frequently and often spectacularly. Of course, she always learns something by the end of each episode.The plots are engaging and novel, masterfully juxtaposing delightful comedy with surprisingly compelling drama. Kids can learn along with Jane, gaining insight into important topics such as courage, integrity, and diverse aspects of friendship. Although the plots are always didactic, the show manages not to be boring or tedious for adults to watch.The only audience I would not recommend "Jane and the Dragon" for (aside from those who have a problem with dung jokes) is very young children, purely for the reason that the show can be somewhat slow-moving compared to other children's shows, having extended scenes of fairly serious dialogue and long, beautiful shots of the fantastically animated scenery. Toddlers may lose interest, and get little out of the often very insightful dialogue. Otherwise, I recommend "Jane" for all ages. It is a pure delight--definitely worth watching. Sit down with your kids and enjoy!