TV-Y7 | 08 September 1999 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
    Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Joshua Cookingham I first saw the Redwall TV series when i was 13, and i have longed for more ever since. When i saw the movie, i was inspired. It manages to take parts from the series and edit them into one movie without deterring the plot or characters. I cheered for Matthais, chuckled at Basil Stag Hare(and Cluny) and was overall pleased by the quality of animation and music. Is the movie perfect? No, But it's not trying to be. The producers did a good job of sticking close to the books while making it more viewer friendly for youngsters as well as adults. In the end it made me want to make a new movie with similar animation and music, but the same values the movie stresses: Courage, Love, Loyalty. But if it never happens, i'll be glad that Brian Jacques allowed us Redwall fans a brief movie experience that inspires and teaches.
    StorminViking This show is surprisingly (and beneficially) complex for something made for children. It has a great plot that branches off in several directions as it follows the adventures of different characters, and it all comes back together in the end. The excellent story is filled with memorable characters and harrowing adventures, all designed for the younger crowd. If you are a fan of the Redwall books, occasionally there will be a little "easter egg" just for you to pick up, and you will appreciate the show's loyalty to the original text. If you are tired of nothing but Japanimation or the same old Loony Toons, here is a 'toon that will grab you from start to finish.
    ssoren "Redwall" is quickly becoming one of the best animated series on television today. The series consistently well-written and nicely animated. The vocal work is also well done. Very few animated programs have been as involving, mature and intelligent as "Redwall.""Redwall" is more proof that there is some great animated programs coming out of Canada nowadays.
    Robert B. Marks Although there is a sudden proliferation of animated series, very few of them have been incredibly impressive. This is one of them.The plot revolves around a young mouse named Matthais, who is a novice at Redwall Abbey. He begins to hear voices from the famous hero Martin the Warrior, and must save his abbey from the evil rogue Cluny the Scourge, a rat with a blade tied to his tail. As he listens to the voices, he is drawn farther and farther towards his destiny.Perhaps the two things which impress me the most are the maturity the show demonstrates and the quality of the animation. Redwall is not a show for younger children; there is death around the abbey, even though there is no graphic violence. And once a character dies, s/he does not come back. As for the animation, the quality is incredible. Realistic shadows are cast on the characters, and the world around Redwall Abbey is lush and green.This is definitely worth seeing, regardless of one's age.