Young Dracula
Young Dracula
| 21 September 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Myron Clemons A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
    Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
    bkpolitica Seasons 1 & 5I added this comment because I was surprised no one else has mentioned this yet on IMDb -- or maybe I missed it.I really enjoyed seasons 2, 3 & 4. Season 1 was too "kiddie" and season 5 was really disappointing. The writers had clearly run out of ideas after the good ending to season 4. In the last season, they kept coming up with more and more over-the-top problems and issues that were inconsistent with the canon established earlier in the show. I was most annoyed by two things: the improbable plot points and the lame way they portrayed the Count as the show progressed. He went from being a sometimes humorous, yet powerful, figure to a cowardly oaf on par with Renfield. I just don't get how the the importance of that character was dismissed over time, even if the show's focus was on Vlad. Same thing with Ingrid. The opportunity to slowly develop her character in interesting ways was squandered. They regularly referenced sexism but never really addressed it. She *kinda* gets what she wants at the end but still at the behest of a man, and not even a vampire. That was ridiculous. In so many instances Vlad's development simply didn't make sense. The main characters were performed very well by the actors. Keith-Lee Castle was exceptional as the Count (even though his comedic talents were severely abused), Simon Ludders was excellent as Renfield. He managed to make sense of a character who wasn't very clear in the show. (e.g. How is he a complete idiot and a exceptional genius at everything?) The younger actors, Gerran Howell and Clare Thomas were great and really grew into their roles despite the inconsistencies in the writing. If you haven't watched the show yet, I'd recommend "powering through"season one (if you're older, it's fine for kids) and watch to the end of season 4. *Skip the last season.* You'll just get frustrated. They jump so many sharks, they should re-title it: "Young Seaworld." I'd love to see the series get another pass though. This might be one of the *few* instances where an American remake my do it some good but only if it's on par with say, the US remake of House of Cards. We need some good young vamp stories on screen. (And yes, despite the deep flaws, still better than Twilight. lol)
    joyceswift61 started watching this program because my 10 year old daughter put it on,now its me that watches it and she just ignores it,they are showing repeats on BBC,the new series 4 should start in the autumn.Keith lee castle who plays the count is a really good actor and a dish/eye candy for the mums,and the children in it are excellent,a very good cast and story line.we have been past the locations were it was filmed in series 3 unfortunately not while they were there.hoping they will be showing more locations in series 4 as indicated on you tube.really hoping they will be putting the other 3 series on DVD really soon.i think the show would appeal to a mixed age group.
    tigsp5160 this is a really good TV series about a young vampire who doesn't really want to be a vampire, his closest friend is a breather (human), it is aimed at children and teenagers but due to its layered story lines it can also appeal to adults, the BBC have however stopped making the series and have left series 2 on a huge cliffhanger, if you agree that there should be a series 3 sign the petition the link is at the end of this comment there are already over 3500 people who have signed, i really hope they make a 3rd series and that we get to find out what happens with Vlad there is an endless number of possibilities on how they could end that series.
    shirldagirl76 This show is a great example of a low-budget success. It has great writing and the delivery of lines by the actors is priceless. The story revolves around the son of Count Dracula. His name is Vlad. He has a sister(Ingrid) and they must integrate into human society with Vlad and Ingrid going to a regular school. Van Helsing is a teacher at the school and tries to expose the Count at all costs. Vlad does not want to become a vampire but his sister is deeply into her family heritage. Unfortunately for her tradition dictates Vlad will take over the family one day. Count Dracula is one of the main reasons to watch this show. To see him in his naturally evil surroundings and trying to raise his kids is brilliant. Not to mention parent/teacher meetings. This show is great fun and it goes to show you don't need a massive budget to pull off great television viewing.