TV-Y | 07 October 1996 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
    heywhatsupilikepie-14746 The animation sucks, the voicing sucks, the character development sucks, the plot sucks, the idea sucks, the fact that it was re-aired sucks. Everything about this show sucks! Oh my God. Why do people like it? First off... The animating is terrible. It looks like a four year old drew those graphics. Second of all... What was going on? The show doesn't follow a plot so yeah. Third of all, the theme song. It makes you want to blow up like Cailou's theme song. And finally... The reviews. Why do people like it, you ask? Well, it's because they are drunk. The theme song is nothing like the good PBS show theme songs (such as Liberty's Kids, Square one Television and the like), it's more like on the Cailou & Barney level. So yeah, my review. Thanks for taking a peek at it and have a good day.
    ultrarobbie-1 THE FOLLOWING REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE SHOW FOR YOURSELF, OR DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN THE SHOW, OR THE WAY CHARACTERS ARE, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS REVIEW.This is without doubt one of THE best cartoons ever made. It's original, creative, and never fails to make you think, educate you, or make you laugh.The characters: Each character has a distinct personality, whether they are clumsy, intelligent, kind, boastful or mean etc. Not a single character is repetitive including Timmy and Tommy, who are both annoying twins yet are both different in ways of personality. The characters are realistic by personality, shape and size, and by races, even if they are animals.The plot: The show revolves around a kid named Arthur who has a Mum, Dad, and two younger sisters D.W and Kate. The episodes involving the family, and friends are all realistic, showing what we would easily come across in real life, and how it relates to us in the real world. It's an Animal-Human take on real life.How it's drawn: Arthur is a cartoon. And a very well done one at that. The show uses proper animation. All characters and objects in the world of Arthur are realistically drawn, showing proper shading, and details within the objects. Everything is drawn properly with great smooth animation.Originality: The show is original. You won't find a show with talking animals involving realistic episodes as good as this one. The animation style is unique and well drawn and really pulls you into the world of Arthur.Seasons: It does seem the show isn't as great as it used to be. The style is noticeably done by computer nowadays, and it lacks the effect it used to have on people. People have also complained about the voice changes which I have noticed too, and they definitely aren't as good as they used to be.Conclusion: If you haven't seen this show before... you have missed out A LOT. Get this on DVD, catch it on TV whatever, just see this show. It's fun to watch, and you might learn something you thought you'd never know.I give this incredible cartoon a rating of 9.4/10
    cgkosw92 I was introduced to the series when i was in my childhood,somewhere in 1998 and i still love the show as much as i did two older sisters were 11 and 14 and were themselves huge fans of the cartoon.adding to the list now is my younger sis who is now about 8.even though i'm a lot older now and both my older sisters are in college we all absolutely love the show!!the characters are simply cool, Buster being my favorite, and the jokes are really funny, innocent and clean..the cartoons are appropriate for any and every age and you don't have to feel awkward or bored or anything during the show.they are a 100% better than the crap we get from cartoon network and stuff...every time an episode gets over there is a big smile on my face(because i enjoyed it and not because it got over) and i'll be eagerly waiting for the next one...i assure you that i loved the show, i still love it and i'll certainly keep loving it....
    ian-1211 This programme bugs me! There is no humour to it and is far too serious to be called "fun"! It's just far too educational for my liking! The characters are very stereotyped and unappealing. The plots are redundant and the morals are just repeated over and over again. Where's the fun in it? Also I feel this has been on the BBC for far too long and is broadcast way too much. Does it really need to have a slot on T.V every 2 or 3 months when a brand new show runs out of episodes? I think it's time that the BBC starting bringing back some of their older shows like: Inspector Gadget, Bananaman, The Smurfs, Snorks, Moomins, the Raccoons and Count Duckula other than continually giving contracts to these newer shows! I thought the BBC where bring back Danger Mouse, so what's going on with that?! 3/10