Beast Machines: Transformers
Beast Machines: Transformers
| 18 September 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    blackarachnia2 I liked everything about Beast Machines up until the ending. Organatron just doesn't have the same ring to it as Cybertron does. The Maximals vs Vehicons thing was the best thing about it but an Organic Cybertron just wasn't the kind of ending I was looking for.I didn't like Silverbolt's new form either. Silverbolt just isn't Silverbolt without his knight in shining armor thing as far as I'm concerned. I gave it a chance and I didn't like it. :p
    gigantisaurus although not up to the bar of it's "transformers" elder, "Beast Machines" is still basiclly the same idea. they've landed on a strange planet, wheter or not it's Earth will still always be the mystery, and need to find a way to get home. But lo and behold the ever prominent villians in the plot some how manage to get stranded on the very same planet. well now they have to fix their ships, get enough crystal things , and fight each other doing it. i'm not saying this is bad, i enjoyed it very much, and i especially liked the beast asspect of the show, and the fact that it was computerized animation, i think, brought a sort of mobile freedom to the charecters and terrains, but overall i thought that this show was a good one.
    Robert Colt I've followed this unfortunate series since its birth. From its conception, with Mainframe Entertainment Inc.'s Message Board to its almost forgotten conclusion. Its EXTREMELY unfortunate that it ended up this way. However its was going to happen. Mainframe has had a history of making fine shows. This shows forerunner, Beast Wars was prime example what happens when you get good writers to do a show with a continuum. However, syndication at the time of this show's creation was becoming sparse and rare. However Fox's Kids pickup the series' development tab and bought the rights to the earlier series. This is where EVERYTHING went wrong. Fox's Kid is legendary for its super censors and strict rules about violence. More so than any other network besides Disney's affiliate channels. When first mention of the problem with Fox's Kids on its BBoard. The board was immediately shutdown. This was first sign. Late they interviewed the writers and it was learn there was huge argument about too much violence in the series content. So they want a lot taken out. Too much. Series mentality was based loosely on the mythology of Asian Culture. Yin and Yang. Good and Evil. In this case Technology verses Nature. The writers had huge challenge to make the show entertaining while living under the burden of super restrictions of blind fools of Fox's Kids. Also so bad concepts were introduced by development team for the show. Morphing of the characters into their various forms, instead of transforming mechanically and somewhat reliably.Story went on that Omega Sigma Computer (The original legendary Transformer series mainframe computer on cybertron which created the all Transformers) begins to influence Optimus Primal into trying change the nature of the Transformers from the mechanical to the biotechnological. A merge of machine and nature to the perfect form. Megaton, for some reason had arrive sooner than the Maximals did from Earth. Had become obsessed with dominating all transformers and disposing of his all his animal like transformer forms. Apparently writers had stated that Maximals were infact sent to Earth, to the past to absorb the natural state of existence and bring it back to Cybertron so all transformers may evolve into a new state of existence. Megaton captures all the Transformer's sparks (The individual minds of all transformers) so he could merge them into himself. So he could become cybertron itself. Series concludes with titanic battle which ultimately forces Optimus and Megaton to merge as one to force next step of evolution on Transformers. Turning Cybertron into this bizarre green grass covered world with old city surface of the planet turned to ruins. With all the transformers emerging in new bodies. The end. A horrible one, which did not take into consideration on how all the fans of the show felt. If anything else, the ratings for the show reflected this fact. Thus you never will see its like again. Ruining a perfectly good continuum started from Beast Wars.Moral of the Story? Never allow a network to take over development of a television series. Like Babylon 5: Crusade and now this series. Networks have track record of wrecking good concepts.
    rodcorvo Everyone knows that Beast Machines Transformers is just a half an hour commercial disguised as a commercial. Sure the first couple of episodes were pretty good. But after the show got famous the writers decided to change all the characters completely so they could make more action figures. Right now it seems that theve all evolved again and are even dumber. Now for the plot Its pretty simple two spaceships crash land or something. And a crazy war starts between the robot owners of the two ships.
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