Zombie Flesh Eaters
Zombie Flesh Eaters
R | 18 July 1980 (USA)
Zombie Flesh Eaters Trailers

On the Caribbean island of Matul, white doctor David Menard is trying to stem the tide of cannibal zombies that are returning from the dead. Arriving on the island are Anne and reporter Peter West who are looking for Anne's missing father. The pair soon find themselves under attack from the zombies.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Cortechba Overrated
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
sean-57842 I've recently been on a bit of a kick to catch up on watching films that I've been putting off for years, and Zombie (or Zombie Flesh Eaters) was high at the top of the list. Initially, I found that the New York scenes and the scenes in the confines of the boat really didn't really grab my attention. The scene where Anne and Peter pretend to be lovers to avoid the wrath of the policeman didn't seem to make much sense at all, but there we go.Things definitely get better towards the second half of the movie, helped in spades by topless scenes of Olga Karlatos as Mrs. Menard and of course, a zombie fighting a shark. As the action ramps up towards the end, the zombies seem to become more and more disgusting. Absolutely fowl creatures! Fulci most definitely created the ultimate zombie; some of them are absolutely disgusting. Brilliant! Bit of a daft ending too, but I really enjoyed this film. The graininess of the footage really lent itself to the content. Classic!
jackthehack Lucio Fulci was never the star of the show. He made very good films in the 70s and they are now renowned as some quality murder mysteries(The Psychic, Don't Torture a Duckling). But he was overshadowed by Argento. He then made Zombie Flesh Eaters, reportedly written before Romero's Dawn of the Dead (AKA Zombi in Italy). But Fulci's work was released as Zombi 2, despite no relation to Romero's classic. Poor Fulci was overshadowed again. It is sad because this is one of Fulci's most focused efforts. There is some cheese(Well this is an Italian splatter film) but it's surprisingly good in terms of suspense and some decent acting. Much of the film's decent acting comes from Richard Johnson who adds a lot of gravitas and sadness to his "mad" scientist role. This scientist is just fed up from all the mayhem and wants to rest. Johnson conveys that brilliantly with his eyes. He gets some ripe lines but he says them like Shakespeare. My second favorite character is Al Cliver's Brian who is a legit bad ass with an amazing beard.There is some nudity. The kills are gruesome and excellent. There is a shark vs zombie scene which is surprisingly suspenseful. On the whole, this is a classic. One of Fulci's best efforts before he cemented his legacy with the 'Gates of Hell' trilogy.
The_Governor_Philip_Blake I grew up watching films about reanimated corpses trying to devour the living, and the best were always by George A. Romero.However, there is one other than not only equals the Dead films, but gives them a run for their money. That film is ZOMBIE FLESH EATERS (1979) aka ZOMBIE and ZOMBI 2.In this film, everything is practically perfect. The biters here are the classic, slow variety which fits the tone of the film. They are genuinely creepy and even terrifying! They have some of the most convincing makeup of any film.The atmosphere has a feeling of doom. The gore and special effects are very good. The actors are very good for low-budget. Lucio Fulci directed a masterpiece! I recommend this film to any horror fan.
atinder I have seen this movie a few times but this was the first time I saw it on DVD, which I got for just 75p , I could not say no to that.I watched this early today and I was clued to the screen , the movie flowed really well.I actually like the zombies as they were actually kind of scary looking.The make up effects in this was outstanding and really like how they Came back from the dead, very slowly, which I found very creepy.There were some great gory moments, there is one scene that you will never forget as its now known for one of the best horror deaths of all time.That death scene will make you look away from the scene and hide behind your hands.The acting in this movie was great and the ending of the movie was The icing on the cake.
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