Yogi Bear's All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper
Yogi Bear's All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper
| 21 December 1982 (USA)
Yogi Bear's All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper Trailers

Yogi escapes from Jellystone and hides out in a department store - posing as the Store's Santa. Along the way, he helps a little girl to rediscover her faith in Christmas.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
RetroPizzaTimeCritic The TV Special about Yogi and Boo Boo on it way to the big city for celebrate christmas with his old friends after he left his home Jellystone Park. But Ranger Smith is not gonna be happy about him He will called Police and Animal Capture to catch him before Huckleberry Hound and his friends to find him. Their the girl named Judy Jones who wish her. Celebrate christmas with her own father named J. Wellington Jones he have business to planning, its up to Yogi and his friends to find Judy father before cops gonna find Yogi in ParkYogi Bear's All Star Comedy Christmas Caper is was classic Hanna-Barbera christmas special of all time when everybody who keep remembering this special when their was little kid in 80s and 90s, but hey I just saw it on The Disney Channel ;)but this special will be 24 minute long and I like it :)
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) "Yogi Bear's All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper" is a really long title for a really short film as this is another of these many animated (Christmas) specials from the 1980s. This is one of the very rare directorial efforts by prolific Australian animator Steve Lumley and the script is by Mark Evanier, who is mostly known for his Garfield stuff today. Anyway, as for this one here, you see already from the title that Yogi is in the center of it all, but this is only partially true because he really does not have that much screen time. The other most known character are probably Fred Flintstone and his buddy Barney. The latter is voiced by the legendary Mel Blanc and this is from the last decade of his life in fact. Blanc and the other cast members (including the very prolific Daws Butler) voiced several characters too, well most of them. But that is no surprise because the "All-Star" in the title already says that this film is packed with animated characters. But honestly, most of them are unknown to me, somebody who really has seen a great deal of animated films, and with the little screen time and forgettable material they have, this film sure can't change that. The comedy overall is fairly mediocre gently-speaking. And the wild dangerous animal references (bear, lion) only work for so long. Plus the more dramatic, if you can even say that, part of the plot with the little girl neglected by her rich dad never gets half as emotional as they hoped it would. Anyway, this film is not a failure, but it's far from a good watch or recommendable outcome. Skip it, it's not worth seeing, not even during the holidays.
TheLittleSongbird Loved Yogi Bear as a child, and still have a soft spot for it now. It is a funny and charming show with appealing, funny and smart humour and likable characters, plus the characters are well voiced.'Yogi Bear's All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper' was a very enjoyable way to spend 24 minutes or so. It is a big improvement over the bland disappointment that was 'Yogi's Great Escape' (made afterwards, but saw 'Yogi Bear's All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper' after that), and is a lot closer to what is appealing about Yogi Bear in the first place. 'Yogi Bear's All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper' may not be one of my favourite Christmas specials, or specials in general, but as far as specials from Warner Bros and Hanna-Barbera go it fares better than most.The story may be standard and with a good deal of familiar elements (quickly in its defence however it is not as episodic or as strung together as 'Yogi's Great Escape'). The appearances of other Hanna-Barbera characters were an absolute delight, and they were memorable and true to character but some of them did deserve more screen time, a few of them are a little too on the brief side.So much is done right however in 'Yogi Bear's All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper'. It is bright and breezy in pace without being rushed, while for made for TV animation the animation is more than serviceable with a lot of vibrant colours and smooth detail in the backgrounds. The music is luckily not cheap-sounding and isn't heavy in repetition.Writing is good too, with some funny moments that is closer to the style of the original Yogi Bear show and some genuinely touching and never sentimental sentiment that are balanced well. The special is very heartfelt and sincere in its representation of Christmas, no mean-spiritedness here, while it adheres close to for example the humour what is appealing about Yogi Bear and Hanna-Barbera in general. The short length was much more ideal than struggling to find material to suit feature length.Loved the characters, Yogi and Boo Boo are irresistible and the numerous cameos from other Hanna-Barbera characters are delightful though some appearances are too short. As to be expected from such enormously talented voice actors, the voice acting is terrific, people like Daws Butler and Mel Blanc never fail to amaze with their ability to voice multiple characters and give them wildly varied personalities.Overall, very good special. 8/10 Bethany Cox
Shawn Watson The usual gang of Snagglepuss, Huckleberry Hound, and Auggie Doggie & Doggie Daddy head to Jellystone park for Xmas to party with Yogi and Boo-Boo. But he's already headed into the city to party with them. Amid the confusion Yogi ends up hiding from zookeepers by dressing up as a department store Santa where he tries hard to make a little girl's dream come true.The plot is hardly timeless, or even original, but it works well, and has plenty of cameos from Hanna-Barbera stars. If it had been a bit more focused instead of an ensemble effort then it would deserve the title of Xmas Classic, but it's worth a watch as is.