The Flight of Dragons
The Flight of Dragons
NR | 03 August 1986 (USA)
The Flight of Dragons Trailers

The realm of magic is being threatened by the realm of logic, so Carolinus, the green wizard decides to shield it for all time. Ommadon, the evil red wizard, stands in his way. Carolinus then calls for a quest that is to be led by a man named Peter Dickinson, who is the first man of both the realms of science and magic. It is Peter's job to defeat Ommadon.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
nikola gajic A few days ago I watched Frozen and I thought: 'what a crap is this? headache...',but when I saw this one, all I can say it is just beautiful, a story is great, so interesting and intelligent,and music is enchanting like the magic. Remembered this when was a kid, and then I very like it, but didn't catch all the elements and deep profound that wears. How sadly that animated movies todays don't have that human touch; it seem to me that only concern of new movies is to make a pile of money, everything else is less important, but they'll never last long. That is why old cartoons like this one have some special meaning to some people, 'cause they are timeless.
zyrcona I remember watching this film as a child, and I was captivated by the gorgeous Eastern artistic style of the dragons and the explanations of how their physiology worked. I also remember crying when Smrgll fought to protect his friends and died from his injuries. Rewatching it as an adult, it still mostly works, and the style is still beautiful and imaginative.The start of the film is pretty strong, and introduces the 'Four Magic Brothers' each of whom rides his own dragon. The brothers seek a solution to their survival and that of their art in a world where Man is becoming increasingly reliant upon science. Three of the brothers reach an agreement, but the other, Ommadon, turns renegade and swears to twist Man's science and use it to destroy him, before storming out.Carolinus the Green Wizard represents nature and the earth. He travels forward in time to find someone who can defeat Ommadon. He finds Peter of Beacon street, a nerd who designs board games. He brings Peter back to his own time, where we are introduced to Carolinus's dragons Smrgll and Gorbash. Smrgll is an elderly and somewhat cantankerous brown and orange dragon who wishes he could still serve Carolinus rather than enjoying his retirement; Gorbash is a younger green dragon, cocky and overconfident, training as Smrgll's replacement. Rather less well developed are Melissande, token naff woman character, referred to both as Carolinus's adopted daughter and a princess (?), and a boorish knight who is to accompany Peter and Gorbash on the quest.That night Ommadon's dragon attacks and a magic spell goes wrong, leaving Peter in Gorbash's body. Peter spends most of the quest learning how to be a dragon from Smrgll as the group fights various beasts and baddies. They are also joined by a sort of Robin Hood woman, an elf, and a talking wolf. I was rather less keen on these characters as they didn't really add anything to the story. It does manage to come to a satisfying conclusion despite their interruption, with Peter defeating the villain using logic and scientific facts.In summary, this is film is unusual and attractive in its artistic style. Most of the characters are reasonably well developed. Although the main premise of good vs. evil is nothing new, the addition of scientific ideas and a boffin protagonist was handled well and made a refreshing change from fantasy simply involving unexplained magic and beasts defying the laws of nature. More logical-minded kids will love it, and adults will enjoy the animation style.
tenmantaylor This film has everything that makes a children's film amazing: Escapism, adventure and imagination yet is held together by a fantastic plot addressing all sorts of issues we face as both children and adults making it suitable for all. Change, ageing, facing up to your demons, good: "Good would be totally impotent without the contrast of evil" and evil: "I have weapons you would not dare use, fear rules all man ... he will use science and logic to destroy himself ... turn brother against brother ... greed and avarice shall prevail" Pretty deep for a children's film! The music is fantastic and compliments each scene perfectly. All the best films do.Couldn't recommend it enough! (if you can find it that is! I heard its on google videos).
neoangel13 My late fiancée introduced me to this movie shortly after we met, and until then I had never heard of it.It took me until halfway through the movie to adjust to the animation style, compared to the other animated movies I had seen, which had mostly been Disney animated, however it is on my list of regularly watched movies now.The story is heartwarming, a true fantasy tale of someone who has to choose between his two loves in life, with epic battles and dragons, trolls, and evil wizards trying to destroy the world.Nothing makes a better movie, I only wish film makers nowadays could get it right. The art of the classic fantasy movie seems to be more and more lost, but there are a few who are redeeming it.