Saint Sinner
Saint Sinner
| 26 October 2002 (USA)
Saint Sinner Trailers

In 1815 a monk, Tomas Alcala, unwittingly unleashes two female succubi, Munkar and Nakir, upon an unsuspecting 21st century. He is chosen by God to travel through the centuries and stop the demons' rampage.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
cinemarays usually i do not bother to write reviews but i am writing this since its is astonishing that this movie has such a low rating. it definitely deserves at least a 7 on an average. PLEASE Don't GO FOR THE LOW RAITNGS. IT IS A MUCH MUCH BETTER MOVIE! i cant call it is the best movie i have ever seen but these low ratings are terribly misleading. i wonder how come this movie has such a low rating! it is a well made movie and if you like horror movies u are likely to enjoy it. i am damn sure that it deserves a better is not boring for even a moment.the story goes so fast and sustains your curiosity every scene. give it a try, and the low ratings are misleading.its not as bad as you might think. it is a very enjoyable movie. it appears to be a very different type of does not have the pomp of a big budget movie. day before yesterday i watched it in wb movies and unfortunately missed the last 3 mins or so. waiting for a re telecast so that i can catch it.
stormruston This movie reminded me of a made for cable movie...guess what? it was.The special effects are average, the gore a lot on the low side considering the Canadian rating of 18A.This was filmed in Vancouver and West Van mostly and generally the filming was competent.The story was not original...vampires through time being chased by a slayer, but it was still enjoyable.I liked all the leads, the cops were a bit stiff, but the Monk was pretty watchable.All in all a OK Vampire movie....Oh ya, the two female vampires?...Campy campy campy...loved them!
menaraqudus don't know from where this master writer get these names (munkar & nakir),it's certainly in Islamic context but i don't about Christianity. Munkar and Nakir in Islamic eschatology are two 'malaikat'(angels) who test the faith of the dead in their tombs. After death, they prop the deceased upright in the grave and ask "Who is your Lord?, Who is your Prophet?, What is your Book?" A righteous muslim will respond correctly. He will then be shown the place that had been reserved for him in HELL, but told that Allah has exchanged it for a place in PARADISE. An infidel, of course will not respond correctly, and the angels will rebuke him: "Neither did you know nor did you seek guidance from those who had knowledge". Then they will hit him with an iron hammer between his ears, show him the place he could have had in Paradise, and throw him into HELL. IF THIS MOTHER/DAUGHTER DEMONS/SUCCUBI did not appears in the Bible. THIS CERTAINLY IS AN INSULT.
UNDERFROG This movie has too many disgusting scenes that seem to get in the way of enjoying the plot.For instance the demon secretions on the monk that seem to stay on him too long it's just gross.I'm a big horror movie buff and enjoy a good thrill but where's the suspense and element of surprise.