Justin Time
Justin Time
PG | 01 January 2010 (USA)
Justin Time Trailers

An ancient stone amulet and calendar disc has the power to stop time. Passed from generation to generation, these magical artifacts end up in the hands of an 18-year-old half Shoshoni Indian named Justin, who chooses to to use his power to make the world a better place.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
twoeagleslegacy Danny Trejo, and the other Native people were made by Two Eagles Legacy not Two Feathers Legacy.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Well, this movie sort of proved to be quite interesting, despite it not being overly interesting from the movie cover or the description. I found the movie to be surprisingly nice, although very predictable.The acting was, at most times, alright - although there were scenes where the acting and dialogue made my toes curl. Always cool to see Danny Trejo in a movie, but getting less than 5 minutes of screen time and actually being credited as "and Danny Trejo" in the beginning of the movie where the cast are mentioned? Surely having Trejo in the movie for less than 5 minutes is a strong pulling point needed to entice people to watch this movie? Oh well...The story is pretty forward and flowing, though it suffers from crappy dialogue at times throughout the movie.But in overall view, this movie is not too bad actually. I was thoroughly entertained throughout the entire movie, and I watched it at around 1 in the night and didn't doze off. Although I thought we were to see more hilarious pranks being pulled off during the time stops.
cometojammy i did not like this movie one bit bcoz its cheesy and so kiddish that u feel you r going to drop dead ..i hereby request people to stay away from it as its just a waste of time ..not even watchable when it comes on TV ...the story is so awful that the less said the better..in nutshell all the gr8 movies we have seen in the past has been seen by the writer , director and they have tried to put all that in one movie with very bad acting...i am amazed to see that some people like it and really makes me think that y these kind of shitty movies r still being made..trust me guys stay away from this one ...as the saying goes "spare me the horror' !!
krising1970 This was a great little movie. I have two children and they loved it. It's good, clean fun. So many films these days are riddled with gratuitous violence and sexual innuendo, that I have a hard time finding ones appropriate for my kids. I especially enjoyed the two lead characters, Justin and Angelic. I found myself getting caught up in the story even though it was obviously made for kids. I recognized Brian Wimmer (who I love by the way) from the show China Beach. It also has Danny Trejo who is alway entertaining. This film entertained them the whole way through. I recommend this to any and all families looking for wholesome entertainment with a great message. Thanks to the filmmakers for doing something positive! Great job!