The Last Dragon
The Last Dragon
PG | 20 March 2005 (USA)
The Last Dragon Trailers

"The Last Dragon" is a nature mockumentary about a British scientific team that attempts to understand the unique incredible beasts that have fascinated people for ages. CGI is used to create the dragons.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Sherrill777 This takes the premise that dragons one existed alongside humans and creates a 'documentary' of those long-lost creatures. It treats the subject matter seriously...but in a way that the viewer knows that the film isn't actually describing any true history. It's a creative work, describing the habits of various types of dragons (Chinese, frost, etc.) and how they interacted with their environment, hunted, nested, and how humans affected their futures. Obviously it's all pure fantasy, but it's incredibly fun to see these magnificent beasts treated as if the legends were true and they once existed (and that we knew something about them). The special effects, while a bit dated now, still stand up well without detracting from the experience. This is perfect for people to who'd be interested in the subject matter (dragons or myths) or for anyone looking to see an alternative to the usual film style (neither strictly a documentary nor a narrative fantasy or adventure story). It's safe enough for children (if they're old enough to see a lion hunt down a zebra in a nature documentary, then they can handle this!), and would probably interest a child who doesn't normally like non-fiction, since it straddles the line.
lordzedd-3 That's what gets my goat, when they advertised this on the Discovery Channel or the Learning Channel which ever it was, they implied that they really discovered the corpse of a dragon. I didn't want to see it, but my brother talked me into it. Then we sat and watched it, then near the end, they said in essence, "SURPRISE! We were just kidding!" I mean, all that hype over finding a real dragon then to spring on us that it wasn't real is just cruel, I believe in the existence of dragons and not telling us that this was just scientific conjecture from the get go was just mean. I mean, if we knew that ahead of time, we wouldn't have watched it. Even though I half suspected it myself. A real dragon discovery would have made the news. The second thing, I don't buy the theory of platinum to create a spark, I think it's more of a nature electric spark in the back of the throat. As a fantasy, this gets 7 STARS but shame on those people who promoted it as real, for shame. I expect more honesty from the Discovery Channel.
DutchJohn This one, another Documentary/movie combination, gives us a theory about the 'what if'. If dragon's were to be described from all over the world, and they had very distinct similarities in the ancient inscriptions and images, then 'what if' they actually existed. This movie combines the fictional find of a dragon's carcass and the slow unveiling of its features by a group of scientists, and an actual animation show going along the path of many dinosaur shows shown before on the documentary channel.Some critics bash this one into the ground for being so unbelievable. Its pure fiction thrown into some actual believable scientific explanations. The scientists describe every great aspect and ability of the dragon's that make them unreal and impossible to exist. The excuse made up for breathing fire is not something a scientist, or just a highly educated scholar, would find credible enough to exist, but it does not turn you into someone hating the show from that moment that the actor drew his conclusion. Evolutionary there really isn't anything credible, but so what? One must understand the very essence of evolution and such to really bring all the shown theories down. And given the scientific level of most discovery/animal planet or NGC programs, these channels surely do not aim for scientists as their main goal. Plus the fact that it is compelled into a film there is nothing you should complain about.The animation of the dragon's is very well done and albeit the fact that one, compared to the rest of the animation, very cheap scene is annoyingly often repeated, it stands its ground easily next to any other prehistoric documentary you would compare it with. The acting is not on the same level. The fake emotions and movements of the archaeologists are predictable and diminish the credibility of their story about the fossil's former capabilities. The lead investigator gives me a Daniel Jackson feeling (Archeologist from a famous Sci Fi series) in a way I do not like it. Therefore the usual pleasure of seeing people get astounded at something you, as the watcher, already know, is disturbingly absent.If one would take another look at the scientific value, you could laugh at it. If one could ignore the most of the details and look at it in a mere entertaining way, the way a usual citizen would watch to a dinosaur documentary on the animal channel, it is truly a superb film. Something worth to establish your entire family for and enjoy the nearly 100 minutes of dragon theories. The early climax of the two mating dragons imitating the ritual of eagles clashes into your eyes and awakens your possibly slumbered attention by the water and jungle dragons, and keeps you attended to the rest of the show.I would recommend this to anyone wanting a good show about dragon's. Do not expect too much and have yourself be awestruck by the visuals and pleasing story lines. The overall picture makes you forget the flaws and therefore I give this a nine.
seppo-sihvo After buying The Lost World from DVD I was also inspired to get this one along Chased By Sea Monsters as they were both in discount. Watched it a moment ago and my final word is: For being a fictional document, it rocked my world! The story of dragons evolving from prehistoric times was really well thought out even though I didn't really buy the fire breath idea, though it's an awesome thought. The actors playing the scientists also didn't completely convince me, but they did their part well enough to lead the story forward. In the end the story will also be tragic but has a "kinda" happy ending. If you're interested about more information about these mythical beasts give this one a try. You will believe..................