The Spirit of Christmas
The Spirit of Christmas
R | 01 December 1992 (USA)
The Spirit of Christmas Trailers

Four children, all but one of whom go unnamed, build a snowman which comes to life and threatens their town.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Christian Frates I usually do not like South Park, but without this cartoon, South Park would not exist. It showed all of the qualities that made South Park so vulgar, dark, funny and snowy. It all began as a spoof of Frosty the Snowman in which, the snowman became a monster. It also showed people that the true meaning of Christmas was all about Jesus Christ's birth. It was well made when it comes to stop- motion. Never say bad words in front of Jesus. The quotes were well written, even on a pretty low budget. The satire about the holidays gave birth to all subsequent South Park media. Three years after the groundbreaking short, there was an even more controversial cartoon about Jesus vs Santa and characterized the characters even further. Two years later, South Park aired on TV. Two years later, a movie was released. Without the short, there would be no South Park whatsoever.
SubZeroMK This is the very first, early draft of what would become 'South Park'. This is the work of film students in their last year of university/college, and frankly, I like this little short. Why? because it's such a classic, I never even knew about this until 10 minutes ago.Trey and Matt soon would discover that this little short film will have a sequel to it, in which that will spawn them a TV show, two years later. It's bad quality, but it's 1992, so don't complain. But if you want to be reminded of your child-hood memories, then watch this. A nice 10/10 for originality. You think it starts out as your regular Christmas special or educational Christmas cartoon short, but as soon they put the magic hat on the snowman, everything goes nuts, and you see the true nature of what South Park is today. Again, 10/10 for originality.
gangstahippie Rated NR(would be Rated R for Language and Some Violence) Most of us know the animated television show South Park which started in 1997 and is still going on.The show that parodies today's issues.Well South Park first started with two animated short films about Christmas.Back in 1992 when South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone were in college together they made a short film for film class called The Spirit Of Christmas.It is also known as Jesus Vs Frosty.You can find this and the other Spirit Of Christmas short film on youtube.There are some big differences between this and the TV series.First of all the two boys who are Stan and Kyle are not named and look a bit different.Second Cartman is called Kenny in this short and the Kenny from the series is not named.*MINOR SPOILERS HERE*Both Kenny(aka Cartman) and the Kenny from the series get killed.*END OF SPOILERS*.The short is four minutes long and has a basic plot.The four South Park kids make a snowman and put a magic hat on the snowman.However the snowman turns evil and kills one of the boys.He then pretends to be Santa Claus and kills another boy.Now they must stop him by asking a favor from Jesus.Jesus saves the day.The 1995 Spirit Of Christmas short is better than this one but this one is still fairly funny and good.Bad quality though.Runtime:4min 9/10
rhyl_donnelly This is pretty funny considering it looks and sounds terrible. It's really interesting to see how Trey Parker and Matt Stone started out with South Park, and they created a very demented and vulgar short film. Within this short, we see a switch of characters: the fat kid, better known as Cartman on the TV series, is named Kenny and is the first to get killed. The hood-wearing kid, who is known as Kenny on the TV series, is the second killed and is not given a name. And the other two (Stan and Kyle) also remain nameless in this short. You'll never look at snowmen wearing top hats the same ever again.