Yellow Rock
Yellow Rock
R | 01 November 2011 (USA)
Yellow Rock Trailers

Five men ride into the eerie town of Yellow Rock, hoping to rescue a family member and his lost boy. The leader, Max Dietrich, hires Mountain Man, Tom Hanner, to guide them into the Black Paw Tribe territory for the search.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Lawbolisted Powerful
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
vchimpanzee Black Feather, great-grandson of Angry Wolf and the last of his tribe, narrates at the beginning and the end as we see a group of Native Americans on horses. His message is simple. The white man has a disease that the Native Americans are immune to, and other things are more important than money; once all of those other things are gone, what good is money?Tom Hammen goes to the church where his eight-year-old son was buried and lights a candle. Dietrich asks where to find Tom, and is told to go to the church. Dietrich says his brother and son are missing and in order to find them, it will be necessary to cross territory belonging to local Native Americans. He needs Tom's help and gives him $20 in gold, with more to come when the job is completed. A bunch of roughnecks will go along with them; their names are Cobb, Farley, Billy and Roscoe.Sarah, a woman with long red hair, is giving medical treatment to the Native Americans. It's not clear at first whether she is actually a doctor but we later learn she is. When Tom and the others arrive, she helps the reluctant members of the tribe to understand Tom. A group of men go off by themselves to discuss the situation. Tom can be trusted, but what about the others? It is agreed that Broken Wing will go along, and the men are informed that sacred burial grounds are not to be entered.Sarah goes along with the group to translate. Broken Wing goes along too and though he warns the group not to go through sacred burial grounds, they do anyway. It is quite creepy with a lot of smoke and weird music. There may be a curse on those who violate this area. Wolves appear but they may have been there to protect the group. However, these appear more likely to attack. The goal is eventually reached, after more obstacles. It's not what you might think. Hint: what is the movie's title and what did I say Black Feather said ? This is a Western so of course there was shootin' and fightin'. Nothing too graphic but there was some blood. The sound went out several times and a character's mouth was covered by a rectangle. There is more emphasis on a strong woman, meaning the doctor, unlike some older Westerns. Sarah is played by Lenore Andriel, who was a writer and producer as well. Native American traditions are respected, even if the bad guys constantly disrespect the "Injuns". Since the actor playing Broken Wing is listed as "Native American consultant", I assume he is doing everything right. It's not an important or classic western, but it is okay.
savanahrose-654-30751 To me personally it was better than some other westerns I have seen. It was slow to start but it eventually caught up. I originally watched it because of Michael Biehn was in it. But I thought it was good enough to watch. I don't watch movies due to any historical value I watch for entertainment. I loved that the movie was based on part of the American Indian perspective. Would I watch this again? Yes I would watch it. I was in an old west class in high school and they had us read poems from the Indian point of view. What I had read saddened me and to watch this it brought it all back. Again, why only the one star? I think that some of the acting in the movie was really sub-par by a couple of the actresses but other than that it was not too bad.
fxrandrea I recently rented yellow rock and was surprised. I had gathered that it was a low budget Indie film. It sure did not look low budget. There was a large cast of well known actors, beautiful sets and a clear and well lighted picture. These are things I would associate with "not low budget project", but there they were! Now the story: It is a western in the real traditional sense, but, and here is the important part, it offers a window into the lives of the Native American Peoples of California prior to their destruction. A fascinating, lost history with a touch of pathos for what has been destroyed. Of course, It is not on the scale of Dances with Wolves due to the budget, but it is a well researched and very enjoyable movie. An indie that looks like a big budget production.
nelson roberts I'm a huge western fan but the other 2 reviewers on this film are way off base...must be related biased basis to the production of the film. This film is just awful... you'd be far better off just watching an old episode of Roy Rogers. The acting and the script are both completely lacking of any substance and with half the budget and a camcorder anyone could have made a better western than this...don't waste your time. The story line needs work and in many places scene changes are completely disjointed. The actress playing the good doctor simply isn't believable in her role and her lines are lacking in reality. The bad guys are really the only semi-bright spot but there is absolutely no character development from that end either. The movie sets were extremely amateurish but the camera work and cinematography were at least somewhat up to standard for such a low budget film. Nevertheless, I absolutely can not recommend this film even to the most die-hard western fan.