Women in Trouble
Women in Trouble
R | 13 November 2009 (USA)
Women in Trouble Trailers

A serpentine day in the life of ten seemingly disparate women: a porn star, a flight attendant, a psychiatrist, a masseuse, a bartender, a pair of call girls, etc. All of them with one crucial thing in common. Trouble.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Avid Climber Women in Trouble has bright colors and several captivating story lines. It's all about sex really, but isn't life about sex? Of course it is.The ideas presented in this movie are of the open-minded sort, which I adore, to the exception of the recurring fact that anybody in the sex industry should be trying to get out. Beyond that, you get taken in for a nice ride, with events that surprises you at time. It's a bit quirky, funny in passing, and never dull.The acting is good. However, it could have been better but that might be the fault of the scenario or the director. The rest is pretty much invisible, which makes for fine entertainment. The only negative would be that the whole could have been a little bit tighter, more researched.If you're looking for a bit of drama, a bit of sex, some laughs, and a jumble of scenes all about women that tie up together, then you should watch it.
aimless-46 True to its title, 2009's "Women In Trouble" is about a bunch of women in an assortment of trouble. The film begins with two women inside a Mexican jail, which turns out to be a film-with-a-film parody sequence of an exploitation movie. You eventually realize that the whole 90 minute feature is self-reflexive parody; although much more subtle than the opening.Think the Coen Brothers with group of characters speaking out-of-place dialogue in a lot of unusual situations. Think Seinfeld with a lot of disparate pieces in some way related to each other, with the connections eventually coming into focus. Think "The Hours" (2002) with a group of vaguely uneasy women exploring the mysteries of female discontent and finding some solace from shared confidences.Not a lot of physical humor, nor good acting, nor impressive production design. The writing is the strength of the production and it is excellent. If you don't get subtle parody you would be wise to stay away because there isn't much here for you. You are not the target audience. The only exception would be Marley Shelton fans. She has a very entertaining and clever 10-minute sequence, and looks incredibly hot in a tight flight attendant uniform. For her fans this is a must see even if most of the other material is not their cup of tea.Those knocking the film simply failed to make the necessary connection with the material, so I wouldn't put much stock in the negative comments and reviews unless they are from someone who tends to mirror your own preferences.Special features on the DVD includes deleted scenes, a satirical interview that runs after the credits, and Spanish subtitles; given the audio quality and the essential importance of the dialogue the money would have been much better spent on English subtitles.Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
chickenpuss I'm not really sure what I saw because this film was a composite of so many different elements. This film was listed under the comedy section from my television video provider. I was unfamiliar with the director, but some of the critiques form IMDb I found interesting, so I gave it a shot. I really believe this director, has a lot of potential. There were some great mise-en-scene; especially the use of rapid fire editorial to punctuate. I was really impressed by the acting, the direction was good, and the script great as well. I laughed and cried, however what really irked me was a lack of cohesion between the disparate vignettes; at times I wondered who edited this movie...other than this pretty good, plus Robyn Hitchcock was involved with the sound track, and this is the first film I have ever see where he contributed. I have been listening to his music for 20 years!
KevinB12 I love this movie so much that I never get enough of such a movie like this one. It has lots of beautiful women. I think that this movie is an excellent movie, I give that a big thumbs up. Most men would love to see such a movie like this one. It is a very sexy movie I love to see many times. When men see this movie, it will take their breath away to see beautiful women. I would recommend this movie to anyone 17 years of age or older. People under 17 are forbidden to watch this movie because it is not right for anyone under 17 to see this movie. Carla Gugino is the woman I love so much in the movie, she is as beautiful as she gets. Women in Trouble is the kind movie I would watch many times and love this movie forever.