Who's Your Daddy?
Who's Your Daddy?
R | 18 January 2005 (USA)
Who's Your Daddy? Trailers

An adopted Ohio high school senior discovers he is the inherited heir to a porn empire. Dropped into a bitter power struggle, his new flock of beautiful co-workers come to his aid.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
MaximusXXX This film was okay, I had a lot more anticipation than I should have however. The idea was excellent, a loser kid becoming owner of a porn magazine. The bad part of the film was not the assortment of hotties, but more so, the poor execution of the plot. It became very cheesy, very fast, the film also stole many signature moves from other better executed teen comedies such as American Pie. Now, the reason why I give this a 6 is because I cannot bare to rate a movie with so many beautiful women poorly. Ali Landry was amazingly gorgeous as well as other girls in the film, however there was hardly any realism in the story. Now sure, this IS a movie, but how out of this world can you get? Overall, not worth spending money on. I wasted $3 Canadian for the rental and I should have just downloaded it. Aside from good looking girls and a good idea, the film is a C class flick.
gelooo69 My friends usually can put up with a lot of hopeless movies but this one was too poor for us to even watch it to the end. It was just so boring and unoriginal. Not even the "hot" girls that starred in this movie could keep me watching. Everything was just predicable and annoying.The acting was at times good.....but more times bad. The most annoying character in the whole movie that you just wanted to die would have to be the main characters best friend. The more i saw him the more i wanted to smash my screen. (you know what fat ugly kid I'm talking about)The plot has been done so many times before i think they should be sued by other movie companies. OK, it is a good idea but thats all this movie had.Overall this movie can only be watched if by your self, to save any abuse from your friends. Or, if you have absolutely nothing better to do.
BraveHawk Brandon Davis stars as Chris Hughes (or Chris Mack), a nerdy high school loser whose only wish is to know what it is like to be popular. Soon, a lawyer name Michael Hunt (yeah, Mike Hunt) shows up on his doorstep and tells him his real parents have been killed in an accident and that he should be at the reading of their will. It turns out that his parents are Peter and Honey Mack, the publishers of a very successful adult magazine named Heaven, complete with "Angels" as centerfolds. Of course, the antagonist is trying to get the company for himself and will stop at any means to get it, in this case, his Uncle Duncan.This movie started out with some gross out humor, similar to what you would find in American Pie, but less funny, and ended up being more like The Girl Next Door. The main problem here is that it tried to hard to be funny. It was reasonably funny but most of the movie could have been polished up and Brandon Davis was too over the top as a geek. Ali Landry played a great centerfold (as she probably would be) and Wayne Newton played a great, but short, role as an adult magazine CEO. His magazine, Heaven, is supposed to be Playboy, or like it. Painfully obvious with the smoking jackets, mansions, etc.Bottom line is, this movie is not one of the great comedies, but you could do much worse than this. If you are watching this because you are expecting nudity or a lot of sex, you will be disappointed. I can give about 6.5 stars out of 10.
bnixon-1 While this is no Academy Award winner, the film is genuinely funny. It is styled like another derivative US high school teen comedy, but really made me laugh. In fact, the film tends to make more fun of itself than 'gross-out' gags, of which there are hardly any.The scene where the lead character has hard-fought fantasy in algebra class is absolutely hilarious. The film features one of the brothers from Malcom in the Middle who adds to the humour, especially when the lads watch an "alternate' video by mistake as a prelude to their party.Why not spend a few dollars renting this movie overnight. As an unpretentious fluff piece it is 5 stars.