Who Will Love My Children?
Who Will Love My Children?
PG | 13 February 1983 (USA)
Who Will Love My Children? Trailers

Lucile Fray has 10 children and terminal cancer. As her ne'er-do-well alcoholic husband, isn't capable enough to handle raising them, there's only one option left. As her last act on earth, Fray is determined to make sure her children have a secure future.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
char_blondechick I think the first time I saw this movie, I couldn't have been more than 5. It didn't make much sense to me at the time, but many years later, and countless hours asking dad to let me watch "his movie," I finally understood the meaning of this film. For the longest time it was just a movie about a family of kids being adopted out. When I got older, I started to recognize names: Linda, Carl, Warren, Frank. This movie was about my family, my grandmother, my father.I am the only daughter of Warren L. Wehmeyer (Frey), and I have one brother, Frank, named after my Uncle Frank. This movie is very passionate, and I can't ever watch it without crying. It is probably one of the saddest, most true-to-life movies I have ever seen. It is heartfelt and full of love.
dutchthea I was still living with my parents when they aired this on dutch TV. Usually I was the one watching movies with the other's not caring. But somehow we all sat down and watched this movie. This kinda movie used to be aired at Wednesday-evening. It is the story of a woman who'll die soon. But before she dies she wants to make sure her ( many ) kids will have the best possible foster-parents. So we were watching this and my dad ( the most emotional of the four of us) started to cry. I followed almost immediately and before long my sister and mother were teared up too. There we were, totally moved by this simple but heartbreaking story. If you want a good cry, this is the one for you!
melikashouse This is truly a sad story, but what makes it harder for me to watch is that my uncle is Steven Fray. He is one of the ten children this movie is about. My grandma and grandpa adopted him when he was a baby. They both had actors playing them briefly in the film. My grandparents recently went on to have Bruce, Pam, and my dad Craig. My uncle Steven died when I was little. I don't really remember him at all but last year my grandma showed me and my sister this movie. I cried but watching my grandmother watch it was an experience all in its own. I am glad people watched this movie and got to learn about a story that deserved to be told. As I know right now 8 out of the 10 children are still living. I am glad this movie affected all you people so deeply.
VivienLewis I saw this movie so long ago, but it remains in my memory as the saddest movie ever. I cried non stop. My mother will not ever watch this movie again because its almost painful to watch. Anyway, apart from that the story isn't exactly complex...Ann Margaret is dying and has to give away her 10(?) children. As if that isn't bad enough, it is during the depression and she has to break up the close siblings one by one. I guess this was very sad to me because I too am from a very large close knit family and could identify with each child's pain of leaving their mother and siblings.Maybe I am a masochist but I would like to see this movie again because it was well done and the end, surprisingly, is slightly happy (so at least we could smile and sob simultaneously). It should come on TV sometime so I can see it again.
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