Who Am I?
Who Am I?
PG-13 | 11 September 1998 (USA)
Who Am I? Trailers

A group of covert CIA operatives trailing a potential new energy source are double-crossed by corrupt agent Morgan, who causes a helicopter crash in remote South Africa. The sole survivor, suffering severe amnesia, is nursed to recovery by a kindly native tribe who call him "Whoami" after the question he keeps asking. With the help of a mysterious reporter Christine, Whoami pieces together his past and tracks the turncoat agent and his criminal cohorts.

Micitype Pretty Good
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
lopes2204 I watched the movie on IMDB, I liked the beginning, it has an interesting plot but the filming mistakes are terrible, the Chinese suntman appearing clearly in the 2 fights with the head of the CIA and against the European full of cement was ridiculous, it seems amateur movie, I do not really understand the high notes of this movie on IMDB, I recommend watching it only if you have nothing to do
oneguyrambling Someone has discovered an amazing, albeit extremely volatile power source. Of course bad guys want it for evil purposes so Jackie is a member of a mercenary unit of soldiers who steal it.However once the mission is complete the unit is wiped out with Jackie as the only survivor. But he has amnesia and no record of who he is, hence the title.Jackie is found by an African tribe who nurse him back to health and accept him as one of their own, he latches on to a rally team (which gives him an excuse to indulge in his car racing hobby at the film's expense) and spends the rest of the film trying to get to the bottom of Who He Am.This takes Jackie across Africa and all the way to Holland for a massive setpiece finale in. And on. And down a huge office building that rates alongside any of Jackie's best.1/ Are there any "WOW!" fights? You know it. The last 25 minutes through Holland are spectacular.2/ Are there any "WOW!" stunts? Yes, Jackie runs up trees and down buildings (literally), basically continuing his policy of putting his body through punishment that no-one should accept.3/ Which Jackie is it? Serious / Whimsical / Cocky...This film is as serious as almost anything Jackie has done bar perhaps Heart of Dragon.4/ Does he get to use Jackie-exclusive toys? Mitsubishi gets a look in as always with the car rally and there is some little golf cart motorbike amalgam that they use at the end for no apparent reason aside from it looks cute.5/ Do stolen relics come up? Only stolen power sources and stolen identities.6/ Are there hot chicks (that usually can't act)? This time a supposedly hot white reporter and a more cute than hot Japanese rally driver. (Edge: Japanese rally driver.) 7/ Is there a blooper reel over the credits? Yes.8/ Were there injuries on the shoot? Severity? Yep, in going for broke it seems that Jackie had more mishaps in filming the fight scenes than in most films.9/ Has he still got it? I'm not sure if he knew he was fading (just a little) but Jackie went all out here.10/ Is it a "Jackie Chan" film, or just one he is in? Jackie all the way, just with some different locales and a few more bullets Final Rating - 9 / 10. The only negative is that this runs about 20 minutes overtime. Make this a 100 minute film instead of 2 hours and it stacks up with anything else he has done!
dpb00700 I was surprised at the depth Mr. Chan revealed in this movie. There is not a lot of "fun" frivolity as in his other movies. But I enjoyed it as much -- or more. I thought he was spectacular in his rendering of the character in the situation he was in. I was actually amazed at his ability to mask his own awareness of the plot in each scene where the action and dialog constantly evokes that awareness but he must be the person without awareness. I suspect that's very hard to do when even the slightest twitch in the eye would trash the scene. The director could have shielded the actor from parts of the script, I know (in that case kudos to the director also). But it looked absolutely real and unaffected and not set up. Jackie should consider other opportunities like this.
popeyefishface this movie is excellent. i have stuff to do so I'm not going to write much. the storyline is amazing, actors are excellent, locations are awesome, humor is A+. If you are a Jackie Chan movie fan of any age, this is for you. Also, some immatures here must understand that translations may be dumb and some phrases don't fit in, but thats just part of the movies without perfect English-speaking actors released before 2000. Btw, in my opinion, all the latest movies with Chan like medallion, the tuxedo and around the world in 80 days sucked. Shanghai knights ruled, didn't see the 2nd one, and i know i should. The 10th line goes here.