NR | 25 January 1944 (USA)
Nabonga Trailers

When a treasure hunter seeks a downed airplane in the jungles of Africa, he encounters one of the passenger's young daughter, now fully grown, and with a gorilla protector.

ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Red-Barracuda An embezzler on the run crash lands in the middle of the African jungle. His young daughter grows up under the protection of a large gorilla and becomes known to locals as the legendary white witch. An explorer sets out on an expedition to find her.This jungle adventure is directed by Sam Newfield who is famous for having directed more films than anyone else. Nabonga is very similar in plot line to another of Newfield's films, White Pongo. Both films feature large apes who covet young white women. And both also have striking titles that are never actually used in the film at any point! This picture is a pretty campy affair with a white jungle queen who acts more like a petulant city girl. It's overall entertaining enough to an extent but at the same time it has a lot of overly familiar adventure flick elements that aren't too interesting, such as a villainous, greedy explorer on the good guy's trail. The scenes with the girl and the ape were quite good fun though and, despite being nothing too great, this one is reasonably diverting as these types of movies go.
sol (Some Spoilers) Traveling to darkest Africa in the unexplored and forbidden, by the local natives, Nabonga Mountains Ray Gorman,Buster Crabbe, is determined to find the money that was embezzled from his father's bank back in New York City and return it to its rightful owners: The banks depositors. With the local natives refusing to help him in getting into Naboga Country in fear of a "White Witch" who rules the area Ray gets a lucky brake in Tobo, Prince Madupe, more then willing to help him go there. It was Ray who saved Tobo from being killed by an outraged fellow native, Fred Snowflake Toones, who accused the innocent Tobo of putting a hex on his brother that resulted in his death. Earlier on in the movie we find out that what really happened back in New York it was that Ray's father's top accountant T.F Stockwell, Herbert Rawinson, who framed him by bankrupting his bank. It was T.F who then checked out of the country with the stolen bank money converted to jewelry and ended up, via Cairo Egypt, together with his 10 year old daughter Doreen, Juli London, in the African jungles. that's after his plane crashed during a violent summer monsoon. With T.F dead from his injuries his daughter Dooreen is adopted ,like Tarzan of the Apes was, by this big 400 pound gorilla "Samson", sporting what looked like a punk rock hairdo, played by Ray "Crush" Carrigan dressed in a gorilla suit.As Ray is out to find the stolen or embezzled bank funds he's followed in the jungle by American Carl Hurst, Barton MacLane, who found out about the money and wants to get his hands on it before Ray does. In the jungle Ray and his native guide Tobo finally get to the cash site where the plane with T.L & daughter came down only to be confronted by "Samason" the gorilla! "Samson" in thinking that Ray & Tobo are a threat to his master Doreen, now fully grown at 17 with a 36-24-35 figure, and ends up taking a terrified Tobo apart. It's when Doreen gets to know Ray and what a nice guy he is that "Samson",in him getting the message, desist from any violence towards him. But it's when both the greedy and murderous Carl Hurst and his non-African, she actually look Polynesian, native girlfriend Marie,Fifi Diorsay, come on the scene to make trouble is when "Samson" resorts to type. And it's then when the action in the movie really starts to get both hot & heavy!***SPOILERS*** Despite Julie London's, as Doreen the Jungle Girl in her movie debut, knockout looks that even had actor and Olympic swimming champion Buster Crabbe, as Ray Gorman, a bit taken back and almost speechless it was the monkey or gorilla that ended up stealing the show. Without "Samson" the gorilla coming to Ray and Doreen's aid it would have been curtains for both of them. It fact it was Marie who after Hurst got his hands on the jewelry and dumped her for the far more sexier Doreen ,who was anything but interested in him, who then released "Samson" who was trapped in a bamboo cage to finish the two timing rat off. That's after an outraged Samson in thinking her to be his enemy finished Marie off first. It was "Samson's" confrontation with the gun wielding Hurst that ended up doing the big gorilla in. But it took a full load of lead from Hurst's revolver to do the job! With a fatally wounded "Samson" still having enough left in him to tear Hurst apart limb from limb just before he finally expired.
Hitchcoc It's just an adventure story. A young girl is raised by a gorilla after her father, a crook, dies. A really boring man played by Buster Crabbe finds her and needs her to give some money and jewels back. Of course, there is another guy who wants the loot. Most of the movie is the discovery of the White Witch who is really just a good looking young woman and the efforts to keep her alive by the duo of Crabbe and gorilla. Most of the scenes are silly and forgettable. There are a lot of animals (stock footage) and lots of vines and trees. It is entirely predictable and there are few surprises. The relationship between the girl and Crabbe goes nowhere. Can you imagine the reality of her being put back into Western society.
wes-connors "A young girl is the only survivor of a plane crash that carried herself and her father, a bank embezzler escaping with the money. Befriended by a gorilla that protects and cares for her, the girl grows up in the jungle guarding the fortune. The son of the bank president, from which the money was stolen, tracks down the girl to recover the money, but falls for the girl and must protect her from an unscrupulous guide, who wants the money for himself," according to the DVD sleeve's synopsis.The "stock footage" is so obvious, it's annoying. Co-stars Buster Crabbe (as Ray Gorman) and Julie London (as Doreen Stockwell) are in very good shape. Mr. Crabbe gets to show off his chest, but Ms. London remains covered. Crabbe plays his scenes with London notably well (like a muscular Ozzie Nelson). In her first appearance on film, London is very beautiful. Since Ray "Nbongo" Corrigan plays the gorilla named "Samson", probably "Nabonga" means gorilla in another language.** Nabonga (1/25/44) Sam Newfield ~ Buster Crabbe, Julie London, Barton MacLane, Fifi D'Orsay