| 31 July 1975 (USA)
Who? Trailers

After an American scientist is severely injured and scarred in a car crash along the border with East Germany, he is captured by East German military. The scientists use metal implants to save him. Once he's back in the States, no one can tell if it's really him, so an intelligence specialist must determine who is under the "mask".

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Leofwine_draca WHO? is an interesting little Cold War thriller with an existential theme. It involves a top American scientist who is involved in a car accident in communist Germany. When he's returned home, due to horrific burns his whole head is encased in a metal mask, which makes him look like a robot. However, the powers that be question his very identity, and wonder whether he is in fact a Russian spy...It's certainly an intriguing set-up, and what I loved about this film is that it deals with questions of identity and existence in a thought-provoking way. The whole movie hinges on the acting of Joseph Bova inside the mask, and very good he is too, despite looking ridiculous. He brings a real sense of sadness to the part so that you feel for his plight.The mystery aspects of the storyline are acceptable, and there are a few action scenes to perk things up a little bit. Elliott Gould is the nominal protagonist in this one but he plays rather a dull and stuffy character, although Trevor Howard is fun in his flashback scenes. WHO? isn't an entirely successful film, which is why it's virtually forgotten these days, but it's definitely worth a look for those with a penchant for offbeat cinema.
Wizard-8 It was around this time that Elliot Gould's career started to go downhill. He must have been desperate for work if he had to star in this quite low budget British thriller. Actually, while watching the movie one can see signs that a promising movie could have been made from this material; the premise is intriguing and original. Unfortunately, the filmmakers pretty much botch all of it up. It's way too talky for its own good, and much of the dialogue is dry and not very interesting. As a result, the movie becomes quite boring; Gould himself gives a very uninterested performance. There are a couple of chuckles from the sight of the cyborg since he looks like the Mexican wrestler Santo, but even he becomes boring in short notice.One last thing: Does the FBI really have jurisdiction in Europe?
artpf Interesting concept poorly realized.American scientist is in an accident and East Germans save him. He comes back to America with his head in a metal casing and American agents don't know if it's really the same guy or a spy.Very low budget. Elliot Gould stars in this vehicle as the US agent who doesn't think the guy is the real deal.I suspect this movie was the beginning of Gould's demise as an actor. It come after all his great movies and he hasn't done much of substance since.He walks through this role reading lines in a stiff fashion. Interestingly this movie was made nearly 15 years before the original RoboCop. Wonder if they got the idea from it. It's basically the same concept without the law enforcement angle.The giant fatal flaw in this film is if they really wonder if this is the real scientist, why don't they just take his fingerprints and compare them?Plus, flashbacks make it apparent it IS the guy. So all the suspense is lifted n the first 10 minutes. There's no drama no tension. Just a guy with a silver head wandering around.Super disappointment.
LynxMatthews For those like myself who enjoy films that fit into no particular genre, and would enjoy a scene like a silver-headed metal man happily driving a tractor, this thing may be for you. ROBO MAN, as it is known on the video box, is a pretty strange affair. It is actually more psychological cat and mouse game than anything else, with the poor, metal-headed guy caught in the middle. The movie intercuts scenes of Gould trying to pick the metal man's brain to find out if he is who he says he is/was, with scenes of Trevor Howard appearing to brainwash the same guy at an earlier date. The intriguing notion is that Gould has such respect for the ability of his perceived enemy (Howard), that NOTHING the metal man says will prove who he is to Gould. I left the movie uncertain whether Gould's stubbornness helped or harmed humanity.Also, it may have been intentional, but Gould acts more robot-like than Mr. Metalhead. The performance of Metaldude is actually quite affecting. Kudos to Joe Bova.