Natural City
Natural City
| 05 September 2003 (USA)
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Two cops, R and Noma, hunt down renegade cyborgs. Cyborgs are used as commandos by the military, as lust objects and for companionship. Normaly they have a limited lifespan of three years but black market technology is being developed to be able to transfer a cyborg's artificial intelligence into human host. This drives R to find a suitable host for his expiring cyborg Ria.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Ian This is an interesting movie and will appeal to Philip K Dick and Blade Runner fans. Possibly. Out of curiosity, if nothing more.It's sort of based more on Blade Runner than the book on which that was based - Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - and it's more a follow-on than a retelling. Cyborgs (Replicants), Blade Runners (MPs), limited life spans and attempts to counteract it. You get the idea.Fans will be thinking Great! But it's nowhere near the same calibre as Blade Runner. It's confusing, poorly-paced and substitutes action sequences for moments of tension.One highlight - which is probably not much of a highlight, really but which I enjoyed - is the music at 1:30 which just shouts Ennio Morricone. It fits the scene beautifully.The movie has much to recommend it it but ultimately falls short as a "Blade Runner" or "Sheep" adaptation or follow-on. However, fans of either owe it to themselves to watch it and make up their own minds.Just beware of the OTT reviews written by viewers who have little or no knowledge of its sources, or who still (can you believe it?) think gloss, sparks and action is all you need.
Vincent This is a mindless action flick dressed up as sci-fi.It has some themes in common with common but lacks any of the intelligence or depth.The pace is slow, very little happens for most of the film, flashes of action and violence but very formulaic and dull.The characters are 2 dimensional, as you'd expect from an action flick.The plot doesn't hang together very well and the clichés pile up continuously.The ending is poor; we have the annoying cliché of the super villains, who earlier were so good one of them could slaughter a troop of soldiers without getting a bruise, suddenly turning into cannon fodder for the hero with all their speed and skill vanishing because now he is serious and angry! Some of the visuals are good but nothing original or spectacular.This is pure paint-by-number, no vision or imagination, not terrible but never approaching good.I was expecting something better, worth a glance if it's on TV and there is nothing else but not worth paying any money to watch.
Charles Herold (cherold) I'm not going to say this movie makes the least sense of every movie I've ever seen, because I've seen an awful lot of movies, but it's got to at least be one of the most senseless.This movie starts quite well with a puzzling but intriguing intro that sets up the film's excellent visual style. In fact, there are a number of really cool moments scattered through the movie.Unfortunately, Natural City turns out to be a remarkable example of what happens with a writer who can't put together a coherent story proves to also be a director who is unable to tell a story clearly.Nothing in this movie makes much sense. I don't just mean the story. Once it's all over I can say I at least understand what happened and for the most part why. But character motivations and reactions are inexplicable, the science is ludicrous and the futuristic vision is muddled. This is a movie where a kidnapping is treated like a case of bad manners and the protagonists outrageous behavior causes barely a ripple.The lead character is unlikeable and outside of Cyon (played very nicely by Jae-un Lee) and some old lady named Bonggong or some such thing, the rest of the cast is underwhelming. The cyborg love interest seems to have the personality of a cocker spaniel, making it difficult to have much feeling for her, and in fact all attempts to wring an emotional reaction from the material fail abysmally.The movie makes more sense in the last third, becoming a relatively straightforward action picture, but by then you're trapped in a movie with characters you don't care about making everything that happens feel trivial.The movie is slick and glossy with some nice special effects, which is what kept me from turning it off (that and the hope that somehow it would all come together eventually), but it's just dreadful film making that gets more and more painful as it goes along.
unbrokenmetal I read through the reviews here before I watched it and didn't know what to expect: a classic or a bummer? In my view, the truth is in the middle and the average vote of currently 5.8 seems justified. "Natural City" is by no means a movie on the "Blade Runner" level. Take away the futuristic eye-candy, and what is left? A man is in love with a cyborg lady without really telling us why, how or what for. Real character development is not happening! He gets in a conflict with his friend over the cyborgs which leads to gratuitous violence with faces covered in blood like in a million action flicks before. Meanwhile, a girl plants flowers in a roof garden to provide a contrast to the post-war destruction scenery around. "Natural City" doesn't really have any new ideas, it simply spices up the collection of familiar trade marks with "Matrix/Equilibrium Next Generation" visuals which is fine for web 2.0 designers but not for the art of film making. Everybody who truly believes this is going to be a classic should go watch "Soylent Green" where it was the actors and the story that mattered. Still, "Natural City" is a movie that has its touching or stunning moments. Actually, I liked that explanations were not provided in many cases. One might argue whether it is a deliberate attempt to open it for interpretation or simply plot holes. But I think, if we once really caught a glimpse of the year 2080, there would be much that we won't comprehend, either. You know how silly SF movies of the 1950s seem today because they applied manners, moral standards and ways of conversation that are outdated. In this respect, I'm curious what people will think of "Natural City" in the future. Keep it in the archive.