Recon 2022: The Mezzo Incident
Recon 2022: The Mezzo Incident
| 11 March 2008 (USA)
Recon 2022: The Mezzo Incident Trailers

After the gruesome events on Caprini, Sharp and his elite team of tough, witty and trigger happy space Marines must now head out to the icy planet Mezzo to investigate further Ma'har activities. What they will encounter will defy their imaginations as they tackle giant man eating snow worms, an underground city of Cyborgs, a slew of murderous alien entities and maybe, finally, the ever elusive Ma'hars.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Sean Kaye So before I bash this movie, I have to say that for the budget which is supposedly $500,000, they did a pretty good job of certain aspects such as very resourceful and creative use of locations. I'm not going to bother reviewing it because there's not much to review so I'll just spout out some things I noticed.I spent quite a bit of time in Montreal Canada where it was shot so I recognize the way the light looks and the fact that it was obviously shot in a snow-covered rock quarry in the middle of winter so I found that part quite depressing. All I kept thinking was how cold some of the scenes looked, like when they get covered in snow -- their hockey outfit/armour would get snow down inside it and soak their undies and neck warmers etc. Man that would be really miserable.The script sounds like it was written by a 10 year old boy, full of the usual clichés like "We got company" and "Incoming", "Fire in the hole", There's basically no script, just snippets of cliché dialogue stolen from other classic albeit stupid movies like the second Aliens when Ripley goes to the planet LV-426 with a group of 'space marines' to see what happened. This movie tries to be like that like instead of a Latino Pvt. Vasquez from Aliens you have Carmen Echeverria as a little hot headed Latino except this girl's not much of a hot head, she just spouts dumb clichés, ie: They're in a gun battle and she yells out "Come to mama" and "We got company" and then a french hockey player guy yells out "Come to Pappa" before shooting an Alien.After standing in the rock quarry, they come under fire from a spaceship that keeps trying to kill them and for about 5 minutes they just keep shooting bullets at it to no avail, even losing a team member until one of the idiots finally yells out "Carol, rocket launcher", and this chick takes out a rocket launcher and shoots the spaceship out of the air with one shot. Why did they spend 5 minutes trying to shoot it with machine guns when they had a rocket launcher? Don't ask any questions because your travelling with the Z-Team.The soundtrack is almost non-existent, just a bunch of random hyper drumming stuff with the occasional obligatory chanting choir.Again, some aspects were good for the budget but they should have spent even $10,000 on some kind of writer, and then they should have actually looked for real actors, like even local acting students if they couldn't afford to pay them and then perhaps this would have been watchable.As it was, I got about 1/2 way through before switching the channel and watching some yuppies build a big McMansion on PBS instead because even that was more interesting and less predictable then where this movie was heading.
anymountain You can bet any review that says something good about this film was written by someone with a personal stake. Especially if it mentions something specific. The sound mix is horrible, the editing is amateur, the cinematography is unexplainable, the directing is non-existent.The story and writing are so hack and derivative of other films, that I recommend the best way to watch this movie is a game where you have to shout out what movie each line or prop is based on, in turn. The guy who brakes the chain drinks.These guys have made half a dozen feature films, how is that possible? That is a HUGE accomplishment, who gives these guys money. This movie is like watching a paintball club playing out a scene from a star trek movie.
Denatir If you saw the 1st Recon movie, you'll know what to expect from this one! Yes, the sets and the costumes are better than in the first movie, and the special effects (while throwbacks from the 70s or 80s) are better in the sequel. Viel tries to continue the story of Earth's decimation by an alien race and the subsequent journey of humankind to the stars to fight what seems to be a never ending battle against the creatures that are determined to wipe them out.This is beyond a low budget film, it is a sub-level budget film. The dialog is painful at some points and overly predictable. The acting is.... well, there were actors in the film. NONE of this however stops Viel from bringing this story to a video store near you, and thankfully so. If you like really bad "B" movies, this one is for you! Viel and his troop of actors don't just go through the motions, they really are trying to bring the story to life. Unfortunately, they just don't have the resources to do the job. Should it stop them? No way... while not a multi-million dollar blockbuster, it's nice to see people making a movie because they WANT to. It's worth a rental just to support the fun they are obviously having. A 5 for effort, if not for delivery.
adrenachrome The attempt here was to do a gritty space opera epic, written in multiple parts (this is a sequel, and the DVD promises another one forthcoming) and while this can be done (see the *original* Star Wars) well given the right talent and experience, it was not to be the case here.I think the failure lies in the director trying to do more than he is capable of. Case in point: There is supposed to be pre-mission camaraderie amongst the soldiers at the local bar, but the director gave no motivation to the cast, and probably told them to "just wing it." The trouble with "just winging it" is legion, the acting becomes flat, the dialogue is stilted, the acting forced and rather than add to the film, it becomes a throwaway scene.Sadly, most of the film is like this, throwaway scene after throwaway scene, until you are left with dis-jointed bits that may work for ~30 seconds or so, but can not, indeed, will not, ever make for a good movie.Perhaps the director was following in Uwe Boll's footsteps and make spoof films on someone elses money, I'm not certain as there were no extras on the DVD giving insight into the motivation of the cast and/or crew, much less the director. Instead, we are forced to take this film at face value, a serious space opera, and as others have mentioned, the face value is utterly worthless.The director is much like a captain on a ship. No matter what occurs, the captain will take the blame (or the praise if the film is good) even if forced to work with sub-standard material and doing his level best to rise above. Perhaps the writers were drunk when they wrote this, perhaps the camera crew were fighting over a woman the entire time. I don't know, all I know is what is presented to me by the director.In the hands of a truly great director (Ridley Scott for example) this might have been a fun popcorn film, as it was, it was a waste of my rental money.If, perchance, the director, or cast/crew should read this, do not take it personally, rather take it in the spirit as it was intended: Get some more experience, take the reins a little more firmly, do not be afraid to re-think/re-shoot scenes, and show us what you can *really* do.