The Machine Girl
The Machine Girl
NR | 02 January 2008 (USA)
The Machine Girl Trailers

The life of a young, Japanese schoolgirl is destroyed when her family is killed by a Ninja-Yakuza family. Her hand cut off, she replaces it with various machines-of-death, and seeks revenge.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
griffsta There's B movies, and there's Grindhouse, but this film was just pure garbage. I honestly thought they must have realised halfway through filming it was dreadful, and tried to come up with ideas to make it worse... I mean come on, drill bra? Really? This film is p*ss poor in my opinion. The props are rubbish, the OTT blood and gore isn't even funny, its just ridiculous. The acting is mediocre, the fight choreography is substandard.I've seen a lot of these kind of movies, and at least other B movies have a half decent story or are at least written so you enjoy at least 1 scene.Was this film made by a 12 year old?
oneguyrambling Something about the colourful DVD covers and wonderfully insane back cover blurbs hooks me into these things every time.Let's tick them off shall we?Arterial Sprays?Severed limbs?Japanese chickies in school uniforms?Bad CGI?Over the top Special FX?Ummmm… machine gun arms?Ninjas?Dodgy karate to bad music?Ummmm… blood drinking?Double ummmm… boiled heads that get vomited on?Eating one's own severed fingers?Gratuitous panty shots?Throwing stars?Torture?Crappy hair dye jobs?Ummmmmmmmm… rotating steel-bra-drill???Look I could delve into the plot about a young woman out to avenge the death of her younger brother but as if you give a f*ck.That's not what will cause your jaw to drop.That's not what you'll be explaining to your buddies the next day.That's not what will cause you to look up similar films on the internet. (Likely the only reason you ended up here.)Machine Girl is one of those schlocky 'could only emanate from Japan' tongue in cheek splatter films filled with the usual deliberate ridiculousness and insanity for insanity's sake.It is a better than average one, on a par with Vampire Girl Vs Frankenstein Girl and Big Tits Zombie, and a step above Robogeisha.If that ain't enough I don't know what else to say.Final Rating – 5.5 / 10. Credit due for sheer bloodiness and a willingness to embrace the lunacy. No half measures here.
tedg There's something disturbing about American filmmakers going to other cultures to borrow porn tropes. "Kill Bill" just never seemed right, like a traditional Jewish grandmother making Tacos for her goyim daughter-in-law's brownie troop because she thought that's what it was all about.Today, when we watch influential French new wave films, we laugh when we see that much of what they thought movies were about was poses of actors that had become cultural tokens. We see how shallow that vocabulary is for all its power. That is why, if I want to experience pure trash for whatever reason, it needs to be genuine trash. That's what this is. It is empty and offensively trivial but at least it is pure, genuine. That gives us as viewers something to build a story upon, because it exists and is popular. Kids, panties, coy girls turned terrifying ninjas. Injury always as explosive demonstration. Parents as swirling misdirected forces. You can get something from this because it is situated in its source. Seeing a fecund Rose McGowan with a machine gun leg killing those looking up her crotch, is fundamentally different from the frail, barely pubescent sister with the machine gun arm.Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
tonymo1977 "The Machine Girl" I thought for sure that I had had enough of the "Tokyo Shock" scene after seeing "Tokyo Gore Police", after seeing that film I nearly gave up on the sub-genre all together. Feeling froggy I figured it would be safe going with a Tokyo shock as long as it wasn't written and directed by Yoshihiro Nishimura. It was OK that he had done the FX, his work in that department is really quite good. Instead I went the safe route (really sarcastic) with porn director Noburu Iguchi's " The Machine Girl" Thank goodness there was no penis gun this time around. Just your classic "Tokyo Shock" Nishimura style! Fingers, heads, arms all cut off with the single swipe of a Katana blade. Imagine again the fan like sprays of blood in full force."The Machine Girl" was a very stylistic, well written and acted yarn that spins itself around young High Schooler Ami Hyuga (MInase Yashiro).When Ami's brother Yu and his friend Takeshi are murdered by a young gang, led by the son of a Yakuza Clan Leader, Ami stricken with anguish, vows to avenge her brother, doing whatever it takes, including becoming a "demon" for her family and tracking down his killers."The Machine Girl" was a really cool film with elements of "Master of the Flying Guillotine" "Mighty Morphine Power Rangers", "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and Tekken. The Yakuza boss is a dead on ringer of "Heihachi Mishima, he even sounded like him too. This film never really takes it self too seriously and exploits itself in all the right ways. The characters were all very likable and stylized end over end.One scene in particular that really stood out, raised it's arm, waived and screamed at the top of its cinematic lungs, was when Ami visits the home of one of the young gang members. She extracts info from him and proceeds to cutting his head off, the scene cuts to his mother setting the table for dinner when suddenly the power goes out and suddenly back on. Well, in that short amount of time, Ami put his head in a stew pot and when the mother opens it to see her sons head inside, she screams, giving Ami the moment to stab her in the back of the head with a kitchen knife. What comes out of her mouth is , including pints of blood, a bit of her intestine, yellow puss? I think? The camera cuts from her mouth spewing to the stew put filling and covering the boys head or the hand in boiling oil making a Tempura hand. Really intense and very well done( In a exploitive, over the top sort of way). Ohh, I forgot to mention that Ami loses her arm during a torture scene led by the Yakuza boss and his clan, including his sadistic wife. Only to have a Gatling gun prosthesis to replace it."TMG" is nothing but style and fun. The ninja "Mighty Morphine Power Ranger" looking scenes were very cool and any time you have a flying guillotine grabbing peoples heads and legs and ripping them off and showing it, is pretty freaking amazing too. Chime in the bra drill in the closing scene and you have an exploitation film at its very best. The film does exactly the way you want it to do. No weird twists and turns or perverse scenes to derail this locomotive of shocking fun. Interesting that a porn director has no nudity in the film, but a very nice touch. For a good time....check out " The Machine Girl" BruceVain