When Were You Born
When Were You Born
NR | 18 June 1938 (USA)
When Were You Born Trailers

A San Francisco astrologer correctly predicts a ship passenger's death and then helps the police look for the murderer.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
dougdoepke Wacky programmer that fails for the most part. Looks like WB was trying to rival Charlie Chan with the much prettier Anna Mae Wong, except Mei Lei (Wong) uses astrology to crack cases instead of logic. Well that is a different approach, and the script's not shy about reinforcing Mei Lei's star-gazing powers. To make their premise go down easier, science is treated as supplementary to Libra, Taurus, et al, and not in conflict with them. I wonder how that goes down at Cal Tech or MIT. Wong is the best thing about the 65-minutes, treating a troublesome part with genuine authority. It's really she who deserves top billing even though Lindsey and Lane furnish abundant eye candy. Maybe my planets are in the wrong house, but I found the whodunit a messy bore. There's not much action, while the talkfest seldom leaves interior sets. All in all, I can see why there were no movie sequels, at the same time the ladies went on to bigger and better things. Anyway it's an oddball idea even for adventurous WB. (In passing-- Watch for Clayton Moore, TV's Lone Ranger {1949-57}, in a minor part as Ass't DA, but don't look for the mask or Tonto.)
kapelusznik18 ****SPOILERS*** Weird sort of movie where everyone in it is identified by their astrological signs not just their names with Chinese astrologist Mel Li Ming, Anna May Wong,cracking this puzzling murder case by interrupting the astrological charts of those involved in it. We also get a 7 minute introduction to the movie by the narrator-whoever he is-Manl;y P. Hall who's like Miss. Ming supposed to be an expert on the subject of astrology. It's on a cruise from Hong Kong to San Francisco that Miss.Ming in noticing businessman Philip Corey's, James Stephenson,birthday on his passport predicts that he'll be dead within 48 hours. When that in fact happened she's a suspect in his what looks like his murder not suicide with her friend and former school mate Doris Kane, Margaret Lindsey,Corey's fiancée held for questioning.It soon turns out that Doris' brother Larry Camp, Anthony Averill, was the last person to see Corey alive who in fact is later exposed by the sharp eyed Miss. Ming in her getting the astrological charts of all those involved in knowing his astrology chart that Miss. Ming realizes that he's not her brother at all but her lover! With the police going nowhere in the case it's Miss. Ming who puts all the loose ends as well as son moon and planets together in finding out who Corey's killer is. This is done by her finding out the charts of all those involved and identifying from them the killer's identity.****SPOILERS**** It soon turns out that Doris's mom was being blackmailed-in her having a serious drinking problem- by Corey to get her to agree her to have have her daughter Doris marry him by also-I if the drinking story didn't work-coming up with this story that she's involved in a drug trafficking operation with Corey and his business partner Frederick Glow, Lenonard Mudie, that in fact Corey was the head had honcho of. The confusing final that takes place in San Francisco's Chinatown has Glow exposed and on the run as Corey's killer who ends up getting all that's coming to him with Corey's loyal valet Shields, Eric Stanley, a crack shot and Olympic gold medal winner who spotted Glow taking Miss. Ming hostage shoots him dead as he tries to make his escape.
xerses13 ...because of ANNA MAE WONG!!!Typically tight (65") WARNER BROTHERS' mystery 'B' programmer that was churned out from the 1930s' till the mid 1950s', when T.V. took over. This story is wrapped up in the 'pseudo science' of Astrology. Which each character is given a sign and a sub-plot of the Zodiac. It starts off with the 'horoscope' of Nita Kenton (Lola Lane/Cancer) whose character disappears after the proclamation of doom for Philip Corey (James Stephenson/Libra). The rest of the story weaves around his murder and how it is deciphered by Mei Lei Ming (Anna Mae Wong/Aquarius) and her astrological expertise.Though billed second after Margaret Lindsay (Doris Kane/Leo) it is ANNA MAE WONG that drives this story. Ms. Wong gives her usual professional performance dominating every scene she is in. Unfortunately like most of her Hollywood productions of this time it is in a 'B' effort. Most of her more accomplished efforts having been done earlier or in England/Europe. This was because of the racial discrimination of the time. Today her career would have had a entirely different course.Due to how Chinese or Oriental characters where portrayed at that time Ms. Wong appeared in what was considered traditional dress. While all other characters appeared in period apparel. It would have been better if she had been shown off in some of the 'chic' fashions she normally wore. There is no doubt of her physical appeal, Ms. Wong being strikingly attractive.For those who have not seen Ms. Wong this is a good start, but do not stop here. See her early work like THE THIEF OF BAGDAD (1924), PICADILLY (1929) or the SHANGHEI EXPRESS (1933). She is a wonder to behold.
Arthur Hausner Since I've always felt that astrology can be described at best as fraudulent, the goings on here annoyed me very much. Tell Anna May Wong your birthday and she can look up your chart and tell you everything about you. She tells James Stephenson he has two days to live; Jeffrey Lynn that his wife will have twins; Inspector Charles Wilson that there will be two more murders, etc. It goes on and on and she's never wrong! Mind you, she says these predictions are only generalizations, because she doesn't have the exact time of your birth. The opening scenes has Manley P. Hall (the one who concocted the original story) on-screen telling how astrology enables you to predict the future and he cites laughable examples of it. He also explains the 12 signs of the zodiac and the characteristics of the people born under those signs. To me it was all nonsense. You might note that the character of each of the 12 credited actors was born under a different zodiac sign which was specified on-screen.The film is well directed by William McGann, who sets a nice pace for the 65 minute length of the film, and it was somewhat fun to watch the mystery unfold. But I cringed every time Wong opened her mouth with some item seemingly picked out of the air. If you believe in astrology, you may like this film. I didn't.