R | 24 February 2004 (USA)
Motives Trailers

A highly successful business tycoon who is married to his ideal wife. Things get twisted awry when the man has an adulterous affair.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
crmycoco-31720 Unlike some reviewers who didn't like this movie because it has an all black cast, I liked it BECAUSE it had an all black cast that wasn't singing, dancing or rapping, or being portrayed as drug addled ghetto trash. I like seeing black ppl in "normal" stories about lust, murder, money and revenge. However, this is where my praise ends.THIS MOVIE SUCKED THE HOT AIR OUT OF ALL BALLOONS EVERYWHERE!!!!!I'm not sure if it was the plot, the sophomoric acting or the lazy direction, but this film sunk to the bottom of cinematic trash and all the king's horses and all the king's men could not save it. Personally, I think Vivica A. Fox is above this kind of straight to video crap, but if it pays the bills...whatever. Do you boo!The scenery was beautiful and should be nominated for an Oscar, however.If you've nothing better to do on a lazy Saturday afternoon...maybe you want to get your taxes done to some background noise...then this might be the film for you. Otherwise, you'd be better off checking out L.A. Confidential or The Devil in the Blue Dress for any kind of cinematic satisfaction.
Matt Kracht The plot: An arrogant businessman tries to hold on to his charmed life after an ill-advised affair threatens to bring down everything.Motives is a low budget, direct-to-video erotic thriller. Erotic thrillers often end up being half gritty noir and half soft-core porn, and Motives isn't any different. The noir element was fairly straightforward if a bit derivative, with a pretty decent twist at the end. However, the sex scenes were so unconvincing and amateurish that I almost laughed. I've seen better sex scenes in made-for-cable movies back in the 1980s when there was nothing else to watch after midnight.Motives has an all Black cast, which could be either viewed as a gimmick or an attempt to break out of the stereotypical "Black" movie. I think it's a bit of both, really. It's also got a soundtrack chock full of R&B ballads, which really didn't do anything for me. I prefer heavy metal or classical music. Given the movie's demographics, however, this is probably a better choice than Iron Maiden or Judas Priest.Though it sometimes degenerates into soap opera melodrama, it always comes back to thriller territory eventually. If you're looking for an original, slick, and sexy thriller, Motives might not be the best choice. If you just want something to pass the time, it'll do.
circlelink Wait! Let me catch my breath! Honey Chile! Here I am in 2006 just finding out about this movie? This movie was not nominated for a Golden Globe? Oscar? NO ONE from this movie was nominated? Well now I am really angered by that! I am of the firm persuasion that this movie should have been acknowledged in some way. I see so many good films that are not nominated that I don't even watch the Oscars any more. Well as I say "let me tell you what I saw while you were sleeping." My goodness! The breathtaking acting, the smoother than smooth love scenes (never seen the way the editor fixed this movie scene) -- it was sooo soo juicy to say the least. I do not know the actor who was the mistress but I say this -- wooo weee can she act sensuously -- her and her girlfriend and how they just ravished this man so much sexually -- they had a mat truck up that man's nose. Just the like the president C -- he did it because he could and when he did -- the consequences had devastating effects -- it brought his lovely world down -- one thing that did anger me to no end - he could have given more than 5% to his wife's charities! The wonderful city of Atlanta was the backdrop for this movie and the city was shown in all of it's loveliness. The restaurant scenes were good as well - all the opulence of high society were displayed in this movie. I would have liked to have known a bit more background into the characters as it would have given a bit of light to Mr. Moore's personality in the film. A jovial, happy-go-lucky guy with dark corners all around. The entire town of Atlanta was in the palm of his hands. Yeah right. Dirty hands that is - who would have thought he was so dirty. His wife knew about it and asked him to quit whatever it was he was doing. He did not do it for he was the boss of it all. He thought he had it all. Yes, but he did not appreciate it. In a movie this intense I hardly had time to eat my popcorn as I was ever on the edge of my seat.I enjoyed great acting by the all Black cast. Additionally, the actors showed they could grok their parts. You know, I really enjoy good deep acting (Like in Crash and Hotel Rwanda). Speaking of acting - I knew Vivica Fox could act - I never knew Shamar Moore could act as well. Well forgive me! I - let's face it - I never have seen him in a movie - just young and the restless! So give me a break -- I am a bit late -- I been working and have just retired -- when ya work sometimes ya don't see all the movies -- know what I mean? Again I digress - so sorry. Vivica - what can I say? She was outstanding and held the movie up along with Moore. I wish they could pair again - the entire cast would do well to perform in a Motives II -- I could do with a sequel. After you see this - you will also. I want to know what happened next? Will we ever know? I tell you everything in this movie was so - so clean and tight and moved so flawless. The rhythm of the movie was so magical and believable. I loved the way they showed the human side of black people. I saw how black people really are - not animated - no black faced acting here. Real raw energy acting and it puts to rest that Black people can;'t act. This movie taught me how to revision an old theme of betrayal and it kept me in suspense and anger and, as I mentioned earlier - on the edge of my seat! The movie evoked lots of emotions as I cried for the main character as never I have (but then again - I am always crying about something!). Emotionally, it was a roller coaster of emotions -- sooooo delicious one moment then suspense the next and then sooo sad -- cause where he ended up -- he will have lots of time -- time think. I don't know if the movie was real or not - based on someone's life I mean. If so -- that man needs to be released today. The body of circumstances that surrounded the story was crucial to the story such that the sex scenes had to be intense in order to understand what drove the man to do what he did. He was getting truly laid in a very unorthodox way. Kudos to the director who kept the vision true and crisp. On another level -- this movie was about ego and not taking care of self. How the character did not value his friends, wife, nor his life - his lovely life. Yeah right. A life of smoke and mirror held together by tattered threads of jealousy, envy, greed and lust -- honey too much lust is not good for the loins. The one thing missing from this movie was comedy -- there was not a comedic scene in the show and it was not needed for this character was a on a speedboat to a crash. Remember, once when a person thinks he or she is invincible -- life comes and puts some obstacles in the way to test us all - and then the everlasting fall. This character fell and hit rock bottom. From heaven to hell is quite a fall - a deep fall of motives, betrayals, and the everlasting question: just who do you trust? In this movie, it certainly was not Spirit.
doreatha_mae I thought that the movie was good. I feel that the story line could have been more developed, in some ways but overall it was a good and well written movie. It has some very interesting twists and turns that are very surprising, but make the movie that much better. Its full of suspense. Its a good mystery thriller.I believe that is was beautiful to see African American people in a movie like this. Instead of seeing the typical, gangster movie or comedy or a movie showing the black struggle. It was just good to see a mystery, a smart film that was just about how life can be, not so much about race. I hope to see many more movies like this.