We Bought a Zoo
We Bought a Zoo
PG | 23 December 2011 (USA)
We Bought a Zoo Trailers

Benjamin has lost his wife and, in a bid to start his life over, purchases a large house that has a zoo – welcome news for his daughter, but his son is not happy about it. The zoo is in need of renovation and Benjamin sets about the work with the head keeper and the rest of the staff, but, the zoo soon runs into financial trouble.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
kamna-46423 One of those movies that make you feel good about life. It tries to convey how to find hope in the middle of despair, courage in the middle of fear, and life in the middle of death. All this is tried to brought together in a humorous, light-hearted way. The daughter of Damon's character is a show-stealer and adorable. Matt Damon puts up a strong performance as Benjamin Mee and I loved the way he had shown different shades of emotions as he struggled to raise his kids alone with the memories of his late wife. Yes this film might be over sentimental and predictable at times. The plot will not be able to keep you on the edge of your seat. However, in spite of those things it is still worth to watch the heartfelt performances. I just loved the dialogue "You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it."
Floated2 We Bought a Zoo is a family film which is about a man's quest of starting a new life after the loss of his wife, so in doing so, he decides to move and buy a house which in come with a zoo (though it is not fully functioning when he buys it, as he becomes the owner and must fix it and start it back up).This film does offer some solid acting from Matt Damon as the lead, but many of the other characters are unlikeable and forgettable, specially the son. The main problem with the film is that it isn't as interesting or unique given that it's about a zoo. Nothing much out the of ordinary happens and at times it is quite dull.The movie is also very predictable but dealing with a novel, it appears to be expected. As we know everything will work out in the end, we know the zoo will be back running in good shape, people will enjoy it, the father-son relationship will better itself and eventually Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson's characters fall for each other. It is also quite unrealistic as he seemed like he was able to smoothly pay for everything that appeared to be a problem with the zoo. The film didn't mention how Matt Damon had all that money, but living in a zoo, the price would be very expensive, and the film made it seem like a fantasy. They did show some scenes of problems but overall everything seemed a little far fetched and unrealistic. Overall, We Bouth a Zoo is a typical and somewhat dull family film which doesn't offer much, but is at worst quite average. Maybe more thugs would have happened which would have been unexpected.
aebars Benjamin Mee (Matt Damon) is a former adventure journalist whose family - consisting of obligatory cute, precocious 7-year-old daughter Rosie (Maggie Elizabth Jones) and obligatory moody, confrontational teenage son Dylan (Colin Ford) - has been in a funk ever since his perfect, pure-as-the-driven snow wife Katherine died. Deciding that a move to a new house is the means of snapping them out of it, Mee discovers a property that seems perfect, only to then be informed that it is in fact a zoo - a dilapidated zoo that is forecasted to close unless someone purchases and refurbishes it. Initially discouraged, he elects to buy the property anyway after he observes what a shine Rosie takes to it. Will the family be able to refurbish the zoo in time for its grand reopening? Will Benjamin and Dylan reconcile with each other? Will Benjamin enter a new romantic relationship with the attractive divorced female zookeeper (Scarlett Johansson) who runs the zoo?Gee, what do you think?'We Bought a Zoo' is a fluffy, amiable, inoffensive film, but there's no getting around the fact that it's incredibly, incredibly schematic. There's no plot development that you can't see coming from a mile away, no dilemma that isn't solved by a convenient contrivance, and little dialogue that isn't trite. (At one point, prior to the move, when Rosie can't sleep due to the next-door neighbors having a party, she declares: "Their happy's too loud."). Hell, there's even a "villain" in the form of Walter Ferris (John Michael Higgins), a snooty, "evil" zoo inspector who swaggers around, looking down his nose at Benjamin, and threatens to close the zoo unless every square inch of it complies with draconian regulations. (Walter Ferris joins the likes of Principal Edward Rooney from 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off', and Walter Peck from 'Ghostbusters', as an example of a character who is framed as a "villain" simply by virtue of doing his damn job!).If it's a rainy afternoon, you're feeling depressed, and you just want some generic, no-frills, Hollywood feel-good comfort food, then 'We Bought a Zoo' actually works quite well. I'll be the first to say that there is, in fact, nothing inherently wrong with such a movie. But if you're in any way jaded or cynical, or in any way a connoisseur, then 'We Bought a Zoo' is liable to make you roll your eyes hard.
wlhawk-91860 CONTAINS POSSIBLE SPOILERS: This was the perfect film for Matt Damon. He comes across genuine and sincere. The idea that life will in fact through you curve balls and it is how you deal with that is completely up to you. The movie gives a realistic look at how you may handle a tragedy and the world doesn't stop to let you catch up. Yes, I know there is some predictability in the story here and there but the journey the movie takes is quite sweet and funny at moments. In regards to the Family Film aspect, it touches on several things families can relate to. Sure there is a few curse words , but they are used to convey a message that opens communication for families that may have experienced something similar.