Your Sister's Sister
Your Sister's Sister
R | 14 June 2012 (USA)
Your Sister's Sister Trailers

Iris invites her friend Jack to stay at her family's island getaway after the death of his brother. At their remote cabin, Jack's drunken encounter with Hannah, Iris' sister, kicks off a revealing stretch of days.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Wordiezett So much average
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
merelyaninnuendo Your Sister's SisterIts key lies within the process of bonding that occurs so smoothly that one almost forgets that all of it is an act. Lynn Shelton has done a brilliant job on writing this screenplay and bring it alive on screen, which is not easy to execute especially such an eerie situation that is created among characters where he literally plays with them like a puppet. The performance objective is what itches in the throat in here for no matter how much Emily Blunt must invest on it, she is just a supporting actor the rest of it actually lies upon Mark Duplass and Rosemarie DeWitt; the lead characters, who could have done better. Your Sister's Sister may have a similar tone to "dysfunctional family" genre but it certainly is more than that especially in its high pitched dramatic sequences in its last act where all the sub-plots merges in.
Wild_Persian_Cat This review contains spoilers:I have been IMDb's member for 20+ years, never felt that I need to write a review but this movie is such a piece of trash and so wrong that I felt compelled to do so. The movie started really well but went downhill with he discovery of the poked holes in the condom. Let's put aside the odds of a getting pregnant with one time sex and how the lesbian found a condom in a moment's notice ( assuming it was in the medicine cabinet of the cottage , perhaps belonging to her dad who used to sleep around, really old condom?) My main issue with movie is that it is downplaying the sexual assault and movie ended up having a happy ending ???? I know it was consensual sex but with the use of condom to prevent STDs and unintended pregnancies. I agree that one must take some risks having sex with condom but intentionally poking holes should be considered criminal. If the roles were reversed, the guy poke holes in the condom or stealthing and as a result the female gets pregnant, would it still be considered OK? Reading some of the reviews, bragging about such a love story this is, I am deeply saddened how morally bankrupt our society has become!
asliyaseminbahar The director did an absolutely great job in my honest opinion. I don't know what they're called but I just like these types of festival films. I loved the acting, it was quite nice and sincere. However, the plot for me was a little too messed up honestly. One twist too much I think. Maybe real life is this messed up, I don't know but I personally feel like it was not a nice family film in that sense. What I really liked however was that it death with real emotion. Whether people are that open, honest or vulnerable in real life is another discussion. Overall, worth the hour and a half, good acting, good scenery, interesting premise/plot. Wouldn't say it's a must-watch but I didn't not like it. Maybe I was expecting a tad more because the trailer seemed so great, but there was just this one character, the sister, that I didn't like. I mean maybe the writer -same woman who directed it- was trying to achieve that but it seemed to me that they were trying to give the impression that all three stars were kinda messed up where I found only the sister to genuinely not be a good person whereas the others were just struggling with life like any person would. The sister and what she did seemed to evil to just simply forgive after a good night's sleep in my opinion. But definitely enjoyed watching it. Good job acting and directing. Not your usual movie. Interesting experience.
Avid Climber Your Sister's Sister is your independent take on relationship, which is much closer to life than Hollywood's.The good. Extremely realistic reactions and chain of events. Superb ending, just right. Heartfelt. Interesting and refreshing story. Good acting. Nice twists and turns in the scenario.The actors. All three give us nice performances, but Emily Blunt really shines a little brighter. She's so lovable.The bad. The intro is awkward. Some of the camera work is below par.The ugly. Him looking at the mother and kids at the diner. Unnecessary, distracting, and in a style not keeping with the rest of the film.The result. I highly recommend to everyone who likes movies that are different and don't require a lot of action.