WCW Fall Brawl 1995
WCW Fall Brawl 1995
NR | 17 September 1995 (USA)
WCW Fall Brawl 1995 Trailers

The Hulkamaniacs battle The Dungeon of Doom in a WarGames Match. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair takes on "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson. Harlem Heat collides with Bunkhouse Buck & "Dirty" Dick Slater for the WCW World Tag Team Championship. Plus, "Diamond" Dallas Page and much more!

Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
SlyGuy21 1st Match: Johnny B. Badd vs Brian Pillman. This match had a lot of promise, two guys I like starting a PPV, guys that have proved that starting a show with them is a good idea. What happened here? First off, the match goes to a time-limit draw at 20 minutes. Not only that, but the whole match is just rest holds, and double KOs. It reminds me of Orton/Edge at Vengeance '04, a match that's nothing but rest holds and it feels like an eternity. Pillman goes heel way later than he should've, to no reaction whatsoever, and the match is in sudden death for an additional 9 minutes. There are a few high spots, but they're few and far between. To say this is a bad start to a PPV is an understatement. Rating: 1/5 2nd Match: Sgt. Craig Pittman vs Cobra. 80 seconds of nothing. You know what I love when I pay $60 for a PPV, nothing matches that are only there to fill a time-slot. Rating: None.3rd Match: The Renegade vs DDP, WCW World TV Championship. This match is only good because DDP oversells everything like Michaels/Hogan from SummerSlam '05. At least DDP wins, which means that Renegade will slowly disappear because I'm really sick of his "Discount Warrior" gimmick. Rating: 2/5.4th Match: Harlem Heat vs Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater, WCW World Tag Team Championships. An OK match, but there's no real high point. The match just exists to be there. It's not bad, it just goes through the motions to fill time. The sad thing is, this is the best match so far. Rating: 3/5.5th Match: Ric Flair vs Arn Anderson. This has all the makings of a Match of the Year contender. Fantastic chemistry between 2 veterans, great storytelling, great back and forth action, and then Brian Pillman screws Flair out of the victory. What the hell was that?!? Was one of these face's winning clean too much to ask? The first 99% of this match is near flawless, and then the ending happens. Rating: 4.5/5 6th Match: The Hulkamaniacs vs The Dungeon of Doom, WarGames. Real question: Who was watching this in 1995 and actually thought Hogan would lose this? Answer: Nobody. This match is so predictable it hurts. The remnants of the Cartoon Era taking on 4 of the biggest faces in WCW at the time, even if they shot Hogan in the head they still would'nt have had a chance in hell of winning. So Hogan and company win, to the surprise of no one, and then Big Show comes down and wrenches Hogan's neck off. A completely anticlimactic end to a bad PPV. Rating: 1.5/5 Final Rating: 4 out of 10. If it hadn't been for Anderson and Flair putting on a near classic, this show would've scored a lot lower. WCW is seriously treading water right now. I think they've only had one above average show this whole year. Please tell me WCW gets better as soon as possible.
callanvass Live from Asheville, NCYour hosts are Tony Schiavone & Bobby Heenan#1 Contender's Match (For the United States Championship)"Flyin" Brian Pillman Vs Johnny B BaddThey originally wrestle to a twenty-minute draw, but it's determined that the match must continue in sudden death. Badd wins in sudden death when he collides with Pillman coming off the ropes and simply falls on top of him. This was SO close to being an amazing match. They went 30 full minutes of working their asses off. Maybe I'm being too picky, but I felt there were far too many rest holds in the first 15 minutes. It became repetitive and slightly dull. The rest of the match is fantastic, edge of your seat wrestling that doesn't let up for a second. It's a really good match that could have been great. Badd gets a shot at Sting for the United States Title.***3/4Cobra Vs Sgt. Craig PittmanCobra is Jeff Farmer, more infamously known as NWO Sting. Pittman wins by submission with a cross-arm breaker. This was thankfully short, but awful just the same. I don't have much else to say about it.DUDWe get a REALLY awful segment with Paul Orndorff going berserk in his locker room, questioning if he's Mr. Wonderful or not. A psychic comes in and says things will fall into place for Orndorff. Television TitleThe Renegade (C) (W/The Ultimate Warrior) Vs Diamond Dallas Paige (W/Max Muscle & The Diamond Doll)DDP wins the title with the Diamond Cutter. The Renegade is a rip- off of The Ultimate Warrior. The fans knew it and didn't accept him very much. Both were relatively green at this juncture, but this was better than I expected. At one point, The Renegade had the match won, then he inexplicably goes after Max Muscle. Stupid booking aside, this was tolerable.*1/2Tag Team Championship"Dirty" Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck (C) (W/Col. Rob Parker) Vs Harlem Heat (W/Sister Sherri)Harlem Heat wins the Tag Team titles after The Nasty Boys cost Slater & Bunkhouse the match. This was a chore to sit through. What's hysterical is that Schiavone called it "Great Tag Team wrestling" Unless you're a masochist, sit this one out. The only notable thing about this match is the make out session between Sherri and Parker.1/4*Ric Flair Vs Arn AndersonAnderson wins with the DDT after interference from Brian Pillman. This is PURE wrestling at its finest. It'll probably bore casual fans to tears, but for the wrestling purist, this is a wet dream. It starts off slow at the beginning, then it begins to crescendo. Not only is this filled with great psychology, but emotion as well. Because of Ric and Arn's friendship, you're emotionally invested. Bobby Heenan did a great job of announcing here and selling the emotion between Ric and Arn. Brian Pillman turns heel and rejuvenated his career somewhat and the fans went from supporting Arn to being confused after Arn betrayed Ric. It was quite simply, a wrestling clinic. ****1/4War GamesThe Dungeon of Doom (The Shark, Kamala, Meng & The Zodiac W/The Taskmaster) Vs Hulk Hogan, Sting, Randy Savage & Lex LugerIf Hogan wins, he gets 5 minutes with The Taskmaster. Hogan's team wins after making The Zodiac submit with a reverse chinlock. Yes, I said a pathetic reverse chinlock. This was the worst War Games match in history. It's so mind-numbingly bad, it's hard to describe. Where do I begin with my complaints? There is no excitement what so ever unless you love nothing but punching and kicking. Kevin Sullivan (The Taskmaster) Is so cartoonish that it's hard to take the Dungeon of Doom seriously. Our lovable hero, Hulk Hogan acts like a complete heel and throws salt in the heels eyes, along with other heel tactics. There is one unintentionally hilarious moment where The Shark (Earthquake) tries to do a suicide dive over the ropes and the two rings and gets caught in the ropes because he's too fat to cross them. I wish you were allowed to post pictures in your reviews. DUDAfter the match, Hogan obliterates The Taskmaster for a bit until The Giant comes down and wrenches Hogan's neck. Final ThoughtsThis would be one of the worst PPV's of all time if it wasn't for Ric Flair Vs Arn Anderson and Johnny B Badd Vs Brian Pillman. From 94 to 95, WCW was unwatchable at times. 95 was a bad year in general for wrestling. Hogan's feud with The Dungeon of Doom was far from finished and continued to stink up the joint for a few more months. Savage and Luger would start a feud after the miscommunication in the main- event. Flair would turn face for a little bit to feud with Arn. Two matches with *** and **** plus is nothing to sneeze at, but the rest of the PPV should be avoided like the plague5/10
amanwhorocks 1. Flyin' Brian Pillman Vs Johnny B. Badd - I never understand why is there time limit. Time limit expired and match continues because "we must have a winner". Useless time limit. After all match was good. Badd won U.S. Title match against Sting. 8.5/10 2. Sgt. Craig Pittman Vs. Cobra - 2 minute something awful. Waste of time. 3/10 3. WCW World Television Title Match: Champ-The Renegade Vs. Diamond Dallas Page - Finally somebody took the Championship from that weirdo Renegade. Match was watchable but not outstanding. 6.5/10 4. For the WCW World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship: Harlem Heat Vs. Champs-Bunkhouse Buck/Dick Slater - Average match with Sherri's hot kiss in the end :) 6/10 5. Arn Anderson Vs. Ric Flair - Long match, but not so special and with Anderson's victory over Flair. Hmm. 6/10 Next we see ridiculous sketch by Sullivan.6. Wargames: Sting/Hogan/Savage/Luger Vs. Meng/Zodiac/Kamala/Shark - Stipulation: if Hogan's team win, he'll get 5 minutes with Sullivan. Guess who won in bad match? 5.5/10