Way of the Vampire
Way of the Vampire
R | 22 February 2005 (USA)
Way of the Vampire Trailers

Dr. Abraham Van Helsing is granted immortality by the Catholic Church until he can hunt down the last vampire prince.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
TheLittleSongbird If I were to devise a top 10 of the worst ever Asylum movies, Way of the Vampire would almost certainly towards the top of that list. That's how dreadful it is. It is really amateurish-looking, with settings like look like people's basements, camera work so shaky and fragmented that it'd probably set off an epileptic fit and special effects and make-up as artificial as you can go. In terms of costumes, think of a Halloween costume complete with some fangs and the like and there you go. Audibly it is just as so, with really bizarre and overly-loud sound effects and music that doesn't fit at all with the movie, almost as if there had been a last minute story change and they had no time to think of a new soundtrack, or even worse that they weren't even trying to make things mesh with one another. The dialogue is some of the most banal you'll ever hear, that is when you can hear it that is, the story was a predictable idea in the first place but made even worse by the unacceptably senseless and often aimless(too much filler not enough atmosphere) telling of it and the characters are obnoxious stereotypes. The gore looks cheap and does nothing at all to enhance any scene they appear in, which are further let down by poor editing and clumsy direction anyway. The combat was really abysmally choreographed, no tension and often ridiculously over-simplistic. The acting is atrocious, even from Rhett Giles, who has given decent performances before but is way over-the-top here that it is painful to watch him. Overall, where to begin to describe the awfulness of Way of the Vampire? You think of something, I'm not wasting my time any more even talking about it. 0/10 Bethany Cox
mbaggesen This is without doubt the Worst Vampire Movie I have ever seen. It was recently on AMC. After 30 minutes, we stopped watching. The dialog was inane, as was the directing and acting. If this was the last movie on earth, I would watch a cartoon. What else could I possible add to this review other than to say, it gives Vampires a bad name.This is without doubt the Worst Vampire Movie I have ever seen. It was recently on AMC. After 30 minutes, we stopped watching. The dialog was inane, as was the directing and acting. If this was the last movie on earth, I would watch a cartoon. What else could I possible add to this review other than to say, it gives Vampires a bad name.
peterh-23 While no "Way of the Teamsters" (the better prequel in this trillogy) this film offers a cinematic expose into the dark and gloomy world the undead.I wont spoil the many plot twists, many of which were hard to follow, especially since I saw the movie dubbed in Turkish while recovering from lasic eye surgery. However, you won't be disappointed with cliché contemporary romantasisms of secret populations of super powered beings living side by side of modern civillization locked in a perpetual war of which the mundane humans are mostly unaware except for some secret fraternal organization dedicated to eradication of the supernatural.I recommend this movie for any serious VHS collection.
cinebuffet Saw this on the Sci-Fi channel. There is not one good thing about this movie. Not one! The directing. The Writing. The Lighting. The Editing all stink! The worst thing was the sound. It sounded like they recorded the sound on the built in microphone of a cheap video camera. It s amazing that something this bad could even get made. I could only watch 20 minutes of it. From the first 30 seconds you could how bad it was going to be. I didn't think it could get worse, but it actually does. After 20 minutes I was actually laughing out loud. After 30 minutes my brain was getting numb. I will keep the copy of it do add with Plan 9 and Robot Monster. Horrible. Absolutely horrible. If the Sci-Fi channel ever wants it's audience to grow they better start giving us better movies than this: One of the worst ever made.
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