Warning Sign
Warning Sign
R | 23 August 1985 (USA)
Warning Sign Trailers

An accident occurs in an ultra-secret government biological weapons laboratory spreading a sinister bacteria.

Steineded How sad is this?
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
lucianolvr FINALLY I found out the name of this movie. I saw it alone in my living room about ten years ago, on t.v., and was so incredibly creeped out, especially when the scientists come on their "quest" after waking up. They acted so gentle, mild, yet we the audience knew that they were completely homicidal and insane, hiding axes behind their backs. Yikes!!!!! This movie came out at least a decade before 28 days later, another film I love, but Warning Sign was first!!!! Also, I love the fact that the enemies are formerly intelligent, successful people. always, the idea of people who you know and trust, changing into something evil is so disturbing to the human psyche. I've been searching for the name of this movie for so long, and finally got it by googling the actress, whose name I just happened to remember. Great movie!! very suspenseful and interesting.
EllenRipley112 I was told by another poster here that this was a zombie movie, so I found a cheap VHS copy on eBay and plopped down some PayPal to check it out. Sad to say, this is NOT a zombie movie. It's even MORE NOT of a zombie movie than "28 Days Later..." was. "28 Days Later..." and "Warning Sign" depict LIVE people, who become infected with a virus/germ that turns them into raging lunatics. "28 Days" was more extreme than "WS", in that the infection was instantaneous upon contact with contaminated fluid, whereas in "WS", the germ was airborne, and first you get really sick, then you PASS OUT (they didn't die--they showed the one guy was still breathing), and when you wake up, you are COHERENT, you RECOGNIZE others, you're just REALLY ANGRY and want to hurt people. In "28 Days", they were BLINDED by the rage, they screamed and grunted rather than talked, they bit and clawed--they were reduced to animals, while in "WS", they had conversations with the people before attacking them, if you can call those attacks. The "infected" in "28 Days" make those in "WS" look like PMSing Girl Scouts. I was kinda disappointed in "WS", even though it had a pretty good cast for 1985--but it was kinda sappy towards the end, too "they all lived happily ever after" for me. I'm sorry, but the "infected" in "WS" were NOT even close to resembling zombies!
dgpowell-3 Unlike many horror movies where you need to check your credulity at the door, what you see in this film is actually believable. The idea of military scientists finding a catalyst which induces rage in the human mind, then mating it with a virus as a delivery device, is a very scary idea! Imagine you could catch homicidal mania as easily as you could catch the flu.The acting in this movie is good if somewhat uneven. Joanie (played wonderfully by Kathleen Quinlan) is a very intense character. Sam Waterston is good as her lover and the local sheriff.The film is not slick, but has some intense moments that many "slicker" films can only dream of achieving. Overall a very suspenseful film.
Mr.Flick-2 Historically, many may not remember but this film was released at the time of Chernobyl nuclear accident in Russia. Life does not imitate art here but plays a close second. Although, the ending is not fully satisfying, the first reviewer Jack Sommersby fails to see some superb talents behind the camera. Visually, the lab sequences are very terrifying and well acted. Worth a second look.Mr Flick-2