Dead Meat
Dead Meat
NR | 01 October 2004 (USA)
Dead Meat Trailers

A couple's vacation to Ireland transforms into a nightmare as a virus spreads from slaughtered animals to humans, causing the dead to rise and feast on the living.

IncaWelCar In truth, any opportunity to see the film on the big screen is welcome.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
troestrup Just one of the worst horror movies I have ever seen! I don't even understand why my fellow school mates made me watch it. The movie totally suffers a lack of story and the nasty gory violence is irreasonable and absolutely not argumented for with a story. Just one more thing for the director of this fine piece of (no bad words on the IMDb, but you get the point): Learn to make real movies (hint: Just a little bit of a story would be a start) No wonder the director is not known for much else than a few short films and this nonsense. You know, people said Ed Wood was the world's worst director, but I think the director of this film, and probably also other bad horror blood and gore movies, are literately THE WORST OF THE WORST!
HumanoidOfFlesh Helena and her boyfriend Martin are driving through Leitrim county in rural Ireland when they hit a man on the road.They place the body in the car to take him with them only for the body to come back to life and bite Martin in the neck.Helena runs to a farmhouse to get help,only to be attacked by zombies that close in all around,which include the now dead Martin.The local gravedigger Desmond comes to her aid.They flee through the countryside,joined by various others, avoiding zombies that appear everywhere.It appears that the outbreak has been caused by humans eating meat infected with Mad Cow Disease."Dead Meat" is very gory and I applaud it for that.The acting is surprisingly professional and the climax is surprisingly downbeat in the vein of Romero's "The Crazies".Check it out.
ThrownMuse This Irish movie (which is said to be the first horror film made in Ireland with Irish money) had a budget of under $100,000 and it is pretty impressive. The movie is highly derivative of both Romero and Raimi, but it is original enough (especially with 'mad cow disease' as the zombie root and the setting of the Irish countryside) that it doesn't come across as a blatant rip-off. There are several scenes set at nighttime that are effectively frightening. This movie also has a crazy sense of humor, mostly seem in the zombie attack sequences. Handicapped zombies, sleeping zombies, zombie cows, and death by high heel--what is not to love here?
blindjota What can i say, i watched the movie, and it SUCKED. It was a really waste of time, do you call "this" funny, i think the concept of funny its far away from this, funny its something that makes you laugh, not something that makes you hate everything in life, like this movie did...So to complete my 10 lines, which this movie doesn't deserves, ill just say a few things: Porn actor, bad "dunno who they are" actors, bad camera (omg!), bad story, bad effects, not funny, bad storyline, bad acting, bad smell and bad taste (yah, i got that after watching this movie.)