| 25 April 2015 (USA)
Unbranded Trailers

Documentary about four friends on a 3,000 mile journey across the American West on horseback.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
GazerRise Fantastic!
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Vickie Clancy Challenge set...challenge met for all but one ?? Didn't understand Jonny's decision to bail at the final mile. Made him look childish, impetuous and a little vindictive. Loved the concept and the commitment and was rooting for the guys all the way. Not an easy journey. This movie shows not only the strength and determination of these 4 men but of the horses as well. I knew there was an issue between the wild mustangs and the ranchers but was unaware of the roundup and the grand herd of 50,000 wild horses being penned and waiting on adoption. I'm foreseeing euthanasia being used in the future to control the growing population. Makes me livid. Oh..and where is Ben Masters in the cast credits...HELLO!
rplovegrove I feel they did a great job with the film it was truly a road trip of a lifetime with no road! It was very informative regarding the history of mustangs on the plains as well as what's being done for them today. There should be more things being done to get the horses adopted out. The riders showed tremendous determination to complete the journey through all of the mishaps. Masters is to be commended for putting this trip together as well as his maturity by avoiding another conflict with Johnny when he could have called him out. I do feel however, that the conflict of the two should have been omitted and for Johnny to quit a mile before the end showed very poor judgment on his part and betrayal to the whole crew.
sixshooterbob I had no real expectations before seeing this film. All I knew was that it was about a long trail ride. What I got was simply a great look into an adventure experienced by four recent college grads, but not in a Where The Boys Are scenario. These young men undertook a trek riding mustangs from the Mexican to the Canadian border through the amazing public lands of the West. The controversial management of the wild horse herds in America was looked at impartially from both sides. Beautifully filmed and edited, this film will be earning multiple honors if there is any justice in the world of cinema. It is one of the best made documentaries I've seen in years. Not a moment drags. The challenges faced and overcome with strength, friendship, humor, and guts should give us hope that the character of America's young people is still strong. One great movie!
Jack Kintner Saw this tonight in a theater full of horse people, and we all loved it. Scenic, accurate in terms of back country riding, well produced and filmed. I was pleasantly surprised, expecting a much rougher go-pro kind of thing, but this was slick, well edited and a lot of fun to watch.Not much to say about it plot-wise, but you do get a little deeper look at the human dynamics of almost six months on the trail than you'd expect, not to mention a balanced look at the politics of preserving the Mustangs.This is a documentary straight out of today's west, showing a lifestyle that's unfettered, offering a welcome relief from all the urban blow-em-ups and superheroes in movies now. It's authentic, even to the cowboy poet singing his own song about the ride. It's well worth seeing, and is one you could take kids to.