Tuya's Marriage
Tuya's Marriage
| 04 April 2008 (USA)
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Set in Inner Mongolia, a physical setback causes a young woman to choose a suitor who can take care of her, as well as her disabled husband.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
lilopez I would not say that I particularly liked or disliked Tuya's Marriage. This movie is listed as a romantic comedy, though there was romance, the movie was not that funny. There were only two moments where I might have laughed. On the other hand, the movie does hold my attention so much that I would watch it again. I think watching it again would give me a better understanding of what I have sees and possibly catch more "funny" moments.Something I found interesting is how Tuya is able to arrange her own marriage. Usually when you think of an arranged marriage, it is the parents not the persons getting married who sets up the marriage. Not only does she have control of who she marries but she also discusses terms and agreements within the marriage. The ending is also interesting because it is unclear and keeps you guessing. That may be the reason why I or anyone else would want to watch Tuya's Marriage again, to try and find the answers to some unresolved questions.
olrovin Before viewing this film, I was very unfamiliar with Mongolian culture. I had always imagined the Mongolian people as a nomadic group who only lived in tents and constantly from place to place in large groups. It had never occurred to me that there were many Mongolians who did live in a stable place in homes. This movie definitely opened my eyes to that. It also made me think about the various issues that people face in different regions of the world. Tuya's issue was that her husband was crippled and she was at risk of becoming crippled so she needed to marry another man in order to support her family; however, this proved to be very emotional for Tuya and her husband, Bater. It was a slower paced movie but the visuals were very beautiful and intriguing. The director did a good job of portraying the landscape of Mongolia and setting up the scene so the viewer got a sense of the typical way of life in Mongolia. Overall I would give this film 3.5 out of 5 stars.
Motherspot Tuya's marriage is a truly remarkable film showing the family changes and humanity of a Mongolian herds-family, The main actress plays the role of an incredible strong woman named Tuya. The liberal way of thinking of these Mongolian people can be a lesson to folks here in the west. Tuya's disabled husband even encourages her to separate from him because it's best for the family.Tuya however only wants to remarry if her ex husband will be accepted as a family member by her new husband. we follow Tuya on her way towards a new life with several would be-new husbands.a film full of love and caring of a people who live in two worlds , ancient way's of living and modernity. fascinating film and story.
Seamus2829 Any film that offers an open window into viewing other culture is always greeted with open arms (at least for me,anyway). 'Tuya's Marriage' is a tale that is set in Inner Mongolia about a thirty something woman named Tuya who is trying to get by,day for day with an older,disabled husband & young children. An opportunity arises for Tuya to make life a little better by getting re-married to a younger man,who (hopefully)would support her meager family. Trouble is,her choices are one disaster after another (including a wealthy suitor who fancied her in middle school). This film, although lushly photographed, seems to be stuck between wanting to be a black comedy, or an exercise in Asian existentialism. Still, the (mostly)non professional cast seems to play their roles well. This film is still worth checking out,none the less.