Touch of Death
Touch of Death
| 01 January 1988 (USA)
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The financially strained and increasingly desperate, Lester Parsons concocts a brilliant get-rich-quick scheme; cruise the lonely hearts adds for rich women to fleece. Too bad then, that Lester’s also a psychotic cannibal who enjoys mutilating these lovelorn souls, via his trusty chainsaw, and using their flesh for his dinner. When a copycat killer threatens to bring him down, Lester must do all he can to prevent this new killer’s sloppy work from ruining them both.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Sam Panico If Touch of Death was simply the poster filmed for 70 minutes, it'd be such a better movie than what I just watched.Lester (Brett Halsey, Demonia) is a cannibal serial killer who meets, dates and eats various women, sometimes giving parts of them to his pigs. He also talks to a tape recording of his own voice and has plenty of gambling debts that Randy (Al Cliver, Zombi 2, The Beyond) is ready to collect.There's a long scene that involved Maggie, a woman he marries. She's an oversexed, overweight, overmustached woman that is such a caricature, it reduces the film to pure comedy. He tries to kill her several times with poison, which she thinks is just a love game. Then, Lester bashes her brains in — literally — with a stick, leading to her eyeball popping out and rolling down the hallway. If you thought New York Ripper was too restrained, Fulci is ready for you. Because she isn't dead, which means Lester has to repeatedly punch her and then cook her head in the microwave, where we watch the flesh melt off her face. Then, in a moment of absurdity, her body can't fit into his trunk, so he has to saw her legs off.I don't want to see Fulci be a second-rate Herschell Gordon Lewis.Lester is caught by a homeless man (who has the mark of Eibon on his forehead), who he runs over and leaves for dead. He doesn't have any follow-through, because the man shares his description, which means he has to shave and get contacts.His next wife is a woman who likes to sing opera during sex, who he strangles to death with some stockings. Even after getting pulled over by a cop — with the body in the front seat — Lester gets away. He tries to sell her jewelry, but it's all fake. And now, the cops know what he looks like — again — so he dyes his hair and puts on glasses.Depressed at home — and with even more gambling debts — Lester gets a phone call from Virgina (Zora Ulla Kesler, Anthropophagus, The New York Ripper), who is like all of his victims, except much younger. She's DTF for Lester, but he is grossed out by her facial scar and decides to kill her and steal everything she has.Meeting her for dinner, she pulls a gun before he can kill her. She recognized him from he news and Lester barely makes it out of her apartment. As he has a conversation with his other self, now a shadow on the wall, he merges with this second voice. Then, he dies.Also known as When Alice Broke the Looking Glass, this film is everything Fulci detractors accuse him of being — misogynist, leering, obsessed with gore and slapdash. It was an effort to even finish it — as I love his movies. Up until now, even with Ripper, it felt as if there was a balance of art and bloody organs being severed and smashed. Touch of Death's 81 minutes of screen time feels like 81 hours.Postscript: I did not care for the scene where the killer kicks a cat, at all. Yes, I was not upset by a woman's head smashed with a stick and more peeved at an orange cat being booted.
gavin6942 A moody, middle-aged gigolo (Brett Halsey) kills off women after he gets bored with dating them and uses their body parts for trophies and for consumption.Though many fans are divided, generally "Touch of Death" is regarded as a better latter era Fulci film. The overdone black humor touches, "unconvincing" gore effects and baffling ending does turn off some fans. While it is true that some of the film is hard to follow because we are unsure how much is madness and how much is reality, this really is a solid effort from Fulci. And for me, the gore may be unconvincing but still unsettling.Where does this fit in his overall canon? Not top three, probably not top five, but I would still have to say it is firmly on the top half of Fulci's works. Certainly superior to "Cat in the Brain", which has gotten much more exposure over the years.
HumanoidOfFlesh So I decided to rewatch Lucio Fulci's "Touch of Death" aka "When Alice Broke the Mirror".Unfortunately this gore/black comedy is one of his weakest films."The New York Ripper" was the last solid flick of the Godftaher of Gore.Anyway,Brett Halsey plays a maniac who kills rich women for their money,butchers their bodies with a chainsaw and fed their remains to his pigs.Sounds great,but the action drags and the characters are idiotic.There is also plenty of silly comedy that seems out of place.Fans of Italian cult cinema should recognize Zora Kerova and Al Cliver in small roles.There are only four brutal gore scenes in "Touch of Death" including chainsaw dismemberment,running over with a car and finally there is a pretty nasty sequence,which has a woman bludgeoned with a wooden pole and then shoved into an oven.6 out of 10 and that's being kind.
Esteban27 I saw this in Japan. My first fully laden gory Fulci, although I had seen a heavily censored version of Zombi a few years earlier. Nonsensical storyline, misogynistic "humour", and poor gore FX. However, the level of sadism in this film is its redeeming factor, if you like that sort of thing. A killer who sleeps with and then kills women (presumably for their money) is being shadowed by someone who is either copying his murders or placing clues as to his identity at the scenes of his crimes. The movie has a poor narrative so we are never quite sure what the position is. Well, that's enough of that. You don't get a Fulci film to watch plot but gore, so here goes.....The first scene consists of our hero chopping up a dead body with a chainsaw, but the body is quite obviously a mannequin loaded with red paint. He is then seen cooking a nice steak (de human) and feeds some to his cat. Other notable gore scenes include a head being microwaved (Fulci was obviously not a physics major nor one who had ever used a microwave before) which again is quite obviously a mannequin and a homeless witness to a murder being run over and over again by a car. This scene is actually quite well done. My favourite scene has to be one where the hero kicks a cat across the room. I put the video in slow motion time and time again looking for strings or any sign of mercy to the poor cat but cannot find any. My conclusion is that the cat was actually kicked across the room to film this scene. No Italian Humane Association involvement here then. To wrap things up is a thoroughly stupid conclusion and explanation for the movie's events.Notwithstanding that, I think that this film is actually worth seeking out. Not only is it very rare, but it has a high level of violence and doesn't get boring. It is also quite short. Notwithstanding complaints about plot (it has to be said that the story here is one of the worst in Fulci's canon), it is something which you can quite healthily pass an hour or so vegging in front of.