Women's Prison Massacre
Women's Prison Massacre
NR | 26 April 1985 (USA)
Women's Prison Massacre Trailers

Emanuelle is framed by a corrupt D.A. while investigating a drug smuggling operation and has to tough it out under lock and key, dealing with a strict warden and abusive guards.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Leofwine_draca WOMEN'S PRISON MASSACRE is a typically slapdash and exploitational Italian women-in-prison movie from Bruno Mattei. It's posited as an entry in the BLACK EMANUELLE series, and Laura Gemser does appear, but only as one of an ensemble cast. After a slow first third full of the usual cliches and nudity, the plot kicks in for real with the arrival of Gabriele Tinti and his bunch of psycho criminals who soon take over the prison and hold a bunch of women hostage. Unpleasant sleaze is the order of the day here, with plenty of nudity at first before the film descends into some shocking and splattery violence towards the climax. It's derived from other, better films like THE DEER HUNTER and it doesn't have much charm, although Mattei ladles in the mayhem in a bid to keep his viewers entertained.
TheExpatriate700 Women's Prison Massacre transcends the exploitation genre to become a genuinely good film in its own right. Although not for all tastes, those who appreciate this film would be well advised to seek it out.The film follows reporter Emanuelle (no, not that Emmanuelle)as she is imprisoned on trumped up charges. She finds herself trapped in a hell of violent inmates and corrupt guards and soon has to fight for survival. Things only get worse when a group of male death row inmates shows up.What separates Women's Prison Massacre from other WIP films is the extremely good filmmaking behind it. Bruno Mattei skillfully constructs a truly grim atmosphere, making excellent use of lighting and shadow, along with a superb soundtrack. Particularly noteworthy is the opening scene, which brings an artsy touch to this genre production. Run out and see it now!
Tromafreak Up until just a few years ago, I wasn't at all familiar with the work of Bruno Mattei (aka Vincent Dawn). Everything I ever heard about him told me he was just about the worlds worst filmmaker. A 3rd rate Lucio Fulco, if you will. But then, one day, I saw Hell Of The Living Dead. Sure, a terrible movie, but entertaining as all hell. Personally, I'd rather watch this than a boring old Fulci or an overrated Romero. Without getting too specific, I'd say Mattei left quite a first impression on me. I've seen several of his films since then, but none of which were half as entertaining as this (ripped-off) Goblin-scored disasterpiece. But recently, all that changed. Because I saw Women's Prison Massacre.Besides being my new favorite Mattei movie, Women's Prison Massacre would also introduce me to the world of Emanuelle. While not an official entry in the Emnuelle series, at the same time, who cares? Her name is Emanuelle in the movie, so, that's that. Anyway. This time, Emanuelle has found herself behind bars, in a prison run by a sadistic warden and her equally sadistic guards. Plus, there's a rather scary prison bully who has it in for her. And by that, I mean she tries to torture Emanuelle every chance she gets. Taking care of that one shouldn't be a problem, but when the death-row boys show up, that's when the real chaos begins. Not exactly a gore-fest, like the title may suggest. While there's plenty of violence, the true beauty of this one is the schlock. Mainly the ridiculously random one-liners. This movie will really make you think. Well, this one certainly caught me off guard. The acting/dialogue is is inept to the point of being outlandish. Personally, I've always found a lot of Italian Horrors to be on the dull side. Not this time. Not a dull moment to be had. There's either someone yelling, arguing, killing, or just getting it on. Like I said, Never a dull moment. And if Women's Prison Massacre gives you the Emanuelle-fever, I'd imagine you'd appreciate Joe D'Amato's Emanuelle And The Last Cannibals. If cheesy Italian Horror is what you're after, it couldn't possibly get any better than this one. I was never much of a women in prison kinda guy until Bruno Mattei's Women's Prison Massacre made me a believer. 10/10
Dolemite-19 Every once in a while there are films that come along and enlighten us. For some it was ET for others it was Gone With the Wind and for me it was Women's Prison Massacre! I Felt moved just by picking up the box at the video store. This movie has everything sleaze, torture, sex, rape, throat ripping, violence, forced suicide, more sleaze, more sex, more torture, and more bullet hits then Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs put together. When the credits rolled tears fell from my eyes. Bravo! Bravo! I love this movie!!