Too Young to Kiss
Too Young to Kiss
NR | 22 November 1951 (USA)
Too Young to Kiss Trailers

Eric Wainwright, a busy impresario, is besieged by hordes of wannabe concert stars, eager for their big break. One of them is Cynthia Potter, a talented pianist... but she can't get in to see him. When she learns that Wainwright is auditioning young musicians for a children's concert tour, Cynthia dons braces and bobby sox and passes herself off as a child prodigy.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
edwagreen Didn't the maid played by Esther Dale have a strong resemblance to Eleanor Roosevelt? I thought I was seeing the former first lady in the role.An absolutely delightful film with June Allyson acting as a 14 year old so that her talents could be displayed. Van Johnson is the impresario, quite a character with so many clients, that hardly anything gets done. Gig Young portrays the reporter willing to go along with the story so that he can get his girlfriend Allyson and finally get a good scoop on a fantastic story of a hoax being perpetrated.Allyson is so cute as the masquerading 14 year old. She goes along with this since when she introduces her real self, Johnson couldn't care less, only wanting the young lass for musical fame.Keeping her in line becomes a focus and the two, even though he thinks she is still a child, develop feelings for each other.
Panamint June Allyson's acting is really good in this film, I think its one of her best performances. Van Johnson gives a good performance but seems a bit uncomfortable in the role. Gig Young delivers his usual effortless and somewhat detached performance in a thankless supporting role.My problem is that this story and whole film are contrived, being nonsense about a child pianist who is or is not a child, with one awkward set up after another revolving around this one idea. Its a deliberately contrived movie for its star. The whole idea is misguided as an overall movie, but ironically serves its one and only purpose- to be a starring vehicle for June Allyson and showcase her acting talents and charm.This is a star who gives a fine performance, and this is a starring role custom written for her. It seems like she is in every scene, and she might be. So if you like June Allyson, you will like "Too Young to Kiss", if you don't like her, you won't.
Robert Gold "Too Young to Kiss" is interesting to see, especially in this age of awareness towards child rights and their protection. June Allyson, looking like Judy Garland from the 1944 Meet Me in St. Louis, and hardly looking 14, does a good job impersonating a young prodigy, and Van Johnson does all right in his performance as well. However, the movie, in certain scenes, could make the viewer of today a bit uncomfortable. The audience knows in the end that June will confess her legal age, so that no one will be upset or offended. Yet the sexual tension and kisses kind of make one cringe since the plot line is not cleared up at some points with such plot devices as underage drinking and smoking, an older sister who appears to let her kid sister be taken away and cared for by an older single man, etc.... It is interesting to note the Oz music heard as the credits roll and used throughout the movie as stated by another reviewer...The film is one of those old MGM movies that is easy to take and totally forgotten by the next week. June Allyson is terrific in "Good News" and Van much better in "In The Good Old Summertime." Catch those to see them in color and at their peaks).
Liza-19 This film is simply fun. You can't take it too seriously, the idea of a woman in her twenties posing as a twelve year old - this is not something that happens everyday. June Allyson is wonderful in the lead, and is practically playing two characters. She does manage to look very young, despite her being in her thirties at the time. Van Johnson is his usual lovable self, and this movie is just too cute at times. Poor Gig Young is barely seen, but he does what he can with his role. This movie is too cute!