Merrily We Live
Merrily We Live
| 04 March 1938 (USA)
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Society matron Emily Kilbourne has a habit of hiring ex-cons and hobos as servants. Her latest find is a handsome tramp who shows up at her doorstep and ends up in a chauffeur's uniform. He also catches the eye of Geraldine.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
edalweber I think that people make too much out of the supposed resemblance to "My Man Godfrey", in claiming that it is merely a "copy". "Godfrey" was not original itself. The basic idea was used many times before in books and plays, not to mention other movies. It is virtually impossible to come up with an idea that someone has not used before, nor is that really important. It is what you DO with a basic idea, how well you use it, that is more important.NOthing wrong with a "fresh variant" of an old idea. All of the actors are superbly cast, and succeed very well in making the best of their roles. As a COMEDY, I think that this is actually better than "Godfrey", which is often praised mainly because of its "social comment" aspects, how it looks at victims of the depression. But as pure comedy, I think that "Merrily" works better, non stop laughs. Clarence Kolb was an inspired choice, and is great in every scene, and Brian Aherne plays deftly off of Constance Bennet. And of course Bonita Granville and Billie Burke and Alan Mowbry and Patsy Kelly each contribute their own choice bits. All in all, a really funny movie, and after all, isn't that what you want from a comedy?
utgard14 Scatterbrained society matron (Billie Burke) hires a man named Rawlins (Brian Aherne) to work as her family's chauffeur. She thinks he's a hobo and she has a habit of bringing home hobos and trying to rehabilitate them. Enjoyable knock-off of My Man Godfrey also stars Constance Bennett, who was originally supposed to star in that film before the part was given to Carole Lombard. Alan Mowbray appeared in both movies. Obnoxiously loud Patsy Kelly makes it hard to take her scenes but the rest of the cast is good enough you can overlook her. Brian Aherne, Billie Burke, and Ann Dvorak are all good. Bonita Granville is cute as a button and probably my favorite part of the movie. Peppy title song sounds like the theme from a '60s sitcom. Not as good as Godfrey but lots of fun anyway.
catoeho One of the best movies ever made and it is a timeless classic. A superb script and brilliant cast perfectly directed by Norman Z. McLeod. This movie set the standard for future family comedies and TV sitcoms. For example, I would say John Hughes must have studied this film in coming up with his Family Vacation movies and 16 Candles. This movie must have been fun to make. Billie Burke sets the tone at her most endearing and ditzy best, the glamorous Constance Bennett and Brian Aherne have great chemistry and comedic instincts, Ann Dvorak exudes sex appeal, Clarence Kolb is the quintessential grouch but loving Dad who does some remarkable drunken and pratfall stunts at the age near 65, Bonita Granville is the mischievous and sassy daughter bouncing all over playing pranks, Patsy Kelly is perfect as the sarcastic cook, and Alan Mowbray is at his best role of butler but losing the stiff upper lip many times. "Merrily We Live" is the remake of the 1930's movie "What A Man!" based on the 1920's book "The Dark Chapter" by E. J. Rath and its derived play by Courtenay Savage.Ignore anybody who claims this movie copies the mediocre "My Man Godfrey". I saw this Godfrey movie years before "Merrily We Live" and found it forgettable. In fact the Godfrey movie is a rip off with many scenes from at least four pre-1936 movies which starred Billie Burke, Alan Mowbray, and Constance Bennett. Worst of all Godfrey rips off "What A Man!" and does a poor job. Enjoy "Merrily We Live" for what it is - the best and original remake of "What A Man!" and it stands out as a iconic film classic.
Neil Doyle I can't believe all of these rave comments on what is essentially a screwball comedy that lacks the magic of other such items made during the '30s. This one is decidedly less successful than OUR MAN GODFREY or HARD TO GET (Dick Powell/Olivia de Havilland) or even FOUR'S A CROWD.Once again, it takes potshots at the rich--specifically BILLIE BURKE who is head of a loony household. She's a wealthy woman who hires hobos or ex-cons to run her estate, never listening long enough to anyone who might have described their situation--but then, there would be no story.Such is the case with BRIAN AHERNE who shows up at her doorstep to report a car accident but is soon swept into the household and hired as a chauffeur. CONSTANCE BENNETT is Burke's lovely daughter so we know where this plot device is going.BONITA GRANVILLE has another one of her bratty roles to play as she torments butler ALAN MOBRAY. She specialized in these roles but becomes irritating pretty fast.The silliness of the whole story goes into overdrive, milking every situation for whatever laughs can be derived from such exaggerated screwball material. By the time it's over, you're either having a ball at the expense of this loony family or judging the film to be excessively over baked nonsense that hardly stands up to close inspection.You know which side I'm on.Summing up: Predictable screwball mess, it wastes the talents of a fine cast.
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