Tokyo Gore Police
Tokyo Gore Police
NR | 04 October 2008 (USA)
Tokyo Gore Police Trailers

In future Tokyo, a young woman in the privatized police force tracks down her father's killer while battling against mutant rebels known as engineers.

Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Coventry There's one particular fun fact in the trivia section that I'm easily willing to believe. It states that the film was fully completed in approximately only two weeks… Well yes, that about explains why most of the events in "Tokyo Gore Police" are so damn random and why the entire screenplay appears to be improvised as they went along. Admittedly I'm not the biggest fan of this type of extremely chaotic and Manga-like Japanese fantasy/splatter, and it actually took me around 8 years before I had the courage to finally unwrap the DVD I picked up at a bargain price, but still this remained a very tiring and difficult viewing for me. I don't know about most people, but I just like a minimum of structure, logic and sense and, if that's also for you the case, then Tokyo Gore Police (and by extension the entire repertoire of weirdo Yoshihiro Nishimura) probably isn't the best choice to watch. Still, large parts of it are undeniably terrific, imaginative and truly entertaining! I'm not necessarily referring to the grotesque gore and excessive bloodshed, but rather towards the sick black humor and totally deranged little details (like eccentric supportive characters, decors, make-up designs, etc…) I was actually lying when I implied that "Tokyo Gore Police" doesn't feature any structure whatsoever. The overall structure is that many of this film's story lines are seemingly homages to the great Sci- Fi/action classics of director Paul Verhoeven! Surely it cannot be a coincidence there are so many similarities with at least three of Verhoeven's most successful movies? The basic plot concept of the police restructuring/privatizing is clearly borrowed from "Robocop", and the sudden interludes to show fake futuristic TV-commercials are even blatantly stolen from that same 1987 classic. Lead heroine Ruca is on a mission to battle a bizarrely evil breed of super villains known as "engineers", and when they get hurt they inexplicably transform into disgusting mutant creatures. Perhaps this is just me, but many of these mutants instantly reminded me of the mutant community members on Mars in Verhoeven's "Total Recall"; especially the ones in the sex bar. I didn't spot a woman with three breasts here, but definitely a lot of other and similarly freaky stuff! And then, of course, there's the ultimate cult classic "Starship Troopers", from which "Tokyo Gore Police" imitates the satirical and unscrupulous propaganda to join the army (or, in this case, the private police force) and supposedly protect mankind by waving around massive guns and shoot people. Yoshihiro Nishimura certainly deserves praise and applause for being able to mix all these Paul Verhoeven formulas and still insert a lot of his own demented ideas, that's for sure. Many sequences are also genuinely hilarious, like the tongue-in-cheek commercials that attempt to sell colorful self-mutilation knives or the anti-Harakiri campaign). But the truth remains also that "Tokyo Gore Police" is dreadfully overlong and too quickly become repetitive and tedious. 118 minutes is unacceptably long for nonsensical splatter, so after a short while it becomes rather boring to witness the umpteenth anatomically incorrect blood shower that gushes out of someone's body hole where their head or leg or arm used to be. In horror terms, there's nothing as painful as a boring gore flick!
Anssi Vartiainen Tokyo Gore Police delivers exactly what its title promises. In the future the police force has been privatized and its methods against the newly arisen threat of fiendish mutant "Engineers" can be described as brutish and barbaric at best. The movie is nothing more than one action-packed scene after another, riddled with scenes of bizarre creatures, even stranger people and quite honestly things you wouldn't see even while high as a kite.And for what it is, it's great. This is quintessential gore film where it's more important to go through as many liters of blood as humanly possible instead of focusing on the story. It has its own style and I cannot lie and say that I don't appreciate it every now and then. The visuals are fantastically strange, the action works very well and the setting is great.Unfortunately the movie suffers from slight pacing and acting problems. Not that the latter is really required from a decent gore film, but it's always a plus. Eihi Shiina plays our main character, Ruka, a detached loner with a definite talent for combat. Unfortunately she plays her a bit too detached, leaving us detached from the experience as well. The rest of the cast is also prone to overacting, which can be problematic. But the biggest problem is the film's tendency to overindulge on the gore. The very first fight is simply minutes after minutes of blood splashing around. It looks impressive on a technical level, but if the viewer gets bored by the blood before the first fight of the movie is over, you're doing something wrong. And yes, I said that blood trumps story in gore films, but even then there needs to be even an attempt for both.I cannot really call Tokyo Gore Police a good film. It's an intriguing and entertaining one, certainly, but it's more style than substance, which is a problem most gore film battle with, admittedly. Worth a watch if you're a fan of the genre, others should steer clear.
Phil Hubbs Well its certainly gory that's for damn sure, I've never seen so much fake watery looking blood. It literately explodes from the screen into your face! fountains and streams of gushing blood at every turn.The films instantly conjures thoughts of 'Robocop' and 'Starship Troopers' as we are introduced to little news flashes or adverts showing thick dark humour laced with heavy doses of satire. A privatised police force that 'protects' Tokyo against the threat of engineers (self mutated insane berserker criminals).There's such a colourful blend of genres here its hard to pin down really, think 'Kill Bill' with quirky fantasy and horror. The plot is bizarre and chock full of fetish and kink, rubber bound ladies and femme fatales, a real pleasure for all alternatives out there. Add a crazy mix of down right blatant B-movie effects alongside some pretty good gore effects combined with ingenious camera angles and surreal visions.I liked the futuristic Japanese police with their black samurai suits and many of the nightmarish mutant engineers are fun to see in action. Lots of katana face splitting and body popping with a man who shoots eyeballs from little cannon extensions in his eye sockets to a girl who's lower half becomes a gaping alligator-esque maw.Visually and artistically its all completely comicbook/graphic novel or manga in style with so much blood it becomes comical rather than scary, but that's the idea really. Not really vicious, but more of a farcical screwball fury of violence with some nice slick visuals at times, highly bizarre imagination and many memorable cult moments. I think I can see where Tarantino looks too for inspiration or is it vice versa? loved the limbless pet gimp.7/10
rpgfan173 Aren't Japanese people the best at making bizarre movies? You know, they can take an idea totally lame and senseless like "a Japanese pro-wrestler who transforms into a squid before he dies so he can fight again and go back with his girlfriend" and turn it in one of my favorite movies ever ("Calamari Wrestler"), but this... is not the case. Now, I have seen a lot of Japanese crap, and I love most of it, my favorite gore one is "Vampire Girl vs Frankenstein Girl", which is original, funny, senseless, with cheap effects and a lot of energy put into it; Tokyo Gore Police fails at all of those things, one thing is doing a gore movie with a plot always developing, and another thing is doing a gore movie with random blood at screen for a ridiculous amount of time, the plot stops suddenly for more than 10 minutes to show random flashbacks that don't make sense, violence sequences that can last less than a minute but instead they last more than 5, characters that suddenly appear, you don't know who they're and "oh, he is dead. Maybe I would be touched in some way if he had any character development at all". To sum up this movie is bad, REALLY BAD, and is the only Japanese bizarre movie that I gave less than 5 stars, avoid this one if you can and watch something else.
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