2019: After the Fall of New York
2019: After the Fall of New York
R | 07 December 1984 (USA)
2019: After the Fall of New York Trailers

After a nuclear war society breaks down into two groups, the evil Euraks, and the rebel Federation. A mercenary named Parsifal is hired by the Federation to infiltrate New York City, which is controlled by the Euraks, to rescue the only fertile woman left on Earth.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
ma-cortes Agreeable fun'n'funky post-nuke science-fiction/action romp . This exciting picture packs kinetic action , thrills, intrigue , shocks and lots of blood and violence . The movie likely satisfy action enthusiasts and Italian Sci-Fi fonds . After a nuclear war, society breaks down into two sides , the evil Euraks and the rebel Federation . In this future , crime is out of control and New York City turned into an inhabitable location and finds itself under siege by violent gangs . A mercenary named Parsifal (Michel Sopkiw of Blastfighter) is assigned a dangerous mission by President of the Pan American Confederacy (Edmund Purdom of Sinuhe the Egyptian and The prodigal) to infiltrate New York City , which is controlled by the Euraks, to take the only fertile woman left on Earth . Parsifal along with two hunk men (Romano Puppo , Scalondro) go out from desert toward feared New York City) . There , they meet Rat Eater King (Yamanouchi) , a nasty Eurac Commander and cruel Eurac Officer named Ania (Anna Kanakis) . They'll have to fight against cutthroats , a band of depraved crazies thirsty for blood and survive some battles to-the-death with lots of blood and gore , including throating-slit , beheading and blow up . At the end a motley group (Sipkiw , Valentine Monner , Romano Puppo and George Eastman) embarks a spectacular escape against vicious murderous . "2019: After the Fall of New York" (1983) film is a comic book plenty of action , fun, adventures , thriller and surprise-filled entertainment . Spectacular stunt-work plenty of motorcycles, car crashes , with bounds and leaps and explosions . Michael Sopkiw as tough and valiant renegade is passable . Sopkiw made his film debut with this substantial lead part as rugged Snake Plissken-like survivalist warrior hero Parsifal . Adequate plethora of characters with average performances by its entire support cast . There appears ordinary secondaries from Italian B series such as George Eastman as Big Ape , Romano Puppo , Giovanni Cianfriglia as Panther , Ottaviano Dell'Acqua and the American Edmund Purdom ; all of them played lots of Spaghetti , Peplum , Giallo and customary genres of the 60s and 70s . Rumbling and screeching musical score by Oliver Onions , the usuals Guido and Maurizio De Angelis . The picture is a rip-off from ¨1997 , Escape from New York¨ by John Carpenter that was also followed by an inferior sequel by the same actor and director : ¨Escape from L.A.¨. The picture was professionally directed by the prolific filmmaker Sergio Martino or Martin Dolman . Talented and versatile writer/director Sergio Martino has made a vast array of often solid and entertaining films in all kind of genres as horror, Giallo , comedy, Western , and science fiction in a career that spans over 40 years . He especially was expert on Western as proved in ¨Mannaja¨ and ¨Arizona returns¨ and Giallo as this ¨The case of scorpion's tail ¨ , ¨Torso¨ ,¨the scorpion with two tails¨ , ¨The strange vice of Mrs Ward¨ , Cannibal movie as "Mountain of the Cannibal God", Italian crime thrillers as "Violent Professionals" and ¨Sci-Fi as ¨Destroyer¨ and this "2019: After the Fall of New York". Rating: Acceptable and passable Sci-Fi movie, this is an imaginative Sci-Fi picture in which the camera stalks in moving style throughout a story with enjoyable visual skills . This is a bewildering story , funny in some moment but falls flat and it will appeal to Science Fiction and Italian exploitation fans .
Wizard-8 Unlike the majority of Italian post-apocalypse movies that came out in the early 1980s, "2019: After The Fall Of New York" gets its main inspiration not from the Australian "Mad Max" movies, but from "Escape From New York". Among other things, the protagonists have to infiltrate the cut-off city to rescue someone, one of the protagonists has an eyepatch, and the climatic action sequence plays very similarly.Watching a movie that rips off another doesn't bother me that much, as long as the rip-off manages to be entertaining. This rip-off managed to pass the time well for me. The production values, though low-budget (few "wide" shots, and obviously filming in slums instead of building sets), are still a step up from other Italian post-apocalypse movies. The movie is somewhat padded (the being captured subplot could easily have been cut out), but it never gets boring. So if you have the hunger for post-apocalypse action, this should satisfy.
Rautus 2019: After the Fall of New York is inspired by Escape from New York, the hero is similar to Snake except he doesn't wear a eye-patch, they're both in New York trying to find someone then escape, 2019: After the Fall of New York also has some different things that isn't in Esacpe from New York. The film does have some nice music, action and the effects are pretty good.The plot sees the world in the future and everything is post apocalyptic, New York has been occupied by an army of people called Eurac's who are cleaning up the streets. Meanwhile in the deserts a death rally is going on where some people in armoured vehicles try to kill each other. The champion Parsifal beats the opponents and gets his reward, he soon finds himself being knocked out by a stun ray and sent to the Alaska where he meets the President who tells him that they have found a fertile women on earth, Parsifal is told to go into New York and find her then bring her hear. Two people are sent with him to find her, they then go off into New York where they soon find themselves in trouble, as they hide in the sewers they discover the Rat-eaters, a group of people who live in the sewers and feast on flesh eating Rats. They soon get captured by the Rat-eaters and Parsifal beings to fall in love with one of the female Rat-eaters, suddenly the Eurac's attack the Rat-eaters. Parsifal ends up being captured by them. In there he makes a deal with one of the Eurac's that he'll show them the fertile women who he believes is the Rat-eater women, soon he escapes freeing his two friends and the Rat-eater. Parsifal must find the true fertile women before the Eurac's capture them again.2019: Ater the Fall of New York is a great post apocalyptic movie that should be seen. 10/10
HaemovoreRex Despite being a huge fan of cult and B-Movies and even though I really wanted and tried hard to enjoy this, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to go against the general tide of opinion as regards this film.The ever likable Michael Sopkiw, who's career in B-movies was admittedly brief but so very fondly remembered, appears here as a sort of Mad Max/Snake Plissken type of guy who is coerced into rescuing the last fertile woman on earth from within the hell hole that has become Manhattan Island.Cue lots of fights, sludging through rat infested sewers, getting captured about every five minutes (!) a healthy splashing of gore and the appearance of perennial B-Movie fave big George Eastman as a simian character called 'Big Ape' and hey presto - you have what on paper at least sounds like a great movie.....On paper perhaps......To be fair, the movie isn't at all bad by any means and even boasts some pretty decent production values in fact, but sadly it just failed to enthral me.The biggest problem I had with this is that the action scenes are for the most part handled with very little flair. Added to this, the best scene in the entire movie (for me at least) was actually at the very beginning when our hero is shown banger racing in a heavily armoured car. Needless to say, after such an intro the remaining 80 or so minutes of the movie seemed pale in comparison.Still, as previously mentioned, the overall look of the film is very commendable indeed (bar one or two instances of very dodgy model work) and there's some great gross out moments (including one excellent head bashing scene!)I'm tempted to deduct another point from this film however, due to the all too common and sad trend of some Italian genre movies of the time that regretfully rears it's ugly head here - genuine animal cruelty/killing. In this case we are 'treated' to a display of some rats getting speared. Such a disgusting trend ostensibly stemmed from the cannibal themed movies of the same period as were pioneered by directors Umberto Lenzi and Ruggero Deodato - both of whom were more than capable of producing highly enjoyable films without having to resort to such repulsive, cheap shock tactics.Would you believe that I have actually spoken to people who have tried to justify such barbaric acts 'for the sake of art''?! I've also spoken to various other cretinous wretches who seem to be under the misguided impression that watching such acts of cruelty in films somehow makes them more 'macho' as it logically denotes that 'they can take anything' (!!!!)Still back to the film in question.....overall, whilst not unwatchable by any stretch of the imagination, After The Fall Of New York, for me, distinctly lacked enough intriguing scenes to raise it above the average mark.My advice is, if you're into the genre then watch it by all means, it does have a hefty fan base, however for much more enjoyment value, check out the far superior film it is copied - erm...I mean inspired from, Escape From New York.