Tokyo 10+01
Tokyo 10+01
| 03 August 2002 (USA)
Tokyo 10+01 Trailers

A group of 11 criminals are trapped in a warehouse with bracelets. The 11 learn that they are part of a game where the prize is 3 million yen and a clean record. The object is to reach the Baron's house. However, the obstacles they face involve hunters with laser guns who will go after the contestants. It seems as if this game is fun...however, the game proves to be a battle of life and death.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
xenodolf i bought this expecting a modestly done BR clone. what i received was a parody that basically ignored its source material about 15 minutes into the film. the points i alloted it go toward a kind of amusing introduction (the entire forrest gump analogy and whatnot) and a few scenes with interesting CGI backgrounds. here is what kills the film: the characters becoming annoying very quickly, a character is killed off almost immediately (without the viewer even getting to see!), and unlike BR - the bad guys have a legion of soldiers that attack the contestants. so basically, aside from maybe two or so instances, there is no contestant versus contestant bloodshed. if i rented this from a store, i wouldn't have been as disappointed with the results. unfortunately, i paid $13 for the DVD off ebay and was only able to recoup about $4 selling it to a video store. unless you have a pocket full of money that has no other potential purpose, and you're absolutely obsessed with anything REMOTELY related to Battle Royale...i recommend you avoid.
Vega_chick Battle Royale fans should get a good kick out of this movie.Basically a group of people are forced into playing a deadly game. They have to be the first to reach a mansion where a lot of money awaits the winner. The catch is that a group of machine gun carrying thugs get to chase after them and to make sure that they don't get that far. That's the best summary I can give without spoiling anything about the movie. The characters are really interesting and the movie was made to look as unrealistic as possible, but that's what makes the whole thing so funny. Some things Battle Royale fans would get a kick out of are the many traits they take from the movie like a girl on a video screen explaining the rules and the poison filled bracelets the contestants wear. They even admit straight out in the beginning of the movie that they stole all of the ideas.But the thing I loved the most was Masanobu Ando the actor who played Kazuo Kiriyama! is in the movie once again as the crazed player looking to win and yes, he gets to kill people.So in my opinion Tokyo 10+01 makes a lovely addition to your movie collection.
mandiapple Personally, I found Tokyo 10+01 to be a funny, cartoony, lightweight, cute and trashy bit of fluffy nonsense. As cheaply made as it undoubtedly is (and looks it, much like most of his other movies such as Nagai Yume (Long Dream) which was still very much a triumph despite its costing limitations), Higuchinsky is fast proving himself to be the master of how to take a 100-yen budget and stretch it to its absolute limit whilst still maintaining a stylish aesthetic, in keeping with the character of the stories he is handling.The acting quality is utterly over-the-top, mischievous and silly - Masanobu Ando in particular appears to be having great fun messing with the role of Fake, a master fine-art forger whose portraits unfortunately look like they were painted by a monkey with two left hands. This is *clearly* not a movie made to be taken in the slightest bit seriously, referencing with a knowing wink many contemporary classics, including Ando's most Western-mainstream movie Battle Royale, and taking the mickey out of them quite mercilessly.I enjoyed this movie greatly, but don't watch it thinking you're going to be getting anything as unique or profound as Uzumaki or Long Dream, otherwise you *will* be disappointed. Just enjoy it for what it is: a silly, lightweight spoof with no money behind it, but a great sense of humour.
Pedro-37 "Tokyo 10+01" comes from director Higuchinsky who brought us the imaginative and entertaining "Uzumaki". That makes it all the more surprising and disappointing that the action flick is such a mess. It starts out with 11 people in an unknown room (shades of "Cube") and quickly turns into a parody/hommage of Kinji Fukasakus "Battle Royale" with a couple of ideas from the German TV movie "Das Millionenspiel" thrown in for good measure. The result is an embarrassing piece of film: The story has no power, no sense, no timing, no anything. It just moves along for only 70 minutes and still manages to bore. And the twists at the end are so bad, the film even manages to have an anti-climactic ending.It's neither funny nor gory, neither suspenseful nor witty. So at least you could expect it to be stylish coming from the guy who did "Uzumaki", right? No. Its look is utterly cheap. The digital technology makes the sets look like remains from "Battlefield Earth" and the camera tricks (zooms, blood on the lens etc.) are both childish and annoying. I don't get how Higuchinsky could have done this. What did he try to do? Low-Budget-Trash? Some sort of guerilla film making? Whatever he tried, the result is a disaster. If you loved "Uzumaki" like I did, avoid this film at all cost or the name Higuchinsky will fall a lot in your esteem. It's a bore-fest that looks like it's shot by an amateur. Or in short: Crap!Rating: 1/10