Toad Road
Toad Road
NR | 25 October 2013 (USA)
Toad Road Trailers

Stuck in a dead end town, young James kills time with his druggie friends, engaging in debauched chemical intake to the point of unconsciousness, until he meets Sara, a sweet new arrival to their group. However, Sara wants James to take her further into the world of narcotics experimentation (just as James was contemplating abandoning this lifestyle), and she also wants him to introduce her to the sinister local legend of Toad Road, a spot deep in the forest that is apparently home to the Seven Gates of Hell.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
GArudedog Something tells me, the people who gave this film a bad review are most likely fans of The Core or Gravity. Toad Road to me is a masterpiece of filmography. I couldn't walk away. I kept asking myself "Is this really happening?" Are they acting? The creepy music, the grainy images, and the whole mystery of Toad Road left me only wanting more. I wanted to know more about Sara, the director, and the rest of the cast. The credits roll, and I swallowed my gum. No spoilers here. Real Film buffs watch and love. All others, keep trying to find out how to lose a guy in ten days. Do not research this film prior to watching. I would almost like to see a documentary about the film. I don't know why the film has been overlooked, perhaps its the name. I admit, I skipped over it multiple times trying to find that diamond in the ruff amongst the sea of coal usually found on streaming movie accounts. Well, this is one. Like Lovely Molly, I was left disturbed, but satisfied.
vinniebob1932 this movie would have been better off labeled and marketed as about the drug culture. the review of the movie sounded interesting and had overtones of ''dantes inferno'' but alas sucked moose testicles. it was slow in premise and promise but the acting was well done,again as a movie about drugs and not a horror movie. in total if you are seeking a horror movie then stay away from this one, if you are looking for a movie about the drug culture then this is worth watching. the movie plays out like a documentary rather then a play for the silver screen and at times loses it's focus as to what direction it wants to take. at times I wanted to turn it off but it can suck you into it, but the ending is confusing, aka it sucked and left you scratching your head. I even googled ''toad road'' as to the explanation of the ending with no success
azraellemeow I had high hopes going into this movie. I enjoy urban legends and what not. It starts with a group of young twenty somethings doing different types of drugs in various way that I had never seen. It all seemed very casual and not a lot going on. Just kids with no real direction in life, filling their days by getting high.Then we have the semi naïve lead girl who decides she would like to delve more into the drug scene purely for the "mind opening" experience. She becomes obsessed with the Toad Road urban legend and decides she wants to do it. Even though her "boyfriend" says it's a bad idea. She decides to become stubborn about it,even saying she'd do it alone. Reluctantly, the boyfriend agrees to go along. So,the trip begins. The scenes are rather boring with her voice over trying to sound all intelligent and deep. So,the guy finally wakes up and heads back to city after a feeble attempt to find the girl. What bothers me is that he never asks anyone how long he's been gone. And when it seems he finally does realize, he doesn't freak out or anything. He just goes into hiding because he thinks he'll be blamed for the girls disappearance. It's like he's not even concerned about what happened to her. He doesn't help with a search team or anything.Also, how would he have survived for months in the woods? What did he eat? I mean, he seems to have just been passed out the whole time. It's technically, not possible. So, then he delves deeper into drugs, alcohol, pain, etc. He starts to have odd flashbacks about his time in the woods. Then, it just ends. WTF? How was there any resolution to this movie? What was the point? Did he kill her in the woods? Did she disappear into the seventh gate? Lots of questions that are never resolved in a "going no where" movie. If anyone else has any insight into what the hell this movie was supposed to be about (Besides kids getting high because their lives are boring and pampered), please let me know!
sylent1-9-193639 This movie had NO premise and NO plot. Just a jumble of people that get messed up-the kind everyone avoided in high school because they were embarrassing themselves. Then it throws in some urban legend that is nothing.I can't imagine someone spent money making this. It was like it was directed by some movie mogul's not-very bright freshman kid.This isn't cinema, art or's just nonsense.IT was bad, it was boring and it was a waste of time. I only write this review so that someone else might avoid wasting the time it takes to watch it because it wasn't worth reviewing.I'm stumped trying to write ten lines about it. Movies like these are traps without any redeemable qualities.