Toad Road
Toad Road
NR | 25 October 2013 (USA)
Toad Road Trailers

Stuck in a dead end town, young James kills time with his druggie friends, engaging in debauched chemical intake to the point of unconsciousness, until he meets Sara, a sweet new arrival to their group. However, Sara wants James to take her further into the world of narcotics experimentation (just as James was contemplating abandoning this lifestyle), and she also wants him to introduce her to the sinister local legend of Toad Road, a spot deep in the forest that is apparently home to the Seven Gates of Hell.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
begob Horror turns metaphor into reality. This one leaves it vague, so not quite a horror. Maybe ghost story is a better description.I wasn't glued to it, but the naturalistic style was enjoyable along with the improvisation. The lead parts are played well and the way one overtakes the other is well paced.It's an odd piece that works nicely, leaving no consolation in the end and no bogus morality - just nihilism. Not much more to say about it really.Review: (maximum of 1,000 words, minimum of 10 lines, see guidelines for details)
Paul King Where did this movie get it's 5 star rating? It is just awful! Bunch of kids do magic mushrooms in a cave, wander down path that is 9 gates of hell and wonder why they come to grief? Were the filmmakers on magic mushrooms too? Most of the film is just kids getting smashed, throwing up and putting cigarette buts in their puke! I wanted to like this film as I like to give low-budget first attempts a chance, but this was just rubbish! The movie title Toad Road about an urban myth trail sounded promising, but there is no horror to be had at all. Even it's modest 75 minute running time could not save it from becoming boring and I fully advise to give this one a miss.
moonmonday This was a really enthralling film, quite gripping, and I would disagree with those who have said it has no horror elements; it has them, but that isn't the focus on the film.Overall it leaves things unresolved and unsettles the viewer, but it also makes the viewer think, which is something these films typically don't do. It doesn't give any handy or quick answers as to whether or not 'drugs are bad', passes no real judgement on its characters, and seems to have at least some grasp on drugs and drug culture. Some of the aspects of the film were not entirely plausible for all the characters (which most viewers probably won't notice), and others seemed superfluous.As the film went on, it became difficult to distinguish what was actually happening, which was interesting enough; it seemed at times prosaic, but did that mean it actually occurred that way? You don't know, because neither does the main character. What happened in the woods? Are they really a gate to hell? You don't know. But something happened in those woods, and part of the horror is just that: you don't know.A very effective and bittersweet film, with horror elements that cannot be denied, this works very well because the characters are real and the situations seem to be very believable. It is definitely experimental...that's what I would call this...but it's an excellent film. It's worth watching, and it also makes some great statements about life. It's not a 'drug film', it's not a 'youth film''s a film about life and how we're all pretty much feeling our way through darkness to try and find some meaning and some vague destination that we really just don't know.
bz_siege_01 Possible Spoilers *but don't worry, the director spoiled this long before"This show was a God-awful waste of time. I can go watch unproductive losers perpetuate their downward spiral in any college town. That's not interesting. I was led to believe this was a supernatural thriller. Why? Well, you see, the movie description clearly implies that there is a supernatural element to this movie. There are about 47 seconds of the usual obscure filming with ominous music. Some people love the non-traditional indie film style. I do, if it's done well. This one was not done well. The majority of the movie was a collage of kids with no ambition, no direction and no common sense doing drugs that they can inexplicably afford without jobs. You don't care about any of the characters. You don't even feel sorry for them. You pretty much just assume that Darwinism will sort out most of these kids eventually.Supernatural you ask? There is a hint of a local urban legend. It takes forever for any characters to get around to encountering it. Again, it lasts a few seconds. That's it. No explanations of any kind whatsoever. Where did the legend originate? Nobody makes it past the 5th gate? How do you know? Someone said? What happened on the trail? How does it end? Well... do not expect any answers whatsoever. It's almost like someone said, "I have hours of footage of losers doing drugs... we could probably con people into watching it if we hint at the supernatural!" I mean, did NOBODY on the crew ask, "But... what HAPPENED?" The director must have said, "Eh, it's not important. We're going to end the movie right about there anyways. Just use your imagination." What truly boggles my mind is that people who had a vested interest in the success of this film looked at the first production version and said, "Yeah, that's perfect. People are gonna LOVE this!" If you decide to watch this film, don't say you haven't been warned.CWB