Tinker Bell
Tinker Bell
G | 27 October 2008 (USA)
Tinker Bell Trailers

Journey into the secret world of Pixie Hollow and hear Tinker Bell speak for the very first time as the astonishing story of Disney's most famous fairy is finally revealed in the all-new motion picture "Tinker Bell."

Alicia I love this movie so much
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kristine One of my favorite childhood films is Peter Pan, the Walt Disney version. Say what you want about it, it may be flawed, but I still love watching it today. It also introduced us to one of Disney's ultimate bad girls, Tinker Bell. She was sexy, she was bad and she didn't hide it whatsoever. Modeled after Marilyn Monroe, she's one of Disney's true little beauties who fought for her true love and despite everything that she did to hide it, she really does have a good heart. I think that's what makes her so appealing to a lot of girls, we could relate to her. How many of us are "friends" with a guy that we are in love with, but he doesn't notice back and falls for another girl? Same with guys, we've all been in that situation. So Tink really is really true to the song "Stand By Your Man". Well, Disney saw her popularity and naturally made a spin off making her the star. I wasn't sure how it would work but decided to give it a shot.Tinker Bell is born from the first laugh of a baby, and is brought by the winds to Pixie Hollow. She learns that her talent is to be one of the tinkers, the fairies who make and fix things. Two other tinker fairies, Bobble and Clank, teach her their craft, and tell her about the fairies who visit the mainland to bring each season. Tinker Bell is thrilled and cannot wait to go to the mainland for spring. After meeting other nice fairies, she notices Vidia, a fast-flying fairy who immediately dislikes her because of her unusually strong talent. Vidia challenges her to prove she will be able to go to the mainland, and Tinker Bell creates several inventions, which she shows to the Minister of Spring. But Tinker Bell soon learns from Queen Clarion that only nature-talent fairies visit the mainland. Tinker Bell still wants to go to the mainland and asks Vidia for help in becoming a garden fairy. Vidia craftily tells her that capturing the sprinting thistles would prove her worth. However, once she sees Tinker Bell making progress, she lets the captured thistles loose, and in attempting to recapture them, Tinker Bell destroys all the preparations for spring. So can she get the land back to it's magical way and find her true talent? You'll have to see.Honestly, I should've known what I was getting into because I really didn't like this film. It was directly made for little kids, girls to be more specific, which I'm a woman, but the dialog and animation is just for a certain age group. The story is very predictable and Tinker Bell is completely different than what I grew up with. She's so cute and kind and like America's Sweetheart in this one. There's nothing about her that is like her original story, so if that's what you're looking for, don't bother seeing this film. Not to completely demolish it, the animation isn't the best but is very pretty to look at. I'd also say this movie would entertain your kids very much, it's got the good morals going on and a nice story. What kid doesn't want to believe in fairies after all? As a child, magic is wonderful and mysterious and fairies just make you feel good inside. Tinker Bell is still a little beauty that could melt your heart. So I would just recommend this one for the kids, it's not much that the adults could get into.5/10
jfgibson73 Spoilers in this review.Tinkerbell is a computer animated movie that tells the story of the title character's origin. According to this direct to video movie, Tinkerbell was born of a baby's laughter and arose fully formed in Pixie Hollow, the magical place in Neverland where all the fairies live. The main conflict of the movie is that Tinkerbell's purpose in life is to invent and fix things. She wishes she could be like some of the other fairies who have jobs like controlling wind, water, or light. With one of those jobs, she could go to the "mainland" (which is our world, the world of humans), which she thinks is more exciting than staying home in Pixie Hollow. Over the course of the movie, she learns to accept herself for who she is and embraces her role within the bigger picture of Pixie Hollow.My main problem with this movie is that the character of Tinkerbell has nothing to do with the one from the 1952 Peter Pan movie, or even the original play. They have basically invented a new character so that they can make new movies and sell more merchandise. Maybe the personality they've given this Tinkerbell is more marketable. My opinion is that there really isn't anything special about her. It is a very bland, generic character. The characters in this adaption are very much products of the age of irony, where everyone has to speak with a current-day sensibility and a witty, sarcastic tone. The original Tink had attitude, but was straightforward.Some of the animation is nice to look at, but overall, I really have a hard time with the choices made in this adaption. To me, Tinkerbell was a very special character, and should have been protected better. To the current Disney administration, she is one of their top-selling brands, and this was a way to increase her visibility. I'm sure none of my criticisms will matter any to a parent who is looking for family entertainment for their children, because this is a perfectly acceptable movie for the intended audience. I just happen to have wanted something a little more special.
gtequila369 When I saw this with my little sister I didn't expect to enjoy it so much. The animation was great and the scenery was beautiful. The characters were lovable and plot was interesting. It contained themes that I think people of all ages and genders can relate to. It was touching and sweet at the same time. I really loved it. They did a good job of expanding on the character of tinker bell. They were successful in making her an extremely multi-faceted character. Her search to find herself and her flaws make her an interesting heroine. I thought that the movie gave off a positive message that we can all learn from about accepting who you are. I didn't want the movie to end. I cant wait to watch the next Tinker Bell movie.
Vastarien202 This was a wonderful movie! I think it was as good as anything Disney has done in last 15 years. What really set this apart from most of the DVD fare is the incredible score, with music from Loreena McKennit! I could really relate to Tink's desire to find who she is and why. I looked everywhere for MY Talent, and it's taken a long time for me to really be happy with myself just the way I am. That's one of the most important and easily forgotten things you can learn in your life, and I'm glad to see that in any movie. The only thing I would have changed was the addition of so much Pop in the soundtrack. I much prefer the orchestral and Choir work to the latest Tween princess crap. Give this a chance, at least a rental. Just enjoy it for what it is, and believe again.