PG-13 | 21 October 2006 (USA)
Thin Trailers

The story of four women suffering from anorexia and bulimia in South Florida.

Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Fuzzy Wuzzy If you're someone who has (or suspects you have) an eating disorder, then I would certainly recommend that you give "Thin" a serious view.This documentary certainly does open one's eye to how really critical this problem is in the USA, alone. It's estimated that eating disorders affect millions (especially teen-aged girls) all across the American nation, and beyond.The one thing that I found to be on the somewhat ironic side of "Thin" was that a number of the employees (both men and women) who worked at the Renfrew Center (where a good portion of this documentary was filmed) were, indeed, grossly overweight. This, in turn, showed yet another form of eating disorder and greatly contrasted the super-thin look of the patients who were in residence there.All-in-all - I found a good part of this documentary to be on the depressing side, and so, in the long run, I wasn't able to fully appreciate the grave message that it was trying to deliver.
Dalbert Pringle In the USA, today, it is estimated that there are close to 5 million adults (most of them young and most of them females) who are dealing, in one way or another, with a serious eating disorder, particularly that of anorexia. It is also noted that (due to this illness) many have literally starved themselves to death.If you happen to be a hearty eater and have no problem about putting on a few extra pounds, then you may find it somewhat difficult to relate to the eating disorders that plague these women (whose ages ranged from 15 to 30) in this documentary. But, all the same, these eating disorders are very real and clearly pose a threat to the health (both physical and mental) of many, many people, the world over.Personally, I found "Thin" to be such a depressing experience as I watched these women face their eating disorders on a day-to-day basis that, before long, I began to feel somewhat uncomfortable about being witness to their distress, their frustrations and their tears.Please, don't get me wrong here - I don't, in any way, belittle or undermine the grave seriousness of eating disorders, but (being an outsider to this dysfunctional behaviour), in the end, I could only rank this documentary with an "average", 2.5-star rating.
Mia Flanagan Lauren Greenfield's documentary gave a great view inside of eating disorder treatment facilities, and the lives of the people who need them. Although it did not inform the audience of how eating disorders develop, or how the main subjects got to Renfrew, the treatment facility that the film focuses on, that somehow aided Greenfield in eliminating any bias that may have come out if it had been directed by by someone else. Greenfield also opts to not use any voice overs, and she only interviews the patients, if anyone. I thought this was especially bold, allowing for the footage of the patients lives in the center to speak for themselves, as opposed to swaying the audience's view through a voice over. After watching this film, however, I have started to question the validity of other eating disorder facilities; do they all treat patients like this, having extreme eating regimens and rules for everything? The scene that moved me the most was when the staff accused one of the patients, Shelly, of hiding food. They questioned her to the point of tears and interrogation, showing her that they had no trust in her. Even after the film revealed that the food was hidden by another patient, the staff members that had accused her were slow to apologize. That type of treatment can be extremely deteriorating to a patient with an eating disorder; they should be in a trusting and encouraging environment that promotes a positive body image, not a place where all of their control is taken away and they are treated like children.Overall, I am extremely thankful to Lauren Greenfield for making this documentary. It was very helpful for me to learn what it is actually like to have an eating disorder without all of the glamor that morphs it on the internet. It was stark to the point of disgust towards the disorders, persuading me and anyone else, including those who are recovering from anorexia or bulimia, to avoid that type of lifestyle. I recommend this film to anyone who has access to it. Whether or not someone has any interest it watching it, Thin will have an impact on everyone.
bob the moo This documentary follows a group of girls in a private hospital in Florida for treatment for anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders. The timing is only ever going to more relevant with coming time I think because weight is an increasing issue. I know the media does exaggerate for the sake of stories but we do either seem to be a society of obesity or undereating. Watching America's Next Top Model and shows of the ilk you regularly hear "too big" or worse from the judges in relation to girls who are very trim by modern standards. Meanwhile "size zero" is the thing of nightmares for those concerned about the women who feel forced to be thinner and thinner. All this against the background of the very public death of model Reston (40kg at age 21) from an infection after her system was weakened by the effects of anorexia.So with all this in mind I was quite looking forward to this film because I hoped that it would be worthy of the subject – which is important and depressing. The film goes behind the scenes at a treatment centre in South Florida and follows the patients and doctors through counselling sessions, weighing, community sessions and just hanging out. The degree of access is impressive and the subjects don't seem to be affected at all by having a camera around them all the time. It is a shame then that the film doesn't deliver a point or a well constructed case but it doesn't really manage to do this. The "fly on the wall" approach does provide value as the lives of the girls do make for an engaging documentary but I couldn't help but feel that the film should be using the girls to access a bigger point rather than being about the dramas within the treatment centre alone.This is best seen in the final third, which seems to be mostly about Polly and her friends being confronted by the staff over their behaviour and attitudes; this made it more of a soap opera than anything else and, although interesting, it was not what I had hoped the film would be. Greenfield's direction is very good, providing lots of intimate shots without ever getting in the way of the people or the treatment. She does turn out a film that is engaging and touching at turns but I didn't think that it did much to my understanding of the conditions. For viewers who dismiss it as "all in the head" and a western disease for fashion obsessed girls, there isn't much here to educate otherwise.Overall then this is a weakness to the film because it doesn't deal with the subject but rather the specific people in the centre. This means it is not as good or as important as it should have been an, although it is of some interest, it is certainly not the film that I had hoped it would be.