The Wizard of Oz
The Wizard of Oz
NR | 06 October 1982 (USA)
The Wizard of Oz Trailers

An animated version of the classic story of a young farm-girl who is transported to the magical land of Oz.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Organnall Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
ganonlord6000 This is a very good adaption of L. Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz". While the 1939 movie is pretty much unforgettable, it is not the most faithful to the book. This version, on the other hand, is.The animations may not be the greatest, but it is pretty decent for an anime from the early 80s. The character designs were not bad at all, and they seem to be based of of some of the illustrations from the later Oz books.The voice acting is also pretty good. Aileen Quinn is no Judy Garland, but she does do a good job of capturing the original character, and Elizabeth Hanna is perfect for the brief role of the Wicked Witch of the West.All in all, I'll give this movie a nine out of ten, and I highly recommend this version if you are a fan of the book and was disappointed by how much the 1939 movie strayed from the book.
WakenPayne This has to be my favourite adaptation of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz that I have seen so far. For all the people that want an accurate adaptation of the book then this is it. Provided that this also has it's problems.The animation could have been a lot better. The Scarecrow and Tin Woodsman look like something I could have drawn (and I'm a terrible artist). Then while watching you get the distinct impression that this movie is more for children rather than the whole family (which was Baum's intention for the novels).I did enjoy this movie for everything else though. Although the voice acting could have been a little bit better this is still good in other departments as well. I did like the scene with the Kalidah mainly because of the animators interpretation on Baum's imagination.So if you are a fan of the books or want to see an adaptation closer to the books than the 1939 movie (although I would like to emphasise the fact that this is a rather corny interpretation) then pick this up.
halogirl This is one of the best screen adaptions of the "Wizard of Oz" tale I've seen. The story in this movie stays a lot closer to the novel than the Garland musical (which I love very much, don't get me wrong). The plot, as always, is the same: young Dorothy and her dog Toto get whisked away in a tornado to the magical Land of Oz and has to journey to see the mysterious Wizard, who lives in the Emerald City. Along the way she meets the Scarcrow, who wants a brain, the Tin Man, who wants a heart, and the Cowardly Lion who desperately wants some courage. The trouble is the Wizard won't grant any of their wishes until they defeat the Wicked Witch of the West for him.The animation in this movie, while not spectacular, seems to be fitting and it looks a bit like anime sometimes.This movie has some great songs. Sadly I don't know the names of the songs, and even worse I don't think they've ever been released on any sort of soundtrack but they are brilliant and Aileen Quinn's voice and song work in this movie is AMAZING. Her talent is worth seeing the movie for alone! Kids will love this. I saw this movie for the first time as a 5 year old and it captured me from the start. It can be a bit scary but it shouldn't be missed. 9/10!
sandra836 `The Wizard Of Oz' (1982) is basically the cartoon version of the original Wizard Of Oz Movie, (1939) the plots are basically the same, except on a few slight exceptions. I'm not certain if the fans of the original '39 movie, (or was it '38?) will like this version, since fundamentally, it doesn't have such memorable songs such as `The Wonderful Wizard of Oz', but these sanguine pop pieces are just as good and just as memorable (i.e. `Wizard of the Day,' and `It's Up To You') (I BELIEVE that's what it's called), if people will just give them a chance. If you hate the `Wizard of Oz' period --- you won't get much out of it. But for everyone else, it's a good movie, it's not great, but it's good. It stars Aileen Quinn (Annie) as the voice of Dorthory, and other additional characters. My Raiting 6/10.