The Golden Compass
The Golden Compass
PG-13 | 07 December 2007 (USA)
The Golden Compass Trailers

After overhearing a shocking secret, precocious orphan Lyra Belacqua trades her carefree existence roaming the halls of Jordan College for an otherworldly adventure in the far North, unaware that it's part of her destiny.

Cortechba Overrated
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
SimonJack This fantasy film doesn't fit with the general genre of fairy tales. It's far too dark for that. I don't know how closely the film follows the novel by Philip Pullman. I can see why it's PG-13, because there's way too much frightening stuff for kids in "The Golden Compass." The screenplay doesn't achieve a clear separation of the good and bad in the scenes of violence. Whatever message may have been intended surely wasn't clear – unless it was confusion. For older kids and adults, it's not very well done. The screenplay is hard to follow, or make connections in places. The one very good thing about the production is the melding of the animation, CGI and real life characters and scenes. For that the film deserved it Oscar for best visual effects. But the story is to disjointed, and there's nothing special about any of the acting. I wonder why Nicole Kidman would take the part of Mrs. Coulter in this movie. Movie makers who want to do fantasies of this sort should study Peter Jackson's work in "The Lord of the Rings" series.
adonis98-743-186503 In a parallel universe, young Lyra Belacqua journeys to the far North to save her best friend and other kidnapped children from terrible experiments by a mysterious organization. The Golden Compass easily has one of the worst endings ever because the film sets up a sequel and the sequel just never happened and many actors such as Daniel Craig, Eva Green and Nicole Kidman are kinda wasted their roles could have been longer but unfortunately they weren't Ian McKellen does a pretty great job as the voice of Iorek Byrnison and Sam Elliott does a pretty nice job as well my main problem with the film was that some things could have been explained better, certain characters needed more screen time and a sequel should have happened but besides that it's a nice film but nothing more than that i'll give it an 8.5/10.
Davis P The Golden Compass is definitely a weak movie adaptation. The special effects and the visuals are great, I loved the visuals! But that seems to be all the film cares about, it doesn't seem like they cared about a good plot, good writing, or good dialogue. I felt like Daniel Craig was kinda out of place in this movie, I didn't really think he was the correct choice for his role. Although I did think that Nicole Kidman was good in her role, I enjoyed her as mrs coulter. The main child actress was pretty good in her role, sweet and innocent. I will say this, the Oscar win was well deserved for the special effects. But unfortunately that's the only good think about the golden compass, that and Nicole Kidman. Other than that, there's just nothing special or good about this movie. And the ending was a huge cliffhanger and a wtf kinda moment. And we aren't even getting a sequel, so that's disappointing as well. 3/10.
rakelmsi I was skeptical watching this movie, having read the books. Especially since I saw Nicole Kidman stating she would never act in a movie that severely criticizes the Catholic Church. Which tells me Kidman never read the books. And someone sold her a solid lie to take this role. However Kidman actually does deliver one of the best characters in this movie. Her acting is believable as the conflicted Mrs. Coulter: as a Lady, a scientist (or religious Nazi experimenter), and a mother.Daniel Craig does a passable role as the uncle/scientist, but his acting reflects the main fault with the entire movie. The children, the other actors - they all deliver very well, given the script. It's decent communication between the children and their daemons. Jim Carter looks really wild and the leader of the gypsies, Eva Green isn't doing her best character, but decent enough. I'd like to mention Hattie Morahan as one of the better actors in the role as the creepy nurse. However the storytelling is not true. It is selling us a fairy tale, which the story of the book sort of is - but only as the tip of the iceberg. This story, this movie, lack the depth, the harshness, the bitterness, the sorrow, the intelligence which is the key to the book. Sure, it's a fascinating universe, it's beautiful scenery and machines and costumes - but the thing about this story is the greatness of the underlying story. Which makes it worth reading for adults as well as children. The movie miserably fails at delivering the big story. Maybe because someone had to lie about the criticism the book delivers against our society and religion. Maybe because someone had to lie to Nicole Kidman. For trying to make a pretty little fairy tale out of a great critical and poetic book, I give the movie a four and a half. Which shows as 5.